Examples of the the word, cooler , in a Sentence Context
The word ( cooler ), is the 11701 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- S experience; warmer temperatures reveal the range of flavors in a beer but, cooler ,temperatures are more refreshing. Most drinkers prefer pale lager to be served
- Slowed the evolution of amphibians who could not survive as well in the, cooler , drier conditions. Reptiles, however prospered due to specific key adaptations.
- Insects of a similar size. Ants are active all year long in the tropics but, in, cooler , regions,survive the winter in a state of dormancy or inactivity. The forms of
- The rainforest that borders the Cordillera Real of the Andes Mountains is a bit, cooler , but still very wet. As altitude declines, the temperature rises. Additionally
- Less and are mechanically simple to understand and maintain. An early type of, cooler , using ice for a further effect, was patented by John Corrie of Apalachicola
- In summer, temperatures in the southeast Bulgaria often exceed but remain, cooler ,by the coast. The town of Salvo, near Provide, has recorded the highest known
- Has been pioneering the deployment of pebble bed nuclear reactors, which run, cooler ,and safer than conventional nuclear reactors, and have potential applications
- Is similar to that of Savannah, Georgia,it is warmer in winter, and slightly, cooler ,in summer. Its humid subtropical climate is warmed by the nearby Gulf Stream
- Area during heavy winters. Widespread frosts and fog are more common during the, cooler ,months. Snow has been known to fall heavily. Heavy snow seasons occurred in
- Heating) both work similarly in that heat is transferred or" pumped" from a, cooler ,heat source to a warmer" heat sink ". Air conditioners and heat pumps usually
- Dry season (December to April); rainy season (May to November);, cooler ,in highlands Terrain: Coastal plains separated by rugged mountains including
- Mid-September or to early October, and the northeast monsoon flow of drier and, cooler ,air lasts from early November to March. The southern third of the country has a
- Triode with an RF efficiency in the 90 % range. More efficient amplifiers run, cooler , and often do not need any cooling fans even in multi-kilowatt designs. The
- Can cool below freezing. If a circular building is aerodynamically smooth, and, cooler , than the ground, it can be passively cooled by the" dome effect. " Many
- Alexandria experiences violent storms, rain and sometimes hail during the, cooler ,months. July and August are the hottest and driest months of the year, with an
- Change inside the suit, though the helmet was warmer in sunlight, so he felt, cooler ,in shadow. Nixon originally had a long speech prepared to read during the phone
- Climate classification CSS),with dry summers and wet winters. The summers are, cooler ,than a typical Mediterranean climate thanks to upwelling ocean currents along
- Throughout the country: on the average, northern Bulgaria is about one degree, cooler ,and receives about more rain than lowlands of southern Bulgaria. Because the
- A similar scheme (multiphase cooling) can be by a multistage evaporative, cooler , The air is passed through a spray of salt solution to dehumidify it, then
- Especially in the Appalachian Mountains in the northeast, tend to be slightly, cooler , Generally, Alabama has very hot summers and mild winters with copious
- Pacific Ocean 1,448 km) Climate: tropical along coast and eastern plains;, cooler ,in highlands Terrain: flat coastal lowlands, central highlands, high Andes
- As light rain or brief showers. Cloudy and damp days are common during the, cooler ,months of October through March. Cityscape and architecture Amsterdam fans out
- Coolers, are popular for improving coolness during hot weather. An evaporative, cooler ,is a device that draws outside air through a wet pad, such as a large sponge
- Or light colored dome induces a local vertical heat driven vortex that sucks, cooler ,overhead air downward into a dome if the dome is vented properly (a single
- There is, on average, more snow in winter, lower humidity, and it is slightly, cooler ,in summer. There are, on average,300 days per year of sunshine. Economy
- Temperatures occurring in September. Mid-summer (July–August) is often a bit, cooler ,due to the sea breezes and fog common then. Average January temperatures are a
- However, December is by far the wettest month. The highlands areas are always, cooler , The lowest elevation levels in the country are on the western and eastern
- Are moderated by the North Sea such that coastal areas are typically, cooler ,in the summer and warmer in winter than inland locations. Coastal areas are
- Zone receives more than 900 millimeters (35.4 in)13 of rain each year and has, cooler ,average temperatures. Burkina Faso's natural resources include manganese
- The islands have a subtropical climate, with long hot days in summer and, cooler ,days in winter. Due to their location close to the equator yet away from
- Entering air is converted to latent heat by the evaporation of water in the wet, cooler ,pads. If the entering air is dry enough, the results can be quite cooling;
- Evaporative cooler s rely on the outside air to be channeled through, cooler ,pads that cool the air before it reaches the inside of a house through its air
- Vertical structure and a positive water balance. The upper layers are generally, cooler , less dense and less salty than the deeper waters, as they are fed by large
- 1150 and 1350,which show long-lasting patterns of warmer, wetter winters and, cooler , drier summers. In this later period, the Pueblo II became more self-contained
- An air heating solar collector with an alternate purpose) or evaporative, cooler ,directly through the thermal mass. On clear nights, even in tropical areas, sky
- Highland plateaus, such as the Mountain Pine Ridge, where it is noticeably, cooler ,year round. Overall, the seasons are marked more by differences in humidity and
- A principle of refrigeration by observing that on a very hot day, he stayed, cooler ,in a wet shirt in a breeze than he did in a dry one. To understand this
- In additional air (usually from the outside). These units generally have a, cooler ,power of 12,000-14,000 BTU's/h (3.5-4.1 kW) and cool rooms that are around.
- The V magnitude that is meant, more or less the same as visual magnitude. Since, cooler ,stars, such as red giants and red dwarfs, emit little energy in the blue and UV
- Around Lake Tanganyika is warmer, averaging; the highest mountain areas are, cooler , averaging. Bujumbura’s average annual temperature is. Rain is irregular
- At the top. This reduced mixing produces an incomplete reaction, producing a, cooler ,but brighter yellow which is often called the" safety flame" or" luminous
- Completeness of the combustion reaction. Less air yields an incomplete and thus, cooler ,reaction, while a gas stream well mixed with air provides oxygen in an
- Vegetables; and fruits such as citrus, pears,pineapples, and tomatoes. The, cooler ,elevations—between 2,000 and 3,000 meter—produce wheat, barley,potatoes
- Lagering phase). During the secondary stage, the lager clears and mellows. The, cooler ,conditions also inhibit the natural production of esters and other byproducts
- With convection fans, they achieve a similar level of coolness as an air, cooler ,in humid tropical climates, but only consume about one-third the energy.
- With a salinity of greater than 34.9 parts per thousand) and fresher, cooler ,subpolar waters. Moving southward we find the Subantarctic Front, along which
- Garth (), about north-west of Cardiff city center, ( elevation)—tends to be, cooler ,and wetter than the city center. Temperature Cardiff's maximum and minimum
- Hot Indian summer was upon them, and many troops wanted to return home to the, cooler ,climes of Central Asia. The Ragouts' reputation for valor preceded them, and
- Black Sea as part of a two-way hydrological exchange. The Black Sea outflow is, cooler ,and less saline, and therefore floats over the warm, more saline Mediterranean
- To November. The main dry season is from December to April, with a short, cooler ,dry season from late July to early September. Temperatures and humidity are
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