Examples of the the word, bot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bot ), is the 11588 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. They usually do not pose a challenge to high-tier or competitive players. Each, bot ,has its own, often humorous,'personality ', expressed as scripted lines that
  2. Network. Many people discuss the game there, and the resident announcer, bot ," Rodney ", notifies of every death, ascension and wish that occurs on the NAO
  3. To me, undeservit, and to the pure woman my wife, quha he's no other help, bot ,your grace, and the hope I have in your Highness, compellis me San and press
  4. Category simply answers an input" what is your name" with a statement of the, bot ,'s name. The second category, however,says that the input" what are you
  5. Destroyed the network and left Under net without the registered channel service, bot ,for months. In 2010,Under net also started to g-line Tor exit nodes, instead of
  6. One of the stranger ports is also one of the simplest: an instant messenger, bot ,is wrapped around a version of Fritz with the bare minimum of IO functionality
  7. July around 20,000-50,000 were present. Medium has a backdoor, which the DDoS, bot ,could exploit. Since then, the DDoS bot removed itself, and completely
  8. S weak areas will gain points. The Damage category is for how much damage the, bot ,can deal to its opponent while remaining intact itself. The winner moves on;
  9. Ago! ". Each bot has a number of alternative lines to reduce the repetition of, bot ,chatter. The Gladiator bot s from Quake II were ported to Quake III and
  10. For example, cracking the computers of channel operators, compromising channel, bot ,shell accounts, having someone add you to a channel service's user list, or
  11. Should always be used first. Bot or BOT may refer to: Computing * Internet, bot , a computer program that does automated tasks * Computer game bot , a
  12. Of double vowels and the apostrophe for the glottal stop, for example boot →, bot ," large" and I'in → kick" small ". The sound, which is not indigenous to
  13. A computer program that converses in natural language * Internet Relay Chat, bot , a computer program connected to an Internet Relay Chat server as a user * Bot
  14. Apply gray listing techniques on only the primary server to discourage spam, bot ,email. Sending servers that retry the higher MX records will be able to deliver
  15. Copyright infringement was reversed. Nevertheless, they ruled that the, bot ,violated the DMCA and the case was sent back to the district court for review
  16. Supply ro bot s on AIM that can receive messages and send a response based on the, bot ,'s purpose. For example, bot s can help with studying, like Study Buddy. Some are
  17. Client to be used in a variety of ways beyond chatting, for example as an IRC, bot , a media player, a web HTML parser or for other entertainment purposes such as
  18. Compromised site, the IRC software would join public IRC warez channels as a, bot ,and post into the channel with occasional status messages every few minutes
  19. Game or a character operated by a computer software AI -- a bot (see Reaper, bot ,for example). Both the human and computer operated character do have the same
  20. The hardest opponent in the game, was based on the Gladiator bot Zero. The, bot ,Hunter appears on magazine covers in the later I'd game Doom 3. On August 19
  21. Skilled player the lack of human intelligence is usually easily noticed in most, bot ,implementations; regardless of the actual skill of the bot —which lack of
  22. The website titled Duke Nude where players have to shoot targets against a CPU, bot ," woman" of their choice, and if successful will have a piece of clothing
  23. Medium has a backdoor, which the DDoS bot could exploit. Since then, the DDoS, bot ,removed itself, and completely formatted the hard drives. Most of the bot s
  24. By the Auto bot s if it weren't for Bulkhead accidentally destroying the pocket, bot , In" Blast from the Past ", he revealed his existence to Prof. Sumac while he
  25. Of their own before they can download),which warez distributor is running the, bot , and other status information. Note that this functionality still exists and
  26. And sent it to their hideout - an abandoned automotive plant. Using the pocket, bot , Megaton hacked the plant's automated systems to try and kill the Auto bot s
  27. User-agent: Ballot # replace the 'Ballot' with the actual user-agent of the, bot ,Disallow: /private/ Example that tells all crawlers not to enter one specific
  28. Set of movements as the base model. A human player's character and computer, bot ,'s character features the same set of physical properties, initial health
  29. Around a version of Fritz with the bare minimum of IO functionality creating a, bot ,with which one can play most Z-machine games using an instant messenger client.
  30. Within the sea, with so narrow and strait Hals passage that Na ship nor bit, bot ,flânerie at ANE part of it. This crag is called the Ba's; unwinnable by engine
  31. Cause one of the bot s to reply" You should have been here 3 hours ago! ". Each, bot ,has a number of alternative lines to reduce the repetition of bot chatter. The
  32. Such as the example My name is. Which will substitute the, bot ,'s name into the sentence, or You told me you are years
  33. In certain newsgroups and replied with saved pages of political text. The, bot ,would automatically post a reply even if the original message had simply
  34. Posts, most observers concluded that it was the output of a program, or ", bot ,", which scanned for any new appearances of the keywords" Turkey" or "
  35. Through the word" pins" ( from English: finish): TOK ISIN:" Em i music, bot ,pins ". English:" He had got out of the boat ". (Millhauser 1984: 462).
  36. Of Asheron's Call, such as unattended combat macros and buff bot s. Using a, bot ,script for unattended combat is highly frowned upon and will result in either a
  37. E-mail addresses (usually for sending spam). A Web crawler is one type of, bot , or software agent. In general, it starts with a list of URLs to visit, called
  38. WHAT IS YOUR NAME My name is John. When this category is loaded, an AIMS, bot ,will respond to the input" What is your name" with the response" My name is
  39. Curb abuse. Services Under net uses GNU world to provide X, its channel service, bot , X operates on a username basis; a username is independent of a nickname
  40. Song (Open Fire) ", a 1998 song by Silver chair *" Bowen Anna" (" Anna,the, bot ,"),a song by Swedish dance musician Bass Hunter Science * Anna (dog),first
  41. Found that MAY was liable for copyright infringement since users of its Glider, bot ,program were breaking the End User License Agreement and Terms of Use for World
  42. Extinct, so will the tribe. A chatter ro bot , chatter bot ,chat bot , or chat, bot ,is a computer program designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with one
  43. Of the growing project. * In October 2002,Derek Ramsey started to use a ", bot ,", or program, to add many articles about United States towns;
  44. Internet bot , a computer program that does automated tasks * Computer game, bot , a computer-controlled player or opponent * Chatter bot or Chat bot , a computer
  45. Other types of content, which may be processed by whatever user interface the, bot ,is talking through. So, for example, a template may use HTML tags for
  46. Winter. Aero, the hardest opponent in the game, was based on the Gladiator, bot ,Zero. The bot Hunter appears on magazine covers in the later I'd game Doom 3. On
  47. III Arena the player progresses through tiers of maps, combating different, bot ,characters that increase in difficulty, from Crash (at Tier 0) to Aero (at
  48. On her handheld device that appears to be LISP. Notes A know bot is a kind of, bot ,that collects information by automatically gathering certain specified
  49. Character in the game or a character operated by a computer software AI -- a, bot ,(see Reaper bot for example). Both the human and computer operated character
  50. Game bot , a computer-controlled player or opponent * Chatter bot or Chat, bot , a computer program that converses in natural language * Internet Relay Chat

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