Examples of the the word, anecdotal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anecdotal ), is the 10668 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It was brought to the world's attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is, anecdotal , with minimal and much-disputed photographic material and sonar readings. The
  2. And bush fires made the hunting of wild game difficult for the hyenas. An, anecdotal ,news report from the World Wide Fund for Nature 2004 indicates that 35 people
  3. Of Hera ',Homer's treatment of Hera is less than respectful, and in late, anecdotal ,versions of the myths (see below) she appeared to spend most of her time
  4. To realistically challenge CPC rule. Also, private conversations and, anecdotal ,information often reveal conflicting views. However, according to a survey
  5. Before they have learned by other means that their loved one is deceased. While, anecdotal ,accounts do not provide scientific proof of clairvoyance, such common
  6. Size of an inch (whereas the definitions for the size of a foot are probably, anecdotal ,), so it seems that the foot was then defined as 12 times this length. For
  7. In some deaths by suicide although direct proof for such a link is largely, anecdotal , The higher incidence of suicide ideation reported in a number of studies has
  8. Deprogramming procedure and the descriptions vary greatly. There are many, anecdotal ,reports and studies involving interviews of former deprogrammed. Programmers
  9. Prices rose about 6 % in 2000,according to initial estimates, and there was, anecdotal ,evidence that price inflation was accelerating in 2001. Equatorial Guinea's
  10. And most evidence given for the axiom is intended to be humorous and is usually, anecdotal , Overview The Peter Principle is a special case of a ubiquitous observation:
  11. Those of males. The pigmentation in the coat rubs off quite easily — there are, anecdotal ,reports that rain running off a bongo may be tinted red with pigment. The
  12. County,193 Cal. RPR. 288,291 (1983) ) Misdiagnosed There are many, anecdotal ,references to people being declared dead by physicians and then" coming back
  13. They were inanimate things To reinforce his points, Schopenhauer referred to, anecdotal ,reports of the look in the eyes of a monkey who had been shot and also the
  14. Market systems. A summary of the process, containing both economic analysis and, anecdotal ,case studies, can be found in Charles Paul Lewis's How the East Was Won (
  15. Has been best known for its use in treating narcotic addiction. A great deal of, anecdotal ,evidence was available" on the street" that methadone might prove effective
  16. Many details surrounding the murders and investigation, including some, anecdotal ,information. Investigative journalist Aphrodite Jones undertook an exploration
  17. As a result. When maternal blood PHE levels fall below 2 micromole/DL, anecdotal ,reports indicate that the mothers may suffer adverse effects, including
  18. Most fundamental aspects of their roles. For instance, scholarly studies and, anecdotal ,evidence suggest that jurors conflate reasonable doubt with the civil standard
  19. This discipline was based on the formulation of grand theories around, anecdotal ,knowledge. Boas once summed up his approach to anthropology and folklore by
  20. The Greek version of his life and works essentially unchanged, but added, anecdotal ,detail of their own, some of it linking the hero with the geography of the
  21. Depicted nude in many of the images she is in. Aphrodite, in many of the late, anecdotal ,myths involving her, is characterized as vain, ill-tempered and easily offended
  22. Of the whole country or group; such reporting often focuses on the, anecdotal , In graphic propaganda, including war posters, this might include portraying
  23. Limit of detection. Stem cell treatment remains investigational because of its, anecdotal ,nature, the disease and mortality risk associated with stem cell transplants
  24. Radiation therapy, or anesthetics during surgery, among other problems. An, anecdotal ,example of these dangers was reported by Associate Professor Alastair McLennan
  25. Heliox, gases which also contain helium, are generally used by divers. There is, anecdotal ,evidence that the use of nitro reduces post-dive fatigue, particularly in
  26. And vice versa (see: Argument from ignorance) * Over-reliance on testimonial, anecdotal ,evidence, or personal experience. This evidence may be useful for the context
  27. Clairvoyance and related phenomena throughout history There have been, anecdotal ,reports of clairvoyance and 'clear' abilities throughout history in most
  28. Suetonius started writing biographies of the emperors, accentuating the, anecdotal ,and sensational aspects.; Tacitus The Annals by Tacitus (c. 56–117) is the
  29. Of the subjects did not suspect the reason. )" Milgram himself provides some, anecdotal ,evidence to support this position. In his book, he quotes an exchange between a
  30. Population. Symptom-based sampling The study of medical conditions begins with, anecdotal ,reports. By their nature, such reports only include those referred for
  31. To science writer and cryptologist Willy La, while there are sufficient, anecdotal ,accounts to suggest" that there is a large and dangerous animal hiding in the
  32. It was immortalized at the school with a plaque unveiled in 1895. Despite the, anecdotal ,nature of the sport's origin, the Rugby World Cup trophy is named after him.
  33. Be aware of his or her actions, which can lead to physical injury. Anonymous, anecdotal ,reports have attributed seizures and one death to the combination of LSD with
  34. Etymology The origins of the terms are not known with certainty, and several, anecdotal ,theories have been advanced to identify them. Foobar may have derived from the
  35. Of citrus fruits and dismissed the evidence in their favor as unproven and, anecdotal , In the navy however, experience had convinced many officers and surgeons that
  36. Van Eden in his 1913 article" A Study of Dreams ". This paper was highly, anecdotal ,and not embraced by the scientific community. Some consider this a misnomer
  37. Treatment. A growing body of evidence supports the former, but evidence is, anecdotal ,for the latter. However, primal therapy is a testable hypothesis. *
  38. Appear worldwide during the following centuries on a regular basis. There are, anecdotal ,reports of people willingly being bound or whipped, as a prelude to or
  39. Wrought by Daedalus from their local predecessors, the Scan. Innovator Such, anecdotal ,details as these were embroideries upon the reputation of Daedalus as an
  40. Name has become known for the Hilbert–Poly conjecture, for reasons that are, anecdotal , Miscellaneous talks, essays,and contributions * Hilbert's paradox of the
  41. Throughout the affected limb. Information obtained from case histories and, anecdotal ,evidence indicates the pain develops into a long-lasting hyperplasia (a
  42. And his wife had met while 'fucking the same bloke' ... Gay sex was always an, anecdotal ,and laughing matter. That Bowie's actual tastes swung the other way is clear
  43. Cold. " Criticism Cryptozoology has been criticized because of its reliance on, anecdotal ,information and because some cryptologists do not follow the scientific
  44. To incapacitate a victim in cases of drug assisted rape or robbery. Overall, anecdotal ,evidence suggests that diazepam may be the most psychologically habit-forming
  45. Corner case kludge. As a consequence, they are sometimes ironically praised. An, anecdotal ,example of a kludge involved a computer part supposedly manufactured in the
  46. Ascribed to Apollo are a late development in Greek mythology. Their vivid, anecdotal ,qualities have made favorites some of them of painters since the Renaissance
  47. Very early in development. Although evidence for other environmental causes is, anecdotal ,and has not been confirmed by reliable studies, Environmental factors that have
  48. 1683. In his early boyhood Eugene belonged to a small, effeminate set. Hostile, anecdotal ,evidence of this period is supplied by the Duchess of Orléans who accused him
  49. Socrates' case, arise from a more general personal faith, at other times from, anecdotal ,evidence such as Plato makes Socrates offer in the Myth of Er. During the
  50. Through appropriate meditation and personal discipline. But many, anecdotal ,accounts of clairvoyance are of the spontaneous variety among the general

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