Examples of the the word, esoteric , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Principally Malacca (laws),the Agenda (stories),and the Kabbalah (, esoteric ,knowledge). Major portions of the Oral Law have been committed to writing
  2. Preludes for piano represents Debussy’s strong interest in the indefinite and, esoteric , Although Pellets was Debussy's only completed opera, he began several opera
  3. Should be united in observing the venerable day of the sun, referencing the, esoteric ,eastern sun-worship which Aurelia had helped introduce, and his coinage still
  4. Esoteric Christianity The Rosicrucian Fellowship and many other Christian, esoteric ,schools condemn capital punishment in all circumstances. Hinduism A basis can
  5. It was here that he was to find not only the woman who was to become his, esoteric ,partner and second wife, Marie von Silvers (owner of the Berlin Theosophical
  6. The lowest being the literal or" dead-letter. " Those who are instructed in, esoteric ,knowledge enter gradually into more subtle levels of understanding of the text.
  7. Notes The term apocrypha is used with various meanings, including " hidden ",", esoteric ,"," spurious "," of questionable authenticity ", ancient Chinese" revealed
  8. Split into an examination of its exoteric practical applications, and its, esoteric ,aspects. The former is pursued by historians of the physical sciences who have
  9. On Nasdaq, symbol AXIS. Abraham is the name of an international journal of, esoteric ,studies published by Bulgur Limited embracing art, essays and poetry. In the
  10. The keynote of their doctrine and their practice. " James Morgan Prose was an, esoteric ,Gnostic who saw Revelation as a western version of the Hindu theory of the
  11. With the Wands association. This is still a matter of debate within the, esoteric ,and Wicca community. * Other: Correspondences include mind, intellect
  12. Were combined with stories of other lost continents such as Mu and Lemuria. The, esoteric ,text Era Linda, published in 1872,mentions it under the name At land (the
  13. Exoteric works are extant – that all of Aristotle's extant writings are of the, esoteric ,kind. Current knowledge of what exactly the exoteric writings were like is
  14. Upper class family, as a young man he became an influential member of the, esoteric ,Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn after befriending the order's leader, Samuel
  15. Between God the father and Christ the begotten son. There are, however,certain, esoteric ,and mystical schools of thought, present in many faiths — Sufi's in Islam
  16. Similar works regarding spiritual alchemy. Both forwarded a completely, esoteric ,view of alchemy, as Atwood claimed:" No modern art or chemistry
  17. In the Chinese cosmological and physiological system Wu Xing. In contemporary, esoteric ,traditions, it is commonly associated with the qualities of emotion and
  18. Of analysis in both Hinduism and Buddhism. In Hinduism, particularly in an, esoteric ,context, the four states-of-matter describe matter, and a fifth element
  19. Ones we now possess come to us? The story of the original manuscripts of the, esoteric ,treatises is described by Strabo in his Geography and Plutarch in his Parallel
  20. And filmmakers, and he has also been cited as a key influence on many later, esoteric ,groups and individuals, including Kenneth Anger, Jimmy Page, Kenneth Grant
  21. Achieved through relating perception and concepts. The anthroposophic path of, esoteric ,training articulates three further stages of super sensory knowledge, which do
  22. The arts. Despite the modern split, numerous sources stress an integration of, esoteric ,and exoteric approaches to alchemy. Halyard, when writing on exoteric aspects
  23. Other—a mode of thought that finds its traces today in the occult sciences or, esoteric ,thought—ranging from astrology to believing certain minerals have certain
  24. Which was written in the 13th century, is generally held as the most important, esoteric ,treatise of the Jews. All contemporary Jewish movements consider the Tanaka
  25. In these mystical denominations is the belief in reincarnation. Some, esoteric ,Christian institutions include the Rosicrucian Fellowship, the Anthroposophical
  26. And updates on undocumented features for hackers, which grew into a whole, esoteric ,science with many branches, known as" entomology" (" еггогология" ). The
  27. Himself, his writings are divisible into two groups: the" exoteric" and the ", esoteric ,". Most scholars have understood this as a distinction between works Aristotle
  28. Exoteric),and the more technical works intended for use within the school (, esoteric ,). Modern scholars commonly assume these latter to be Aristotle’s own (
  29. On rational materialism. Relation to Hermeticism In the eyes of a variety of, esoteric ,and Hermetic practitioners, the heart of alchemy is spiritual. Transmutation of
  30. To a Jewish Londoner named Victor Newburgh, a poet who was interested in the, esoteric , In Paris during October 1908,he again produced Sarah by the use of ritual
  31. Of the hieroglyphs carved over an arch on the site have been misinterpreted in, esoteric ,mysticism and" urological" circles as depicting modern technology. Often
  32. Operating frequencies as well as escalating CPU power dissipation owing to more, esoteric ,ILP techniques. CPU designers then borrowed ideas from commercial computing
  33. With Swords associated with Fire. This is still a matter of debate within the, esoteric ,and Wicca community. * Other: Correspondences include blood, the guitar
  34. Texts, the larger Greco-Roman magical traditions, and modern magical and, esoteric ,writings. Opinions abound on Abraham, who in recent centuries has been claimed
  35. A Holy and Secret Book of Moses, called Eighth, or Moses holy books citing, esoteric ,eighth St (). This is a text taken from a Leiden papyrus of the third or
  36. The public and academic perceptions of the history of alchemy. Today, numerous, esoteric , alchemical groups continue to perpetuate modern interpretations of alchemy
  37. The last remnants of the Mysteries at Eleusis in Attica, ending a tradition of, esoteric ,religious ceremonies that had lasted since the Bronze Age. Then he penetrated
  38. Above is supposed to be difficult. The Brainfuck programming language is an, esoteric ,programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It is a Turing tarp it
  39. From A to Z; in the course of this effort, he acquired a great deal of, esoteric ,knowledge that found its way into his stories ... in alphabetical order by
  40. Muslim outsiders, attracted the interest of 19th-century European travelers and, esoteric ,writers. Neopaganism Christian tradition has frequently identified pagan
  41. Poorly connected to the material world, it suffered the common fate of other, esoteric ,disciplines such as astrology and movement of the preceding centuries. Indian
  42. Broke up because Polling did not share Crowley's increasing interest in the, esoteric , Crowley himself later stated that" I told him frankly that I had given my
  43. On exoteric aspects, states that they can not be properly appreciated if the, esoteric ,is not always kept in mind. The prototype for this model can be found in Solos
  44. Wings several weeks before. Although the butterfly effect may appear to be an, esoteric ,and unusual behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: for example, a
  45. Sense, to writings which were kept secret because they were the vehicles of, esoteric ,knowledge considered too profound or too sacred to be disclosed to anyone other
  46. As a mystery religion, and profess the existence and possession of certain, esoteric ,doctrines or practices, hidden from the public but accessible only to a narrow
  47. Nineteenth century, alchemy received new attention as an occult science. The, esoteric ,or occultist school, which arose during the nineteenth century, held (and
  48. In the same year, the Anthroposophical Society was called the" most important, esoteric ,society in European history. " Etymology of anthroposophy The term
  49. In Hinduism, the concept of chakras is part of a complex of ideas related to, esoteric ,anatomy. These ideas occur most often in the class of texts that are called
  50. Manservant Albert) is a sly nod to Albert us Magnus in his more legendary and, esoteric ,guise. Walter M. Miller, Jr. is novel A Canticle for Leibowitz centers on a

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