Examples of the the word, picket , in a Sentence Context

The word ( picket ), is the 10680 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. States Navy and armed with a spar torpedo fitted to her stem. She performed, picket ,duty in the James River under command of Lieutenant E. Latin, CSN. On January
  2. To film critic Roger Ebert, offers even a strobeless tracking shot past, picket ,fences. The lack of strobe (as opposed to flicker) is due to the higher
  3. Moment on the London Docks. Lorries were protected by the army. They broke the, picket ,line and transported food to Hyde Park. This episode showed that the government
  4. Leave his base at Corinth. He took no precautions beyond strengthening his, picket ,lines, refusing to entrench, build abates, or push out reconnaissance patrols.
  5. Fading independently, the receiver may switch from one to the other and exhibit, picket ,fencing. The capture effect can occur at the signal limiter, or in the
  6. Behavior was embarrassing. Randy Wicker, who had marched in the first gay, picket ,lines before the White House in 1965,said the" screaming queens forming
  7. It was not Robeson's finest hour. " On August 4,1949, Robeson also led a, picket ,line in front of White House, called by United Public Workers of America to
  8. Most of the ships lost were destroyers or smaller vessels, especially those on, picket ,duty. U. S. carriers, with their wooden flight decks, appeared to suffer more
  9. A long debate that they should be allowed to participate, and they join the, picket ,line. Cast Professional actors Non-professional actors Production The film was
  10. Taylor requested a" one night dispensation. " The Writers Guild agreed not to, picket ,the Paramount Pictures lot that night to allow for the performance. Personal
  11. Oklahoma movie theater premiering his movie El Cid was segregated, he joined a, picket ,line outside in 1961. Heston makes no reference to this in his autobiography
  12. To rendezvous with Beatty, passing over the locations of the German submarine, picket ,lines while they were unprepared. On the afternoon of 31 May, Beatty
  13. Ship" Lieu Nederland" in 1624 were 30 Walloon families. In the 1640s,basic, picket ,and plank fences denoted plots and residences in the colony. Later, on behalf
  14. CAP),further from the carriers than had previously been the case, a line of, picket ,destroyers and destroyer escorts at least from the main body of the fleet to
  15. English manufacturers call for an embargo on Indian cloth and silk weavers, picket ,the House of Commons. * In England, Parliament decides against a renewal of the
  16. Assassin fired shot number three (but missed) from near the corner of a, picket ,fence that was above and to President Kennedy's right front on the Dealer
  17. To this in his autobiography, but describes traveling to Oklahoma City to, picket ,segregated restaurants, much to the chagrin of Allied Artists, the producers of
  18. Extended to cruising at sea. In response to this new threat more heavily-gunned, picket ,boats called" catchers" were built which were used to escort the battle fleet
  19. Pearl Harbor to ascertain if the American carriers were there. The second was a, picket ,line of submarines to detect the movement of the American carriers toward
  20. He shoots him. Samuel Back sits on a park bench in a dirty Santa suit with a, picket ,sign and a shopping bag. He talks into a tape recorder, preparing a message to
  21. Own right flank. The II and VI Corps seized much of the entrenched Confederate, picket ,line southwest of Petersburg, but found the main line still well manned. This
  22. Flags up Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House where they planned to form, picket ,lines. Pennsylvania Avenue also has served as a background for more
  23. The situation in Cyprus. ** Tens of thousands of anti-war demonstrators again, picket ,the White House, then rally at the Washington Monument. ** The Communist Party
  24. Placed at the front of this enclosure and the area had a distinctive white, picket ,fence to keep fans off the pitch (up until the 70s). The Pavilion The
  25. These had evolved into small ships of 50-100 tons, fast enough to evade enemy, picket ,boats. At first, the danger to a battle fleet was considered only to exist when
  26. This time, workers showed their fury by leaving their factory and standing in, picket ,lines. Walter Reuther was in control of the union at this time and moved
  27. Parts of the United States and Canada * Stockade fence, a variation of the, picket ,fence that is typically 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) high with picket s placed
  28. Vice-Admiral Sir David Beatty's battlecruiser squadrons through a submarine, picket ,line and into the path of the main German fleet. However, the British learned
  29. Of materials),or flying picket s (mobile strikers who travel to join a, picket ,). There may be laws against obstructing others from going about their lawful
  30. Strategic scouting arrangements prior to the battle were also in disarray. A, picket ,line of Japanese submarines was late getting into position (partly because of
  31. The Airborne Early Warning program; it was the ancestor of various modern radar, picket ,aircraft. A B-29 with the original Wright Duplex Cyclone power plants was used
  32. Abnormal. In 1965,Namely, inspired by the Civil Rights Movement, organized a, picket ,of the White House and other government buildings to protest employment
  33. With the 2007 Writers Guild of America strike and, rather than cross the, picket ,line, Taylor requested a" one night dispensation. " The Writers Guild agreed
  34. Employer may, on the other hand, allow less senior employees who crossed the, picket ,line to keep the jobs they were given after crossing the line, even if the
  35. The California Assembly in support of a fair housing law, but personally joined, picket ,lines in demonstrations protesting discrimination in housing developments.
  36. Alone—particularly since Meade required Wilson to leave 1,400 men behind for, picket ,duty—so he directed Butler to contribute Brig. Gen. August Kautz's small
  37. More closely resemble a church. The Mission grounds were enclosed with a wood, picket ,fence, and beginning on May 9,1916,a ten-cent admission fee was charged to
  38. At Okinawa, kamikaze attacks focused at first on Allied destroyers on, picket ,duty, and then on the carriers in the middle of the fleet. Suicide attacks by
  39. Of veterans' funerals. The Westbrook Baptist Church is infamous for their, picket ,signs that contain messages such as," God Hates Fags,"" Thank God for Dead
  40. Is almost completely residential. In addition to the homes perched behind white, picket ,fences, this section of Celebration Boulevard flows past the Georgetown
  41. Clint's mother, is also less than happy about the arrangements and forms a, picket ,line around the factory, with the national press in attendance. As the factory
  42. On behalf of Oiler but a judge dismissed it. The case, however,led to a, picket ,of the company's Jacksonville, Florida,headquarters and a boycott against the
  43. Consciousness to the point where protestors outside the White House held up, picket ,signs reading," IMPEACH THE (EXPLETIVE DELETED)! " As the tapes were
  44. Country to enter outer space. ** Tens of thousands of Vietnam War protesters, picket ,the White House, then march on the Washington Monument. ** Vietnam War: The
  45. Also dispatched his carriers toward Midway early, and they passed the intended, picket ,line force of submarines en route to their station, negating Yamamoto's
  46. To that of medium cavalry. Earlier dragoon responsibilities for scouting and, picket ,duty had passed to hussars and similar light cavalry corps in the French
  47. From the Federation of Korean Trade Unions was run over and killed while on the, picket ,line. In the Philippines, Diosdado Fortuna, leader of the Food and Drug
  48. Seen leafleting, attending meetings and participating in the Annual Reminder, picket ,in Philadelphia. In 2009 The Attaching Society and its founders became the
  49. With one paper issuing the headline that" Commie nutters turn Tintin into, picket ,yob! " Other comic creators have chosen to create stories that are more like
  50. Dead-end into the automated ghetto; others predict it will lead straight to the, picket ,line. " The National Secretaries Association, which defined secretaries as

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