Examples of the the word, allowable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( allowable ), is the 10588 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Causes additional exposure to polonium. Regulatory exposure limits The maximum, allowable ,body burden for ingested 210Po is only 1.1 BBQ (30 NCI),which is equivalent
  2. Between the letter" O" and the numeral zero, by eliminating the letter from, allowable ,variable names. However, the method proposed was to eliminate the letter from
  3. Data may be contained within each element. Attribute-list declarations name the, allowable ,set of attributes for each declared element, including the type of each
  4. Via element and attribute-list declarations. Element declarations name the, allowable ,set of elements within the document, and specify whether and how declared
  5. To alter memory the program does not own (storage violation). * exceeding the, allowable ,stack size (possibly due to runaway recursion or an infinite loop) Generally
  6. And harms both animals and plants in aquatic systems. The permitted maximum, allowable ,concentration of pyridine was 15–30 parts per million (ppm, or 15–30 mg·m−3 in
  7. Divine, summarised the Anglican position well, affirming bishops as ancient, allowable ,and for the good of the church. In many people's eyes today the Church of
  8. Power, and thus its interpretation is very important in determining the, allowable ,scope of federal government. In the 20th century, complex economic challenges
  9. ATA was retroactively renamed Parallel ATA. Parallel ATA cables have a maximum, allowable ,length of only. Because of this limit, the technology normally appears as an
  10. Denomination at the same level. Thus, after a bid of 3,bids of 2 or 3 are not, allowable , but 3 or 4 are. A bid that skips one level of bidding is called a (single)
  11. Attributes may be applied to them, the order in which they may appear, and the, allowable ,parent/child relationships. DTD The oldest schema language for XML is the
  12. This set is defined in the HTML 4.0 DTD, which also establishes the syntax (, allowable ,sequences of characters) that can produce a valid HTML document. The HTML
  13. Alternative mitochondrial codes. Further, the AUA, AUC,and AUU codons are all, allowable ,start codons. Some of these differences should be regarded as pseudo-changes in
  14. Amounts of straightening and the differentiation between the three different, allowable ,figures. Testing in Test Match conditions is not currently possible" when the
  15. Are exempt from tax. * Mortgage Interest Relief – This is interest fully, allowable ,on loans to finance residential property in Gibraltar occupied by the taxpayer.
  16. Such as weather reports),improving output by limiting the scope of, allowable ,substitutions. This technique is particularly effective in domains where formal
  17. Legislature. Usually, the legislature also determines the maximum punishment, allowable ,for each felony class; this avoids the necessity of defining specific sentences
  18. Expected during some strategy games like chess and go or restrictions on, allowable ,conversations or actions found in some highly competitive games such as
  19. Of air pollution in Bishkek is the highest with occasional exceeding maximum, allowable ,concentrations by several times, especially in the city's center.
  20. Quality control to ensure reliability despite the limited safety factors, allowable ,for weight reasons. Components produced in small
  21. Wormhole. Later, other types of traversable wormholes were discovered as, allowable ,solutions to the equations of general relativity, including a variety analyzed
  22. S filing status. Income Taxable income is gross income less adjustments and, allowable ,tax deductions. Gross income for federal and most states is receipts and gains
  23. Before this date will be grandfathered with the amount over the limit that is, allowable ,being reduced by 1/10 per annum. * Life Assurance Premiums – These are premiums
  24. Significantly from men's lacrosse, most notably by equipment and the degree of, allowable ,physical contact. Women's lacrosse does not promote physical contact primarily
  25. Maximum),plus odor ants. This is the HD-5 standard, ( Heavy Duty-5 % maximum, allowable ,propylene content) written for internal combustion engines. Not all products
  26. Force. Role in presidential election of 2008 Powell donated the maximum, allowable ,amount to John McCain's campaign in the summer of 2007 and in early 2008,his
  27. With analog television until it is phased out. The following table gives, allowable ,signal-to-noise and signal-to-interference ratios for various interference
  28. Her patrol area, several messages were sent to Liberty to increase her, allowable ,the closest point of approach (CPA) to Egypt's and Israel's coasts from and
  29. A wavelength larger than twice the length (L) of the cavity. The first few, allowable ,modes would therefore have wavelengths of: 2L,L,2L/3,L/2,etc. (each
  30. Light. To simplify the problem (by limiting the vibrational modes) the lowest, allowable ,wavelength was defined by placing the thermal object in a cavity. Any
  31. And conditions of a permit. " Under that Regulation, BASE is not banned, but is, allowable ,if a permit is issued by the Superintendent, which means that a mechanism to
  32. By the available memory. In terminated strings, the terminating code is not an, allowable ,character in any string. Strings with length field do not have this limitation
  33. Or for the benefit of that individual’s spouse or dependent children is fully, allowable , * ‘ Topping-up’ Allowances – Individuals whose total allowances are less than
  34. Starting a throw, but this still counts within the one-minute time limit; the, allowable ,method of exiting the circle varies by rule book). * Loose clothing, shoelaces
  35. Of the apostles or the writings of the prophets are being read as long as it is, allowable ,"). The designation" memoirs of the apostles" occurs twice in Justin's
  36. Bytes (703 MiB),which they achieve by molding the disc at the tightest, allowable ,tolerances specified in the Orange Book CD-R/CDR standards. The engineering
  37. The blackbody equation and theorem. He solved the problem by quantizing the, allowable ,energy transitions. *1905: Albert Einstein develops the theory of the
  38. Being case where the true value of a parameter lies in the boundary of the, allowable ,parameter region.; Efficiency Two naturally desirable properties of estimators
  39. Exposure levels. U. S. Navy Standards U. S. Bureau of Ships 1962 maximum, allowable ,concentrations (Macs): continuous exposure (60 days): 25 ppm / 1 hour: 400
  40. A specification is drawn up governing what the circuit is required to do, with, allowable , limits. For example, the gain may be required to be 100 times, with a tolerance
  41. In Watterson's opinion, this format limited the cartoonist's options of, allowable ,presentation. After his sabbatical year in 1991 he managed to gain an exception
  42. Was quite strong because of rising coal prices and an increase in annual, allowable ,cuts in the forestry sector. However, BC Hydro reported its first loss, which
  43. Restrictions, such as requiring signatures for DXM sale, limiting quantities, allowable ,for purchase, and requiring purchasers to be over the age of majority in their
  44. Contributions to approved personal or occupational pension schemes are, allowable ,subject to certain limits. There is no requirement to buy an annuity.
  45. 2001 to amend the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990 by extending, allowable ,reasons for embryo research to permit research around stem cells and cell
  46. To carry out a brief but intense campaign to ban the use of AC or to limit the, allowable ,voltage for safety purposes. As part of this campaign,Edison's employees
  47. The umpires absolutely no discretion. In 2000,the Laws were changed to put an, allowable ,figure of straightening of 5° for spinners,7.5° for medium pacers and 10° for
  48. In the state for a minimum of 12 months, maintain constant residency subject to, allowable ,absences, and not be subject to court judgments or criminal convictions which
  49. Invalidate previously standard-conforming programs. (Removal was the only, allowable ,alternative to X3J3 at that time, since the concept of" deprecation" was not
  50. Reduced by 1/10 per annum. * Life Assurance Premiums – These are premiums fully, allowable ,provided they do not exceed 1/7 of assessable income or 7 % of the capital sum

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