Examples of the the word, ic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ic ), is the 10593 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. PDF file Q cache:5EA9YykzkjkJ: www., ic , Nanzan-u. Ac. JP/SHRUNKEN/publ ic ations/jars/pdf/152.
  2. And" -V ic " ( often transliterated to English and other western languages as ", ic ,"," ICH "," V ic " or" r ic h ". The v is added in case the name to wh ic h" -IC
  3. 60 in world won word ræswa 61 Hrothgar. 7 Hrothgar 7 Helga til 62 Hyde, ic , elan Chen 63 heaðo-Scilfingas healsgebedda This appears in Gummere's
  4. And/or husband, Wulf, both symbol ic ally and materially (Wolf is on siege, |,IC, on o Erie),and this separation is seemingly maintained by threat of violence
  5. In other cases, the spelling would be adapted to German (the Slav ic ending, ic , becoming the German -it or -itch or Balt ic " -is" becoming" -KE" ). Over
  6. Was only one that was put in place for media, not for science. Other endeavors, ic , behavior. Zimbardo is the co-author of an introductory Psychology textbook
  7. Historian Sam Newton to demonstrate the pract ic e. For example," Matters, ic , é onstage æt in scoff is nu unscrew æfter gear ungulates" (" Matthew, I to
  8. Kluge (1896) accordingly suggested that the line be restored as Hyde, ic , Sigeneow was Sweden Chen, rendering the Norse names in Old English forms. But
  9. Language code WTF In mus ic al set theory, an interval class (often abbreviated:, ic , ),also known as unordered pitch-class interval, interval distance, undirected
  10. Into one symmetr ic object - spacetime, in wh ic h the time axis (multiplied by, ic , ) is indistinguishable from space axes. (Distances in space or in time
  11. Rather than fixed and exact. In contrast with traditional log ic theory, where,IC, variables are used, these degrees may be managed by specif ic functions. Fuzzy
  12. A count greater than three: across my_list as, ic , some IC. item. Count > 3 end Go Go's for each loop can be used to loop over an
  13. Dyfde on wætre, dyde EFT Conan, sette on Yunnan ær IC ski e be leas serum am e, ic ,hæfde. Heard MEC is a snap senses ECG, sindrum bedridden; fingers eolian
  14. And night in these languages originally meant" nothing ": e.g. Old English, ic , ne sea" I didn't see" >> Middle English I né laugh naught, lit. " I didn't
  15. Ghedaen (median," done" ). They were written c or g elsewhere, as in, ic , ( in," I" ), copen (open," to buy" ) and con ic (zoning," king" ). The
  16. List of schools in the London Borough of Ne wham Muhammad Ahmad bin ABD Allah (, ic , faith. His proclamation came during a period of widespread resentment among the
  17. Farads. See RC circuit for an explanation of this effect. While using the timer, ic , as a monostable the main http://www.national.com/ds/LM/LM555.pdf disadvantage
  18. Also a pun on the Japanese word for watermelon," took ". In the logo, the ", ic ," is highlighted, as the initials stand for integrated circuit, the technology
  19. This can be hazardous given the regular heavy swells. Or Both ain Chain ‘, ic , Phaill. It is not entirely clear wh ic h St. Lankan the chapel honors. It is
  20. Ond HY artful issue bilecgað OND hi lutein fæ mum fæste clipped. Fringe hwæt, ic , hatte, ni um to Nyte. Name min is mære,hæle um life OND haling sylph. Modern
  21. Profession" comes ultimately from English custom. In the early 16th century,a, ic , phys ic al barrier and were" admitted to the bar ". Later, this was popularly
  22. Cf. Italian Fabr ic , Fabri). In Celt ic speaking Britain, the name is Le Goff (, ic , ),with the art ic le LE to translate Breton AR. For Anglophone pronunciation
  23. Structure my_list is printed: across my_list as, ic , loop print (IC. item) end The local entity IC is an instance of the library
  24. On IGE;: Willa HY fine an can, gif he on great come.: Angel ic is us.: Rules, ic , mines widlastum wenum dog ode;: one hit wæs rejig wedder OND IC return sæt,
  25. JPG|People of the Key Km. In phys ic s and chemistry, an atom ic electron (, ic , ) transition (could be simply called an atom ic transition, a quantum jump, or
  26. Counts greater than three: across my_list as, ic , all IC. item. Count > 3 ends The following is true if at least one item has a
  27. 1114 AH / 1703 AD in Guyana; died 1206 AH / 1792 AD) was an Arab prominent, ic , scholar. He is associated with the revivalist religious movement of Salafism.
  28. B cells can be activated by native ones. Antigen ic specif ic ity Antigen (, ic , ) specif ic ity is the ability of the host cells to recognize an antigen
  29. Battlefront II and appear in other Lucasarts Star Wars titles. Insomnia (or, ic , evidence of disturbed sleep, insomnia is often defined as a positive response
  30. External links *http://www.furious.com/Perfect/culture.html 2003 art ic le, ic , stand against crack *http://worldmus ic central.org/artists/artist_page.php?
  31. 60 in world won word ræswa 61 Hrothgar. 7 Hrothgar 7 Helga til 62 Hyde, ic , elan Chen 63 heaðo-Scilfingas healsgebedda This appears in Gummere's
  32. Ruled over the shores of the Reason.: Now he sits armed: on his Goth (, ic , horse ), : his shield strapped, : the prince of the Mærings.: I say this the
  33. Jian,-, gian,-ends,-ants,-units,-uni (Armenian) " son/daughter of" * -, ic , ( French),misspelling for Breton -IG, diminutive ** -Segovia (Bosniak) (
  34. ISBN 0-333-75115-9 *Robert Schenck:" The Cinemat ic Support to Nationalist (, ic , ) Mythology: The Italian Plum 1910-1930" in Natascha Gent and Stefan Kramer
  35. Editions wh ic h are still available: a http://www.allbibles.com/itemdesc.asp?, ic ,0521513065&eq CTP BBC RS Review center-column reference Bible, and a New
  36. Means" Little ... ". This diminutive, in its French form of" ic e" or ", ic ,", became in vogue for off ic ial names in the second half of the 20th century: *
  37. Of ‹ too › after the first vowel of the root; compare the singular stem, ic ,'plant (verb) ' with the plural stem too. Examples: ITC 'did s/he plant it
  38. 60 in world won word ræswa 61 Hrothgar. 7 Hrothgar 7 Helga til 62 Hyde, ic , ꝥ élan Chen 63 heaðo-Scilfingas healsgebedda This appears in Gummere's
  39. Score for the film Akira),one in the United States (Sear Jay) and one in, ic , and precise. Pieces last from a few minutes to as long as thirty minutes. The
  40. Willað HY fine an can, gif he on great come.: Angel ic is us.: Wolf is on siege, ic , on o Erie.: Fæst is æt England, fenne Borden.: Swindon wælreowe wears ær on IGE
  41. Of Stonehenge used these stones for the heel stone and Larsen circle uprights., ic , monuments in southern England are also built with Larsen stones. Fire or
  42. Is us.: Rules IC mines widlastum wenum dog ode;: one hit wæs rejig wedder OND, ic , reotugu sæt, : one MEC see beaducafa bogus bilge, : wæs me won to on,wæs me
  43. 1911; pp. 82 ff). He thus suggested the line should be emended to read Hyde, ic ,æt Erse wæs On elan Chen. Most 20th century translators followed this suggestion
  44. People in the genealogies of 1 Chron ic les. Hagar in Islam ic traditions Hagar (, ic , faith. According to Muslim belief, she was the Egyptian handmaiden of Abraham
  45. Is printed: across my_list as IC loop print (, ic , Item) end The local entity IC is an instance of the library class
  46. Greater than three: across my_list as IC all, ic , Item. Count > 3 ends The following is true if at least one item has a count
  47. Old German-derived labels“ Wend” and“ Wen dish,” wh ic h once denoted“ Slav (, ic , ) ” generally, have been retained in Amer ic an and Australian communities, they
  48. Binom,wætte is an, dyfde on wætre, dyde EFT Conan, sette on Yunnan ær, ic , swi e be leas serum am e IC hæfde. Heard MEC is a snap senses ECG, sindrum
  49. Greater than three: across my_list as IC some, ic , Item. Count > 3 end Go Go's for each loop can be used to loop over an array
  50. Across my_list as IC loop print (IC. item) end The local entity, ic , is an instance of the library class ITERATION_CURSOR. The cursor's feature

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