Examples of the the word, abstinence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abstinence ), is the 10602 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Communal life dedicated to asceticism, voluntary poverty, daily immersion, and, abstinence , from worldly pleasures, including (for some groups) marriage. Many
  2. Message of celibacy that moves beyond the" wait until marriage" message of, abstinence ,campaigns. They seek a new understanding of celibacy that is focused on God
  3. Some studies have suggested an association between AA attendance and increased, abstinence ,or other positive outcomes, other studies have not. A Cochrane Review of eight
  4. Activities altogether for religious or other reasons (see chastity, sexual, abstinence , asexuality). Some prefer monogamous relationships for sex, and others may
  5. Among the counsels of perfection. Chastity (the state and practice of sexual, abstinence ,outside of marriage) is a central and pivotal concept in Christian praxis.
  6. And celibacy are often used interchangeably, but are different. Sexual, abstinence ,refers to abstaining from all sexual activity; as a state of life, sexual
  7. Programs such as Moderation Management and Drink Wise do not mandate complete, abstinence , While most alcoholics are unable to limit their drinking in this way, some
  8. Sanjingrou rule. One restriction on food that is not known to many is the, abstinence ,from eating animal innards and organs. This is known as Nashua (下水),and is
  9. Alcoholics on chronic benzodiazepines have a lower rate of achieving, abstinence ,from alcohol than those not taking benzodiazepines. This class of drugs is
  10. Compound carbamide into a comprehensive treatment program resulted in an, abstinence ,rate of over 50 percent. *Calcium carbamide (Temporal) works in the same way
  11. Other Sexually Transmitted Infections. Programs that aim to encourage sexual, abstinence ,while also encouraging and teaching safer sex strategies for those who are
  12. Removed at the end of the 20-week period" or during periods of voluntary, abstinence , Withdrawal GHB has also been associated with a withdrawal syndrome of insomnia
  13. Many factors, including total lifetime MDMA consumption, the duration of, abstinence ,between uses, the environment of use, poly-drug use/abuse, quality of mental
  14. Has become closely associated (and is often used interchangeably) with sexual, abstinence , especially before marriage. However, the term remains applicable to persons in
  15. And opiates. Naltrexone is used to decrease cravings for alcohol and encourage, abstinence , Alcohol causes the body to release endorphins, which in turn release dopamine
  16. Fasts and deceive simple people while they pride themselves with a sort of, abstinence , under the disguise of monks' ( Planarian,40.1.4). In other areas of morality
  17. The workers continued to imbibe, and the King was left unhappy at his enforced, abstinence , The palace fared worse during World War II; it was bombed no less than seven
  18. And depressive episodes that are primary and do not remit with, abstinence ,(" independent" episodes). Additional use of other drugs may increase the
  19. Any social event as it helps conversations start. Caucasians have a much lower, abstinence ,rate (11.8 %) and much higher tolerance to symptoms (3.4±2.45 drinks) of
  20. Reasons) is much more than not having sex. It is more intentional than, abstinence , and its goal is personal growth and empowerment. This perspective on celibacy
  21. During alcohol withdrawal, but typically improve or disappear with continued, abstinence , Psychosis, confusion,and organic brain syndrome may be caused by alcohol
  22. Then do those they sponsor. Helping behaviors correlate with increased, abstinence ,and lower probabilities of binge-drinking. AA's program is an inheritor of
  23. Examined the rates of return to problem drinking in 2004–2005. The study found, abstinence ,from alcohol was the most stable form of remission for recovering alcoholics. A
  24. Potential brain damage may be at least partially reversible following prolonged, abstinence ,from MDMA. However, other studies suggest that SERT-depletion arises from
  25. Rarely persisted for much more than a decade without relapse or evolution into, abstinence , " Medications A variety of medications may be prescribed as part of treatment
  26. With your spouse. In her book The New Celibacy, Gabrielle Brown states that ", abstinence ,is a response on the outside to what's going on, and celibacy is a response
  27. Abbott, Wendy Keller, and Wendy Shalt. Many evangelicals prefer the term ", abstinence ," to" celibacy. " Assuming everyone will marry, they focus their discussion on
  28. Refers to abstaining from all sexual activity; as a state of life, sexual, abstinence , is also known as continence. The term" celibacy" is used to refer to an
  29. Activity The frequency of sexual intercourse might range from zero (sexual, abstinence ,) to 15 or 20 times a week. In America, the average frequency of sexual
  30. Anybody other than one's own spouse. Jain monks and nuns practice complete, abstinence ,from any sexual activity. * Aparigraha (Non-possession, Non-materialism ) – to
  31. Became stiffer and stiffer, but the problem persisted. A strong total, abstinence ,movement emerged that cut consumption on half from the 1880s to the 1910s,and
  32. S membership results from treatment centers referrals. Criticism Moderation or, abstinence ,: For more details on this topic, see Stanton Peele argued that some AA groups
  33. Is commonly made between depressive episodes that remit with alcohol, abstinence ,(" substance-induced" ), and depressive episodes that are primary and do not
  34. The Nag Hammed library itself is full of passages which appear to encourage, abstinence ,over indulgence. Fundamentally, however,Gnostic movements appear to take the
  35. This is accomplished through prayer and complete fasting - including, abstinence ,from all food and drink (including water),unless fasting is prohibited for
  36. Far more than intended. Also, tolerance typically decreases after a period of, abstinence , If this occurs and the user takes a dose comparable to their previous use, the
  37. Vernacular (local) language in Mass or the ancient rule of Lenten fasting and, abstinence , As such, it can, at least theoretically, change at any time, though it still
  38. Old Benedictine rule. In reading their minute directions for divers degrees of, abstinence ,on various days, it is impossible to avoid being struck by the conviction that
  39. Made more restrictive in 1968. Beginning in the 1970s,the emphasis shifted to, abstinence ,and the use of methadone, until now only a few users in the UK are
  40. Rarely persisted for much more than a decade without relapse or evolution into, abstinence , " Gallant also noted that" return-to-controlled drinking, as reported in
  41. May continue as part of a post withdrawal syndrome gradually improving with, abstinence ,for a year or more. Withdrawal symptoms begin to subside as the body and
  42. In New York. Program The scope of AA's program is much broader than just, abstinence ,from drinking alcohol. Through a spiritual awakening. A spiritual awakening is
  43. Community that set a premium on study, vegetarianism,and sexual restraint or, abstinence , Later philosophers believed that celibacy would be conducive to the detachment
  44. Relapsing-remitting alcoholic of the binge-drinking type; he practices complete, abstinence ,from alcohol throughout most of the series (with one notable exception) until
  45. To save. " Capital is the result of savings, and the savings come from the ", abstinence ,from present consumption for the sake of future goods ". Although capital is
  46. Stop taking the drug for a month. Eros won the bet, but complained during his, abstinence ,that mathematics had been set back by a month:" Before, when I looked at a
  47. The saints will determine the degree of punishment due the unrepentant. # Total, abstinence ,from all flesh foods, in preparation for the return to the Ethnic state of the
  48. An R-enantiomer. Celibacy refers to a state of being unmarried, or a state of, abstinence ,from sexual intercourse or the abstention by vow from: marriage. Etymology The
  49. Stems, * " alone" and *" living ". Abstinence and celibacy The words, abstinence ,and celibacy are often used interchangeably, but are different. Sexual
  50. Before treatment with coca tea to one during the treatment. The duration of, abstinence ,increased from an average of 32 days prior to treatment to 217 days during

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