Examples of the the word, torment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( torment ), is the 11394 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Finds the hearth empty and beats the dog. Third Trick: The Tailor The boys, torment ,Schneider Bock, a well-liked tailor who has a fast stream flowing in front of
  2. If they had known the unseen, they would not have stayed in the humiliating, torment ,of being enslaved. " Then, when We decreed (Solomon's) death, nothing showed
  3. Was frequently recalled by opponents on the left. This problem was to, torment ,later leaders and strategists who, by 1991,were proclaiming" the electoral
  4. Of Lazarus and Dives (). Here, Jesus depicts a wicked man suffering fiery, torment ,in Hades, which is contrasted with the bosom of Abraham, and explains that it
  5. Laments Heracles's theft of Cerberus and sentences Dionysus to Acheson and, torment ,by hounds of Cactus, Echidna,the Cartesian eel, and Lithuanian Gorgons.
  6. Did for the rag what Chopin did for the mazurka. His style ranged from tones of, torment ,to stunning serenades that incorporated the bolero and the tango. " Composer
  7. In September 1643,moving toward London in a state of mental, torment ,and confusion. The English Civil War had begun and troops were stationed in
  8. To heaven, but Christians in general believe that Hell is a fiery place of, torment ,that never ceases, called the Lake of Fire. A small minority believe this is
  9. Or some religions, temporal ) torment for the wicked. Similar places of, torment ,and reward can be seen in Greek Mythology with Elysium being a place of reward
  10. California. According to Aiken, after his resignation," Nixon was a soul in, torment ,". Congress had funded Nixon's transition costs, including some salary
  11. There still, using the fantastic machines abandoned by the ancient races to, torment ,those of us living on the surface. As one characteristic of this torment
  12. From his beloved uncle Mahfouz about the purity of Qutb's character and the, torment ,he had endured in prison. " Hawaii paid homage to But in his work Knights
  13. First husband, Nick Tortilla (Dan Heyday),also made appearances, mostly to, torment ,Carla with a new custody battle or legal scam that grew out of their divorce.
  14. Man has in him something" superfluous ", because he posits for himself" the, torment ,of certain problems destined to remain unresolved in this world," as Stefano
  15. Prometheus On His Crag, a 1973 poetry collection by Ted Hughes. * Prometheus ', torment ,by the eagle and his rescue by Heracles were popular subjects in vase paintings
  16. Man, which shows people in Hades awaiting the resurrection either in comfort or, torment , The author of the Book of Revelation writes about God and the angels versus
  17. Can never be purified enough to go to heaven and rather than facing eternal, torment , simply cease to exist. Therefore, some violations like suicide would be
  18. Of the dead returned for a specific purpose. Demonic ghosts existed only to, torment ,or tempt the living. The living could tell them apart by demanding their
  19. Not want man to throw his life away, no matter how much the other evils might, torment ,him, but rather to go on letting himself be torment ed anew. To that end, he
  20. Of them turned aside from Our Command, We shall cause him to taste of the, torment ,of the blazing Fire. And before Sulaiman were marshaled his hosts,- of Finns
  21. To torment those of us living on the surface. As one characteristic of this, torment , Shaver described" voices" that purportedly came from no explainable source.
  22. Turn, from Latin macerate, meaning 1) to soak in liquid, to soften, or 2) to, torment , to mortify, to distress (the term also giving the English μακαρία (malaria)
  23. A mirror. The small reflections of Ash climb out from the shattered mirror and, torment ,him. One of the reflections dives Ash's throat and uses his body to
  24. Museum of Modern Art. Stephen Prince comments that the horror is" born of the, torment ,of the young woman subjected to imprisonment and abuse amid decaying arms ...
  25. Acts 2:31; Revelation 20:13). Only one passage describe shades as a place of, torment , the story of Lazarus and Dives (). Here, Jesus depicts a wicked man suffering
  26. Partly on Dostoevsky himself—who agonized over existential themes of spiritual, torment , religious awakening, and the psychological confusion caused by the conflict
  27. Pointed out similarities of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and Prometheus's, torment ,of being eternally tortured in their song" Of Prometheus and The Crucifix ". *
  28. Illness. As you watch her wrestle with the demon of depression, it is as if its, torment ,has never been shown on the screen before. Directing her desperate, furious
  29. Whether the ultimate punishment of the wicked is annihilation or eternal, torment , the nature of immortality,whether the wicked are resurrected after the
  30. Him; he is the one. '" David at the court of Saul God sends an evil spirit to, torment ,Saul,1 Samuel 16:14,and his attendants suggest he send for David, a young
  31. Mold from earth the first woman, a " beautiful evil" whose descendants would, torment ,the race of men. After Hephaestus does so, Athena dressed her in a silvery gown
  32. Greek concept of Tartarus, a deep, gloomy part of Hades used as a dungeon of, torment ,and suffering. God of the underworld In Greek mythology, Hades (the" unseen "
  33. Die. Hell in comparison is a place of eternal (or some religions, temporal ), torment ,for the wicked. Similar places of torment and reward can be seen in Greek
  34. Enter the gates of Heaven. Spawn instead turns his efforts towards stemming the, torment ,of humanity and defeating the evil that exists on Earth. Overwhelmed by the
  35. The doctrine holds that Hades has two" compartments ", one an unnamed place of, torment , the other named Abraham's Bosom. Luke 16:19–26 speaks of a chasm fixed
  36. Gorbachev of his own accord freed the Jews who were subject to the harshest of, torment , exile, and imprisonment for over seventy years. Furthermore, as if to
  37. Peine, in turn from Latin Pena," punishment, penalty " (in L. L. also ", torment , hardship, suffering ") and that from Greek" ποινή" ( point),generally "
  38. Written and Oral Torah. Jews do not believe in" Hell" as a place of eternal, torment , Gehenna is a place or condition of purgatory where Jews spend up to twelve
  39. Youth will not recoil in the face of sacrifices and suffering, blood and, torment , They will not surrender, so long as our days of old are not renewed, so long
  40. Represents the common grave with the hope of resurrection rather than eternal, torment ,in hellfire. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints beliefs Latter-day
  41. Peter Abelard (1079–1142) said that these infants suffered no material, torment ,or positive punishment, just the pain of loss at being denied the beatific
  42. Immortality (fundamental belief 27)—The wicked will not suffer eternal, torment ,in hell, but instead will be permanently destroyed. (See: Conditional
  43. And The Mad Monk, among others. He comments in his reviews:" Situations of, torment , and images of naked horror, are easily conceived; and a writer in whose works
  44. Silent and ignored. Her madness that is unleashed now is not the physical, torment ,of other characters in Greek tragedy, such as in Euripides' Heracles or
  45. A giant eagle tearing at his liver. Zeus gave Prometheus two ways out of this, torment , He could tell Zeus who the mother of the child that would dethrone him was. Or
  46. In the level" The only easy day ... was yesterday ". Shows Lucretia's inner, torment ,at the moment prior to her death. 'Lucretia' ( 1664) by Rembrandt van In
  47. Man hope. In truth, it is the most evil of evils because it prolongs man's, torment , " An objection to the hope is good/the jar is a prison interpretation counters
  48. Pair bring Sally inside, the hitchhiker recognizes her and taunts her. The men, torment ,the bound and gagged Sally while Leather face, now dressed as a woman, serves
  49. Be a piece of slate used to test gold, or it may be a metaphor for torture or, torment ,to test truthfulness. Why Melees chose this name for his creation is unknown.
  50. Death and the resurrection. The punishments in hell include Ahab," pain or, torment ,inflicted by way of chastisement; punishment ", a very painful punishment (see

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