Examples of the the word, resin , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resin ), is the 11408 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. High pressures and temperatures produced by overlying sediment, transforms the, resin ,first into coal. Sustained heat and pressure drives off terpenes and results
  2. Of limited utility in reconstructing the phylogenetic affinity of the, resin ,producer. Crustaceans, bacteria and amoebae, marine microfossils, wood,flowers
  3. And proteins. In conventional methods the stationary phase is an ion exchange, resin ,that carries charged functional groups which interact with oppositely charged
  4. Itself a type of tree resin used in incense manufacture),vanilla, Dammara, resin ,and/or synthetic materials. Malaria, or in Spanish and
  5. Classified into several forms. Most fundamentally, there are two types of plant, resin ,with the potential for fossilization. Terpenoids, produced by conifers and
  6. Year 1600 from the Greek ήλεκτρον (electron) meaning amber (hardened plant, resin ,), because electrical effects were produced classically by rubbing amber. In
  7. To suspend them. Some polymers are also sensitive to attack, including acetyl, resin ,and polythene. Both materials were used in hot and cold water domestic
  8. They will also eat leaves and leaf buds. Seeds, blossoms,stems, pith,bark and, resin ,make up the rest of their diet. Jane Goodall documented many occasions within
  9. The reconstruction of ecosystems and organisms. The chemical composition of the, resin ,is, unfortunately,of limited utility in reconstructing the phylogenetic
  10. Amber is fossilized tree, resin ,(not sap),which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since
  11. Sandwich between two plywood sheets/skins. Among the glues used was Casein, resin ,plus many other screws and flanges (made of various woods) which held the
  12. Asbestos in the past. Modern clutches typically use a compound organic, resin ,with copper wire facing or a ceramic material. A typical coefficient of
  13. Are built of plywood and either painted or covered in a layer of fiberglass and, resin , Propulsion The most common means are: * human power (rowing, paddling
  14. To keep demons and ghosts away and to put the gods in a good mood. Roots and, resin ,from Acacia are combined with rhododendron, acorus, cytisus, salvia and some
  15. Added in sequence onto the growing peptide chain, which is attached to a solid, resin ,support. The ability to easily synthesize vast numbers of different peptides by
  16. Gris (gray amber) was ambergris; Amber June (yellow amber) was the fossil, resin ,we now call amber. Amber is discussed by Theophrastus, possibly the first
  17. Bass, filling the holes with wood putty, and coating the fretboard with epoxy, resin , Some fretless basses have" fret line" markers inlaid in the fingerboard as a
  18. It is thought that, in addition to exuding onto the surface of the tree, amber, resin , also originally flowed into hollow cavities or cracks within trees, thereby
  19. To be free of organic complexing agent, as compared to the separation using a, resin ,column. This can be achieved by reduction of einsteinium (III) fluoride with
  20. The layers are weighted or even vacuum bagged to hold layers together while the, resin ,sets. Layers are built up thus to create the required thickness of hull. People
  21. That used to live in north Europe. Inclusions The abnormal development of, resin ,has been called succinates. Impurities are quite often present, especially when
  22. Using combinations of laudanum, benzoin resin , copal (itself a type of tree, resin ,used in incense manufacture),vanilla, Dammara resin and/or synthetic
  23. The actinide elation sequence is reversed from that of the cation-exchange, resin ,column. The einsteinium separated by this method has the advantage to be free
  24. Heat and pressure to layers of paper or glass cloth impregnated with synthetic, resin , These layers of lamination are usually of cellulose paper, cotton fabrics
  25. Amber" perfumes may be created using combinations of laudanum, benzoin, resin , coal (itself a type of tree resin used in incense manufacture),vanilla
  26. Electricity; one generated from rubbing glass, the other from rubbing, resin , From this, Du Fay theorized that electricity consists of two electrical fluids
  27. Of King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Several parts (mainly bark, root and, resin ,) of Acacia are used to make incense for rituals. Acacia is used in incense
  28. Typically require being chemically fixed, dehydrated and embedded in a polymer, resin ,to stabilize them sufficiently to allow ultrathin sectioning. Sections of
  29. Early machine guns, and appliance casings. The thermosetting phenolic, resin ,was at one point considered for the manufacture of coins, due to a shortage of
  30. Resin by exchange with hydrogen, ammonium or cupric ions present in the, resin , The rare earth ions are then selectively washed out by suitable complexing
  31. Of carbon fiber, fiber-glass,and less commonly wood. *Rosin, made from conifer, resin , is applied to the bow hairs to increase the effectiveness of the friction
  32. Of wood are laid over a form or mold in layers. This layer is then coated with, resin ,and another directionally alternating layer is laid on top. In some processes
  33. By anion-exchange chromatography using 6 molar HCl as plant. A cation-exchange, resin ,column (Dowex-50 exchange column) treated with ammonium salts is then used to
  34. Been called succinates. Impurities are quite often present, especially when the, resin ,dropped on to the ground, so that the material may be useless except for
  35. Tool bits of cutting tools. For grinding applications, softer binders, e. g., resin , porous ceramics, and soft metals, are used. Ceramic binders can be used as
  36. This was combined carefully with nitric acid to create" artificial musk" – a, resin ,with a peculiar musky odor. Although when burned, amber does give off a
  37. Present in the adhesives are a medium for the polyester or the polyurethane, resin , The solvent is dried during the curing process. One-part adhesives One-part
  38. To polyester resin s for such items as light aircraft engine covers. The, resin ,will burn while a flame is held to it but will extinguish itself as soon as the
  39. Of an abundant flora occur as inclusions trapped within the amber while the, resin ,was yet fresh, suggesting relations with the flora of Eastern Asia and the
  40. Are laid, sometimes from bow to stern, and then soaked in epoxy or polyester, resin ,to form the hull of the boat. Whether hand laid or built in a mold, FRP boats
  41. Actinides from lanthanide fission products can be done by a cation-exchange, resin ,column using a 90 % water/10 % ethanol solution saturated with hydrochloric
  42. Beads, one by one, to a surface, such as wood or a gourd, with a mixture of, resin ,and beeswax. Most Native bead work is created for tribal use but bead workers
  43. An outer coating of gel coat which is a thin solid colored layer of polyester, resin ,that adds no structural strength, but does create a smooth surface which can be
  44. Bony amber owes its cloudy opacity to minute bubbles in the interior of the, resin , In darkly clouded and even opaque amber, inclusions can be imaged using
  45. Or a two piece stick divided in the middle by a joint of metal or phenolic, resin , High quality cues are generally two pieces and are made of a hardwood
  46. In this process, rare-earth ions are sorted onto suitable ion-exchange, resin ,by exchange with hydrogen, ammonium or cupric ions present in the resin . The
  47. Is an early plastic. It is a thermosetting phenol formaldehyde, resin , formed from an elimination reaction of phenol with formaldehyde, usually with
  48. As Tina, ringworm,and athlete's foot. As the principal component of Benson, resin , benzoic acid is also a major ingredient in both tincture of Benson and Friar
  49. When the chain reaction occurs in a purified monomer, it produces a polymer, resin , such as a plastic, a synthetic fiber, or an oil paint film. Antioxidants
  50. From the Sperm whale (now called ambergris). The sense was extended to fossil, resin ,circa 1400,and this became the main sense as the use of ambergris waned. The

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