Examples of the the word, normative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( normative ), is the 10465 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Truth about the human condition. Penned views property as an" illusion"—a ", normative ,phantasm" without substance. In the neoliberal literature, property is part of
  2. In understanding of human ethics by forcing us to address gaps in modern, normative ,theory and by providing a platform for experimental investigation. The effort
  3. File. However, it is not obvious that those C translations are to be taken as, normative , Leaving the cell's value unchanged is the behavior of Urban Müller's
  4. That a non-theistic worldview cannot adequately account for transcendental, normative ,facts. Criticisms Critics suggest that this argument appeals to a divine
  5. Market failure ", nor has he been inclined to attack economic efficiency as a, normative ,benchmark. * Penn Gillette: illusionist of the team Penn & Teller. * Stephan
  6. Prejudices: 1. The first prejudice is the supposition that logic is somehow, normative ,in nature. Husserl argues that logic is theoretical, i. e., that logic itself
  7. And why they guide and motivate our actions. Normative ethics Traditionally, normative ,ethics (also known as moral theory) was the study of what makes actions right
  8. In literature and the humanities in general does not necessarily involve a, normative ,dimension, whereas critical social theory does, either through criticizing
  9. By 1902 to hold that aesthetics, ethics,and logic, in that order, comprise the, normative ,sciences. He defined aesthetics as the study of good and bad, and thus of the
  10. For the purposes of section 10 of the Prevention of Crime Act 1908: Sociology A, normative ,definition views crime as deviant behavior that violates prevailing norms
  11. The conduct of individuals and entire organizations. Business ethics has both, normative ,and descriptive dimensions. As a corporate practice and a career specialization
  12. Although controversial at its time though today considered mostly, normative , the 13 principles laid out by the 12th century Spanish Jewish philosopher
  13. And b should give us the difference of the squares of a and b" does express a, normative ,proposition, but this normative statement is based on the theoretical statement
  14. That logic itself proposes a priori laws which are themselves the basis of the, normative ,side of logic. Since mathematics is related to logic, he cites an example from
  15. Endoscopy (philosophy as discussed earlier in this article—categorical, normative , metaphysical),as First Philosophy, concerns positive phenomena in general
  16. Found at the head of this article may be taken as representative rather than, normative , Five-string instruments have an additional string typically tuned to a low B
  17. May 8) – Angeles, Chariots of Fire theme Consequentialism is the class of, normative ,ethical theories holding that the consequences of one's conduct are the
  18. Of meta-ethics. This publication set the trend for renewed interest in, normative ,ethics. Greek philosophy Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC) was one of the
  19. Based on feelings rather than abstract moral principles. Hume also examined the, normative ,is–ought problem. He held notoriously ambiguous views of Christianity, but
  20. Persons and things, are 'constituted' or 'fabricated' by legal and other, normative ,techniques. ". Singer observes," A private property regime is not, after all
  21. The AVL accepts the conventions set forth in the Norms de Castelló as the, normative ,spelling, shared with the IEC that allows for the diverse idiosyncrasies of the
  22. Early Middle Ages. The identification between State and law is but a special, normative ,principle introduced by (public) Roman law, which according to some, like
  23. As philosophical Pace regarded logic per se as a division of philosophy, as a, normative ,science after aesthetics and ethics, as more basic than metaphysics, and as "
  24. From music written 80 years later, and composers continue to write in, normative ,Classical styles into the 20th century. Even before Beethoven's death
  25. Alexander, Alexandere (feminine) * Belarusian – Аляксандp (Aleksandr, in, normative , spelling ), Аляксандаp (Aleksander, in Taraškievica spelling),Алeсь (Ales)
  26. Be used to draw conclusions about which types of development are universal (or, normative ,) and occur in most members of a cohort. As an example a longitudinal study of
  27. Of imagined virtualities (cosmological, philosophical,..., arguments ) #It is, normative , that is, unconsciously it is a model for being or for doing by sympathetic
  28. Cohort all experience historical events unique to their generation, apparently, normative , developmental trends may in fact be universal only to their cohort. In a
  29. Relative ethical merits of these options. This may reopen classic debates of, normative ,ethics framed in new (highly technical) terms. Applied ethics
  30. As though instilled with a sense of ethics requires new specificity in our, normative ,theories, especially regarding aspects customarily considered common-sense. For
  31. Their full participation in the integration process. As the institutional and, normative ," umbrella" of regional integration that shelters these agreements as well as
  32. As a corporate practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily, normative , Academics attempting to understand business behavior employ descriptive
  33. Should have a positive attitude towards accepting Jewish law and tradition as, normative , yet one should be open to developing the law in the same fashion that it has
  34. Jewish law Conservative Judaism views Falasha (Jewish religious law) as, normative ,and binding. Examining Jewish history and rabbinic literature through the lens
  35. Issues in consequentialism Action guidance One important characteristic of many, normative ,moral theories such as consequentialism is the ability to produce practical
  36. Acts and their intentional objects, and the difference between the, normative ,side of logic and the theoretical side, derives from a Platonist conception of
  37. Meta-ethics is a field within ethics that seeks to understand the nature of, normative ,ethics. The focus of meta-ethics is on how we understand, know about, and what
  38. Institute for Computer Science. Deon tic theorem proving Deon tic logic concerns, normative ,propositions, such as those used in law, engineering specifications, and
  39. As much as professional philosophers. Applied ethics is distinguished from, normative ,ethics, which concerns what people should believe to be right and wrong, and
  40. Balearic Catalan: mole, instead of motile). Grammar The first descriptive and, normative ,grammar book of modern Catalan was written by Pompey Sabra in 1918. In 1995,a
  41. Diverse idiosyncrasies of the different language dialects and varieties. As the, normative ,spelling, these conventions are used in education, and most contemporary
  42. 1) phenomenology (which he also called fluoroscopy or categories),(2), normative , sciences (aesthetics, ethics,and logic),and (3) metaphysics; his views on
  43. To that of the Abbasid Caliphate. Theoretically, Classical Arabic is considered, normative , according to the syntactic and grammatical norms laid down by classical
  44. From the 11th century CE onwards, once the Babylonian Targum had become, normative , the Galilean version became heavily influenced by it. Babylonian Documentary
  45. Of the squares of a and b" does express a normative proposition, but this, normative ,statement is based on the theoretical statement" ( a+b) (a-b) a²-b² ". 2.
  46. Computational system that was worked out by the church of Alexandria came to be, normative , It took a while for the Alexandrian rules to be adopted throughout Christian
  47. And property, and opposed all but the most minimal economic regulations. The ", normative ,core" of classical liberalism is the idea that in an environment of
  48. In the Eiffel Tower. Ethical egoism (also called simply egoism) is the, normative ,ethical position that moral agents ought to do what is in their own
  49. Different kinds of moral status. During the middle of the century, the study of, normative ,ethics declined as meta-ethics grew in prominence. This focus on meta-ethics
  50. This teaching was, indeed,accepted by the Lubavitcher Rebel and is considered, normative ,in Chased. According to the author of the Tanya himself, a righteous non-Jew

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