Examples of the the word, solitary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( solitary ), is the 10489 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Once again to a still more remote solitude to give himself up more entirely to, solitary ,penance and prayer. Shortly afterwards, in a chapter of the order held in 1293
  2. The Morrison Formation ecosystem, after Camarasaurus. It may have been a more, solitary ,animal than other Morrison Formation dinosaurs. As a genus, Apatosaurus existed
  3. Differences among specimens. One example was found in northern Maine growing, solitary , instead of in clumps, also exhibiting dingy gray flowers. Although chives are
  4. Class prefer brackish water. Over 4,000 living species are known. One genus is, solitary ,and the rest colonial. The phylum was originally called" Polygon ", but this
  5. And attractive flowers, with six stamens and an inferior ovary. The flowers are, solitary ,or, more frequently, arranged in umbel late inflorescence sat the end of a stem
  6. In habits the animal appears to resemble the Indian buffalo. It is usually, solitary , they live in lowland forests and wet lands, it feeds on plants and understory.
  7. The agricultural pollination need. Native pollinators include bumblebees and, solitary ,bees, which often survive in refuges in wild areas away from agricultural
  8. An Italian businessman from Palermo is killed by the Mafia after taking a, solitary ,stand against their extortion demands. *1996 – Zhukov Airlines Flight 2801,a
  9. Stingless or very unlikely to sting (only in self-defense, if ever). While, solitary ,females each make individual nests, some species are gregarious, preferring to
  10. To replace daily casualties, most of which are workers dying of old age. Among, solitary ,and primitively social bees, however,lifetime reproduction is among the lowest
  11. Who lives in groups use different camouflage techniques than those that are, solitary , *If the animal is preyed upon then the behavior or characteristics of its
  12. And are ready for mating when the females emerge. Providing nest boxes for, solitary ,bees is increasingly popular for gardeners. Solitary bees are either stingless
  13. Mason bee (Ostia Liguria) and the horn faced bee (Ostia confront) are, solitary ,in the sense that every female is fertile, and typically inhabits a nest she
  14. Prophet dwells on the manifold miseries oppressed by which the city sits as a, solitary ,widow weeping sorely. In chapter 2 these miseries are described in connection
  15. Hydrogen is included for comparison. Hydrogen The element hydrogen, with its, solitary ,one electron per atom, is usually placed at the top of Group 1 of the periodic
  16. By number, with Speer given Number Five. Initially, the prisoners were kept in, solitary ,confinement for all but half an hour a day, and were not permitted to address
  17. The genus of unusual colonial glass sponges Titusville. Both reef-building and, solitary ,corals diversify and flourish; these include both rose (for example, Canina
  18. By 1820,he was living as a recluse and was described by friends as the" most, solitary ,of the solitary ". As a result he was unable to work in oil; instead he was
  19. Stage. One is basically a giant multinucleate amoeba, while the other lives, solitary ,until food runs out; in which a colony of these functions as a unit.
  20. Sounds. Cats also have a much better sense of smell than humans. Despite being, solitary ,hunters, cats are a social species and use a variety of vocalizations
  21. Sexual maturity in three to 12 months, depending on the species. Armadillos are, solitary ,animals that do not share their burrows with other adults. ****Northern
  22. Jail at Port Blair when completed in 1910 included 698 cells designed for, solitary ,confinement; each cell measured by with a single ventilation window above the
  23. And secured themselves in there. The prisoners then released those held in, solitary , There was extensive damage to property, but no prison staff were injured
  24. Director may just have the actor repeat the lines" in one" and cut to that, solitary ,view when necessary. Cutaways are also used often in older horror films in
  25. In a cell. Some (such as the nucleus and Golgi apparatus) are typically, solitary , while others (such as mitochondria, peroxisomes and lysosomes) can be
  26. ACE inhibitor therapy * Renal artery stenosis (bilateral, or unilateral with a, solitary ,functioning kidney) ACE inhibitors should be used with caution in patients
  27. Brood. Often it is mixed with nectar to form a paste-like consistency. Some, solitary ,bees have very advanced types of pollen-carrying structures on their bodies. A
  28. Difficult. Previously, the Canadian federal constitution could be amended by, solitary ,act of the Canadian or British parliaments, by formal or informal agreement
  29. As traditional dogmas. Textbooks and encyclopedias often depict Spinoza as a, solitary ,soul who eked out a living as a lens grinder; in reality, he had many friends
  30. The Blessed Catarina Origin (or Catherine of Plaza),had first led a, solitary ,life. Other early nuns were the Blessed Juliana of Purcell, Benedetta Limit
  31. For more than eight years, four-and-a-half of them spent incommunicado in, solitary ,confinement in undisclosed locations. He was subjected to the technique of
  32. But will flush into low flight if closely disturbed. These birds are generally, solitary ,or found in pairs early in the year, but family groups are common in the late
  33. In size, in one study ranging from seven to. Sociability Although wildcats are, solitary , the social behavior of domestic cats is much more variable and ranges from
  34. Or at least primary care of the offspring. Many species of carnivorans are, solitary , but a few are gregarious. Phylogeny Carnivorans evolved out of members of the
  35. Of courting individuals and mothers with their young, bears are typically, solitary ,animals. They are generally diurnal, but may be active during the night (
  36. To pursue certain tactics, the execution of the play itself is a series of, solitary ,acts. If the batter hits a line drive, the outfielder is solely responsible for
  37. Types of pollen-carrying structures on their bodies. A very few species of, solitary ,bees are being increasingly cultured for commercial pollination. Solitary bees
  38. Guard with a razor blade and rough treatment of a prisoner being removed to, solitary , At the parade later that day,50 prisoners refused orders, and the rest were
  39. Living as a recluse and was described by friends as the" most solitary of the, solitary ,". As a result he was unable to work in oil; instead he was limited to
  40. Tale. Laura begins her tale by relating her childhood in a" picturesque and, solitary ," castle in the midst of an extensive forest in Styria where she lives with her
  41. They spend the day in tree hollows or leaf nests. Cheirogaleids are typically, solitary ,but sometimes live together in pairs. Their eyes possess a tape tum lucidum, a
  42. Only a few weeks. Ant queens are estimated to live 100 times longer than, solitary ,insects of a similar size. Ants are active all year long in the tropics but, in
  43. On July 6,1699. Kidd was placed in Stone Prison, spending most of the time in, solitary ,confinement. His wife, Sarah,was also imprisoned. The conditions of Kidd's
  44. Species, ones that inhabit warm, shallow tropical waters, became extinct. The, solitary ,corals, which generally do not form reefs and inhabit colder and deeper (below
  45. Cave, crevice,or hollow log, during the winter months. Brown bears are mostly, solitary , although they may gather in large numbers at major food sources and form
  46. A smaller ventral nerve cord. There are two living groups of hemichordates. The, solitary ,enteropneusts, commonly known as" acorn worms ", have long probosces and
  47. Available food (i.e., ants and termites). The aardvark is nocturnal and is a, solitary ,creature that feeds almost exclusively on ants and termites (formicivore);
  48. By channels that vary between classes. All zoo ids, including those of the, solitary ,species, consist of a cystic that provides the body wall and produces the
  49. As young males mature and leave their maternal groups they most often remain, solitary , although rarely they join-up with an older male. Adult males of similar
  50. The appearance to the casual observer that they are social. Large groups of, solitary ,bee nests are called aggregations, to distinguish them from colonies. In some

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