Examples of the the word, tasty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tasty ), is the 10500 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Available in the market. Hakka cuisine may be described as outwardly simple but, tasty , The skill in Hakka cuisine lies in the ability to cook meat thoroughly without
  2. Dinners are held, on the average, two per month during the winter months. The, tasty ,pastries, especially the strudel and colicky, are a treat for those who come to
  3. Colorful Swedish costumes and decorations. The Smorgasbord serves a variety of, tasty ,foods including potato sausage, meatballs,ham, herring,cold meats, salads
  4. Pasta with rapine *Panchito - is an ancient dish of Capitulate, poor but, tasty , AA basis of stale bread and a wide variety of wild vegetables, accompanied by
  5. Of children to choose between the doctor's bitter medicine and the cook's, tasty ,treats (521e–522a). In the Republic (7.517e),Socrates explains why an
  6. Meals in their tips. Comanche children ate pemmican, but this was primarily a, tasty , high-energy food reserved for war parties. Carried in a parolee pouch
  7. For large banquets, and any pastry cook who could invent new types of, tasty ,treats was highly prized. Around 1 AD, there were more than three hundred
  8. Locally produced apples as in country B, but apples in country A AGE of a more, tasty ,variety. This difference in material well-being will not show up in GDP
  9. A Dutch family's (van Often) inventions made mass production of shiny, tasty ,chocolate bars and related products possible. In the 18th century, mechanical
  10. Pasta with rapine *Panchito - is an ancient dish of Capitulate, poor but, tasty , AA basis of stale bread and a wide variety of wild vegetables, accompanied by
  11. In favor of the villains ", calling DeVito" fascinating" and Pfeiffer" very, tasty , " Roger Ebert in the Chicago Sun-Times wrote:" I give the movie a negative
  12. A Tasty Second Helping (2 disc set) and The Goodies – A Second Helping: 4, tasty , serves (1 Disc) featured the b/w rerecording of this episode. ) On Monday
  13. Quaking to their knees. The creature itself announces that this is" a very, tasty ,world ".: Jerry is solo again, existing as negative character with black skin
  14. Of other uses is made from the bark of cork oak, Quercus super. Chestnuts,a, tasty ,treat enjoyed by many in the winter, are the fruits from species of the genus
  15. Which featured contests where Nickelodeon viewers could win prizes like ", tasty , fresh chocolate syrup ". However, the episodes continued to air until the end
  16. Food packaging will usually indicate a strength, such as mild, medium,strong, tasty , sharp, extra sharp, mature,old, or vintage; this may indicate the maturation
  17. Into many other countries due to its popularity as a sports fish with, tasty ,flesh. It causes the decline, displacement or extinctions of species in its new
  18. And black-eyed peas just to name a few, not to mention the hot, wonderfully, tasty , rolls flying through the air. The restaurant was named the number one place to
  19. The sand. *"Orgasmic Muffins ", a clan of cave people bake muffins that are so, tasty , they give everyone orgasms. *On the episode featuring guest star Susan
  20. Mushrooms and bamboo shoots. Nantou is famous for Simian, which is, tasty , soft noodles in soup, and Ryukyuan (肉圓),which is similar to Ba-wan.
  21. Two women who always knew. " Todd McCarthy of Variety wrote" An exceptionally, tasty ,contempt comedic romance,'Jerry Maguire' runs an unusual pattern on its way
  22. Embedded rails to remove. The entire seed is consumed raw, though the watery, tasty ,April is the desired part. The taste differs depending on the subspecies of
  23. Serving $11.50 hamburgers) to position the brand as" a good honest beer at a, tasty ,price. " *Miller High Life Light - A version of Miller High Life but with
  24. It was the first time Craig had eaten catfish. He described it as being" a, tasty ,fish. " On June 14, 2007,late show host Craig Ferguson displayed a letter from
  25. From trees by frenziedly running towards what they hope will be their next, tasty ,meal. Couches depend on their tails to convey their willingness and readiness
  26. Young writer. In retrospect, it reminds me of a cookie baked by a first-grader —, tasty ,enough, but kind of lumpy and burned on the bottom. " Plot summary The book
  27. Are similar to the Ash ta Prakrit Pupa with flowers replaced with yellow rice, tasty ,food with white coconut, fruit with almond in its shell. Sarah Havana (
  28. Belonging to Mortician. The plant eats meatballs made of yak and other, tasty ,meats specially prepared, and (more often than not) spoon-fed to her. In a
  29. Night),sad (happy),MES (sheep),Susana (shepherd),Weiss (happy, tasty ,). T/t (the) ta gird (mat),Tacna (alone) TAS (bowl),kilt (Kay)
  30. Became a residential suburb of the city of Van, famous for its exclusively, tasty ,apples. Van patterns in the Turkish Van cat The first things that attract the
  31. Fish-related, though with lutenist, the window of success is small. It can be, tasty , but the statistics aren’t on your side. It is the hereditary delicacy of
  32. S cuisine is largely influenced by the rest of the country, but has unique and, tasty ,dishes such as Poole, menudo, barbacoa and carnival. Southeastern Mexico is
  33. Grub — relatively quick and easy to make in large quantities as well as being, tasty ,and satisfying. More up-market varieties, with exotic sausages and mashes, are
  34. May suddenly find itself facing an unpalatable pointy ball rather than a slow, tasty ,fish. Predators which don't heed this warning (or who are" lucky" enough to
  35. They are: #Fasting #Eating less than one's normal diet #Abstention from, tasty ,and stimulating food #Practising humility and thankfulness – by seeking help
  36. Fruit before the main dishes are ready. Santa (Uyghur: ساڭزا) are crispy and, tasty ,fried wheat flour dough twists, a holiday specialty. Samoa (Uyghur: سامسا)
  37. Be thanking God for creating something enjoyable, like a wonderful view or, tasty ,food. As another example, while remembering that a person may be fulfilling the
  38. Have argued that attempts to make soul food healthier also make it less, tasty , and even less culturally/ethnically authentic (i.e.," less Black" ).
  39. О ". For example," швидкий "," гарна ", and " смачне" ( fast, nice, tasty , ) become" швидко "," гарно ", and " смачно" ( quickly, nicely,tastefully).
  40. A group, trout are somewhat bony, but the flesh is generally considered to be, tasty , The flavor of the flesh is heavily influenced by the diet of the fish. For
  41. Local Waring or food cart, whereas NASA Goren is very easy to make, yet really, tasty , and usually accompanied by shrimp and egg or any suitable accompaniment. Due
  42. Malaysia, Marmite is popularly added to plain rice congee to give it a strong, tasty ,flavor. In August 2006,as part of the launch of squeeze Mar mite, celebrity
  43. Slang for teacher),Cauchy (slang for clothing),comes (slang for very, tasty ,food),respect (slang for business),kite (slang for apron),matchlock (
  44. Persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done. Heavens,they're, tasty ,and expeditious. " Powder milk Biscuits has its own theme song, sung by Keillor
  45. Claim that the more coffees the machine makes without being cleaned, the more, tasty ,the final drink is. A good compromise between hygiene and taste, is having the
  46. To rice. A local television advertisement claims that it is the most, tasty ,when consumed with white rice and him (later seaweed used for some types of
  47. Dishes, as well as for cooked rabbit. Campania is home to the beautiful and, tasty ,lemons of Sorrento, which were much loved by German writer Johann Wolfgang on
  48. Fried to make chips called 'Koch bhaji '. The stem is used to cook up a very, tasty ,sang, often eaten as a starter with hot rice. The roots are also made into a
  49. Generally have enough money to buy food, most families prefer to buy something, tasty ,to enrich their dull lives. This leads to malnutrition and physical
  50. Khai mot, ) and termites. The culinary creativity even extends to naming: one, tasty ,larva, which is also known under the name" bamboo worm" ( non Mai fie

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