Examples of the the word, blister , in a Sentence Context
The word ( blister ), is the 11835 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Wasps they already closely resemble. Many beetle species, including ladybirds, blister ,beetles, and lucid beetles can secrete distasteful or toxic substances to make
- Surgery – Including procedures like autologous melanocyte transplant, suction, blister , grafting and punch grafting. * Allergy testing – 'Patch testing' for contact
- With charcoal for periods of up to a week in a long stone box. This produced, blister ,steel. Up to 3 tons of expensive coke was burnt for each ton of steel produced.
- In iron at high temperatures. This would decrease its usefulness in making, blister ,steel (cementation),where the speed and amount of carbon absorption is the
- Including rove beetles (Staphylinidae),scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae), blister , beetles (Melodize),stag beetles (Luanda) and true weevils (
- Was built to destroy the stockpile of Sarin and EX nerve agent and mustard, blister ,agent stored at the depot. The depot, along with associated defense contractors
- Prolonged use has resulted, in some cases, of tearing off skin and excessive, blister ,after removal, or stretching of the breast tissue and skin after long term use.
- And required additional large quantities of coke. In making crucible steel the, blister ,steel bars were broken into pieces and melted in small crucibles each
- Of a box usually affects the value of a model significantly more than does a, blister ,pack. The exception to this is blister packs from the box era, particularly
- Precautions, because we are Limp Bizkit, we know we cause this big emotional, blister ,of a crowd ". The following day, Limp Bizkit had left Australia without telling
- Into oxides: :2 Cu2S + 3 O2 → 2 Cu2O + 2 SO2 The cuprous oxide is converted to, blister ,copper upon heating: :2 Cu2O → 4 Cu + O2 This step exploits the relatively easy
- The" 35th Anniversary of Superfast ". Models were packaged in model-specific, blister ,packs containing not only the model, but also individual, traditional-style "
- Which involves freezing the wart (generally with liquid nitrogen),creating a, blister ,between the wart and epidermal layer, after which the wart and surrounding dead
- Cone was placed directly on the skin and allowed to burn the skin producing a, blister ,and eventually a scar),or indirect (either a cone of mugwort was placed on a
- Or hawthorn is the secondary (aerial) host *Consortium ridicule (White pine, blister ,rust); the primary host are white pines, and currants the secondary. *Emilia
- A personal tragedy. Coolidge's younger son, Calvin,Jr., developed a, blister ,from playing tennis on the White House courts. The blister became infected, and
- Decontaminating equipment and buildings exposed to persistent agents, such as, blister ,agents, VX or other agents made persistent by mixing with a thickener, special
- Blisters — usually on the trunk, arms and legs. The skin around the, blister ,is usually red and itchy but not sore. The blister s, which break and scab over
- De-icing and anti-icing equipment added; the navigator received a sighting, blister ,; nose armament was increased to two .50 in (12.7 mm) machine guns, one fixed
- 28. Retirement and accolades After spending the spring of 1996 continuing to, blister ,Grapefruit League pitching with a .344 average, Puckett woke up on March 28
- Tons of chemical weapons in 1997,by far the largest arsenal, consisting of, blister ,agents: Lewis ite, Sulfur mustard, Lewisite-mustard mix, and nerve agents: Sarin
- Aecial) host. Heterogeneous and alicyclic *Consortium ridicule (White pine, blister ,rust); the primary host are white pines, and currants the secondary.
- Of steel in decent quantities did not occur until the introduction of, blister ,steel during the Middle Ages. This method introduced carbon by heating wrought
- For Leprosy Elimination),supplied all endemic countries with free MDT in, blister ,packs, channelled through Ministries of Health. This free provision was
- Or feet but often other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid, blister , They are caused by a viral infection, specifically by human papillomavirus 2
- Only occurs as a result of capsaicin accumulation, and that pungency and, blister ,formation are controlled by a single locus,Pun1,for which there exist at
- Plant or the alternate host. For example, the repeating stage in white pine, blister ,rust disease does not occur on white pines but on the alternate host, Ribes SPP
- In the same capital letters as the words surrounding it. Even in the era of, blister ,packs, the role of packaging has not really diminished. However, as the" box "
- Children and adults are available in all primary health centers in the form of, blister ,packages. (" http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/paucus#Latin Pauli-" refers to a
- Matchbox started to switch to the more conventional plastic and cardboard ", blister ,packs" that were used by other die-cast toy brands such as Hot Wheels. The box
- Often a pink coloring, then canned in Mason jars. They are available in single, blister ,packs or sold out of a jar. They are shelf stable, and they are a frequently
- Is cast onto each baseplate. The relevant 1-75 series number is printed on the, blister ,pack or box. (Other Matchbox ranges also had identifying numbers cast on their
- And an Under city Gang. A Robot Gang was also produced but was released as two, blister ,packs instead of a box set. Only one rules expansion has been released, called
- Sculpted by Andrew Check and released by Grenadier Models in boxed sets and, blister ,packs in 1983. The license was later transferred to RAM. As of 2011,RAM
- Extension - (also curb extension, bulb-out,nib, elephant ear, curb bulge and, blister ,) Traffic calming measure, intended to slow the speed of traffic and increase
- Harrison (then known as The Silver Beatles). Sutcliffe's fingers would often, blister ,during long rehearsals, as he had never played long enough for his fingers to
- Root rot (Artillery Miller),anthracite (Romania Veneto),and leaf, blister ,(Tapering SPP. ). The most serious defoliating insects that attack Chinking
- And out. Advantages over wood include a surface which will not crack, flake,or, blister ,and a product which is resistant to water, mold,mildew, and insects.
- Of tellurium is from anode sludge produced during the electrolytic refining of, blister ,copper. It is a component of dusts from blast furnace refining of lead.
- Red Sox manager John McNamara claimed Clemens took himself out due to a, blister , though Clemens strongly denies that. Clemens most explosive postseason failure
- The Imperial Japanese Army used mustard gas and the recently-developed, blister ,agent Lewis ite against Chinese troops and guerrillas. Experiments involving
- Chemical weapons are inert agents that come in four categories: choking, blister , blood and nerve. The agents are organized into several categories according to
- Reduction of copper oxides to copper metal. Natural gas is blown across the, blister ,to remove most of the remaining oxygen and electrorefining is performed on the
- So the alloy was not homogeneous. In 1740,Benjamin Huntsman began melting, blister ,steel in a crucible to even out the carbon content, creating the first process
- His crucible steel technique in the 1740s. The raw material for this was, blister ,steel, made by the cementation process. The supply of cheaper iron and steel
- A model significantly more than does a blister pack. The exception to this is, blister ,packs from the box era, particularly those in which the box was also included.
- Only in the epidermal cells of the interocular septa of pungent fruits, that, blister , formation only occurs as a result of capsaicin accumulation, and that
- Jr., developed a blister from playing tennis on the White House courts. The, blister ,became infected, and within days Calvin, Jr. developed sepsis and died. After
- Accommodate a longer nose undercarriage leg. It featured a visual bomb-aiming, blister ,under the cabin and was fitted with Bristol Olympus 100 engines of thrust. The
- Shielding for extended periods of time. Non-volatile liquid agents, such as, blister ,agents and the oily EX nerve agent, do not easily evaporate into a gas, and
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