Examples of the the word, shovel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( shovel ), is the 11137 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Incense Preparation The Cohen Adolf ascended the beach (altar) and took a, shovel ,full of embers with a special shovel . He was brought incense. He filled his
  2. Plant. In less-developed areas of the world, the ore can be mined by pick and, shovel ,and transported by mine cars pushed by a laborer or by women carrying baskets
  3. Reactor building roof. Human laborers could not be employed effectively to, shovel ,debris, since work shifts were limited to 90 second intervals due to intense
  4. To always carry: #avalanche beacon #probe # shovel (retrieving victims with a, shovel ,instead of hands is five times faster) They are also advised to have had
  5. And then tries to kill Ash. In a desperate effort he beheads her with a, shovel ,before burying her. Later on her corpse raises from the grave and resumes her
  6. Buries Linda outside, but she rises from the grave and Ash beheads her with a, shovel , Ash returns inside and enters the cellar, to find shotgun ammunition. Hearing
  7. And spent every free minute practicing it. Musical development He worked on a ", shovel ,brigade" at the McNab furnace, and described the music made by the workers as
  8. To be the first" pure" ready made. Prelude to a Broken Arm (1915),a snow, shovel , also called In Advance of the Broken Arm, followed soon after. His Fountain, a
  9. Says" I deposited $100 in the bank ", most people would not think you used a, shovel ,to dig in the mud. However, some linguistic contexts do not provide sufficient
  10. Where streams had cut steep banks. There a passage could be made with a lot of, shovel ,work to cut down the banks or the travelers could find an already established
  11. Worker who was about to be hanged for hitting Haggard in the head with a, shovel , Lamar believes a black lawman will so offend the townspeople that they will
  12. He digs, Blondie appears (now clad in his trademark poncho) and tosses him a, shovel , A second later, the two are surprised by Angel Eyes, who holds them at
  13. Hard that there is little to no need for structural supports and a pick ax and, shovel ,are the tools of the builder/remodeled. See Cooper PED and Lightning Ridge.
  14. Strength and stamina by hurling car tires and hitting Waffle balls with a heavy, shovel , among other regimens. These exercises helped develop his wrists and hips
  15. Standard avalanche equipment, and have trained in how to use it. A beacon, shovel ,and probe is considered the minimum equipment to carry for companion rescue.
  16. Streets with drums, trumpets,bells, ( or in their absence, with the poker and, shovel , taken from their humble cottage fire),the yule candle is lighted, and; "
  17. February 2007,National Guard troops from 8 states were activated to go help, shovel ,snow, drop hay for starving cattle, deliver food and necessities to stranded
  18. Western boxing punches are now used: lead jab, straight/cross, hook,uppercut, shovel ,and corkscrew punches and overhands as well as hammer fists and back fists. As
  19. The scene was used in the promotion of the film, at first a picture with the, shovel ,in hand was used, but after protests a picture with an open hand replaced the
  20. While filling his hands with the incense). * Incense Offering Holding the, shovel ,and the vessel, he entered the Radish Takanashi, the Temple’s Holy of Holes.
  21. New compilation or version had been indiscriminately created / ported with a, shovel , without any care shown for the condition of the software on the newly created
  22. Majority of passing attacks, however,consisted solely of short pitches and, shovel ,passes to stationary receivers. Additionally, few of the major eastern teams
  23. Mississippi River. * February 24 – William Otis receives a patent for the steam, shovel , * March 5 – Longwood University is founded in Farmville, Virginia. * March 7 –
  24. The landing. Ground vehicles such as a skidded or forwarder can pull, carry,or, shovel ,the logs. Cable systems" cars" can pull logs to the landing. Logs can also be
  25. Spare tire (accompanied by a gas can, a jack, a small tool kit, and a, shovel ,), and widened fenders for its larger-diameter Kronprinz (Crown Prince)
  26. Ascended the beach (altar) and took a shovel full of embers with a special, shovel , He was brought incense. He filled his hands and placed it in a vessel. (The
  27. Adolf returned to the Holy of Holes and removed the bowl of incense and the, shovel , *Garment Change 4 The Cohen Adolf removed his linen garments, immersed in the
  28. Running on rails. Each cart could have a simple hand or a small bulldozer, shovel , forming a basic robot. Power would be provided by a" canopy" of solar cells
  29. The whole room is full of smoke. Furious, one of the journalists takes the, shovel ,and pushes Bigger aside. He immediately finds the remains of Mary's bones and
  30. And make a new fire. He is terrified and starts poking the ashes with the, shovel ,until the whole room is full of smoke. Furious, one of the journalists takes
  31. Poles of the Ark of the Covenant. In the days of the Second Temple, he put the, shovel ,where the Ark would have been. He waited until the chamber filled with smoke
  32. Back Bobby Humphrey, who rushed 4 times for 22 yards and caught a 27-yard, shovel , pass,Elway's longest completion of the game. Kicker David Tread well finished
  33. Pure enjoyment. Examples are Snowman Calvin being yelled at by Snowman Dad to, shovel ,the snow; Snowman A eating snow cones taken from Snowman B, who is lying on the
  34. Running on rails. Each cart could have a simple hand or a small bulldozer, shovel , forming a basic robot. Power would be provided by a" canopy" of solar cells
  35. The Temple’s Holy of Holes. In the days of the First Temple, he placed the, shovel ,between the poles of the Ark of the Covenant. In the days of the Second Temple
  36. Help poor Schoenberg now is a psychiatrist ... ". " I think he'd to better to, shovel ,snow instead of scribbling on music-paper ... ". (Schoenberg – letter to an
  37. Was necessary, I bet him five dollars, which I didn’t have, that he couldn’t, shovel ,sand for fifteen timed minutes without stopping. He said a man should give a
  38. The disputed family Stegodontidae; the diverse family of Gomphotheriidae or ", shovel ,buskers," such as Platybelodon and Megalodon; and the Momotidae, or
  39. Mixers and bulk sieving. This method allows the quick removal of context by, shovel ,and mattock yet allows for a high retrieval rate. Spoil is shovel ed into
  40. Without stopping. He said a man should give a good day’s work and grabbed a, shovel , At the end of three minutes his face was red, at six he was staggering and
  41. Tents. They can be built relatively easily, given sufficient time, using a snow, shovel , A correctly made snow cave will hover around freezing, which relative to
  42. 3 kilometers a month. Construction was done by hand; using explosives, pick and, shovel , wheelbarrows, and some small machinery, Completion and early usage On 18
  43. Goose thief from the pulpit, the accused man struck him in the head with a, shovel ,and killed him. Legacy Copies of a map he made of Frisian in 1589 are also still
  44. Is relied upon to establish time since rupture. | | | | Soil examined in, shovel ,test pits is used by archaeologists for relative dating based on stratigraphy (
  45. One example showing this was when a woman pierced a fiber backbone line with a, shovel ,and left all of Armenia without internet access for 12 hours. India India's
  46. Murphy's associate, Thomas Stewart, then battered Donegal to death with a, shovel , " Mr A" was party to these events. Murphy then telephoned a prominent
  47. Such as sand or snow, the Green Beret can camouflage himself, using a small, shovel , making him invisible to the enemy. He is also the second-fastest runner of the
  48. Simply and picturesquely described in an agrarian society as the soil and the, shovel ,; in an industrial society, the mines and the factories. Related terms Factors
  49. To verify the depth. The list of recommended equipment included chains,a, shovel , axe, jacks,tire casings and inner tubes, tools,and (of course) a pair of
  50. New York. Scheduled to meet with Bob Mills in New York City, Kornbluth had to, shovel ,out his driveway, which left him running behind. Racing to make his train, he

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