Examples of the the word, conscientious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conscientious ), is the 11140 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Acts),IBM aims for the ideal that healthcare professionals should make ", conscientious , explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence" in their everyday
  2. Are technocratic, bureaucratic,rigid and obligatory whereas ethical act is, conscientious , voluntary choice beyond normatively. Law is retroactive. Crime precedes law.
  3. Questions, he confined himself to his military duties and fulfilled them in a, conscientious ,and unobtrusive manner. After many mistakes and disappointments, the army
  4. Aegis Bu drys described" Gathering" as" acidulous, assertive,categorical, conscientious ,and occasionally idiosyncratic. " More on James Bluish * Imprisoned in a
  5. In the form of compulsory military service or work done as an alternative by, conscientious ,objectors, * required to be done during a state of emergency, and * considered
  6. Community to the present day. Twentieth century The Christadelphian position on, conscientious ,objection came to the fore with the introduction of conscription during the
  7. The whole of China in 221BC. Conscription can be controversial, because of, conscientious ,objection to service, or political objection to service for a disliked
  8. Scrapes, there was" also perhaps a good little grain" to be found by the, conscientious ,scientific astrologer. In the first months of 1610,Galileo Galilei—using his
  9. Study. Christadelphians refuse to participate in any military because they are, conscientious ,objectors. There is a strong emphasis on personal Bible reading and study and
  10. And Acton Bell" that their" ambiguous choice" was" dictated by a sort of, conscientious ,scruple at assuming Christian names positively masculine, while we did not like
  11. Censorial reproach" ). In inflicting it, they were guided only by their, conscientious ,convictions of duty; they had to take an oath that they would act biased by
  12. Administration, Danish national rescue preparedness and the administration of, conscientious ,objectors (Militærnægteradministrationen). Denmark has a small and highly
  13. Only looking out for the mystic ... They did not see Friedrich's faithful and, conscientious ,study of nature in everything he represented ". By 1820,he was living as a
  14. To Domitian's rule and personality, at the same time presenting him as a, conscientious , moderate man, and as a decadent libertine. Modern historians consider this
  15. 1935) * 1890 – Mark Today, American painter (d. 1976) *1897 – Ronald Skirt, conscientious ,objector of the First World War (d. 1977) *1905 – Robert Henriques, English
  16. And a rite of passage from boyhood into manhood. Conscientious objection A, conscientious ,objector is an individual whose personal beliefs are incompatible with military
  17. And banishment of 1290,Chesterton writes that Edward I was“ just and, conscientious ,” a monarch never more truly representative of his people than when he expelled
  18. Compulsory for men at age 18,and conscripts served six-month tours of duty;, conscientious ,objectors could instead opt for an equal length of Zivildienst (civilian
  19. Service, or,more often, with any role in the armed forces. In some countries, conscientious ,objectors have special legal status, which augments their conscription duties.
  20. Endowed a hospital with lands to the value of £300 a year. Legacy Abbot was a, conscientious ,prelate, though narrow in view and often harsh towards both separatists and
  21. To civilian alternative service or noncombatant service within the military as, conscientious ,objectors, or to evade the draft by fleeing to a neutral country. A small
  22. Service probably obscures, for contemporary adherents, the long, general and, conscientious ,teaching of a cappella. In Sir Walter Scott's The Heart of Midlothian, for
  23. Intervention in World War I. The NCLB provided legal advice and aid for, conscientious ,objectors and those being prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917 or the
  24. Used educational exemptions, became conscientious objectors or pretended to be, conscientious ,objectors, although they might then be drafted for non-combat work, such as
  25. Government has pursued more moderate policies. The government's policy toward, conscientious ,objection is in transition, as part of Armenia's accession to the Council of
  26. Closed again in 1917 to be converted into a Home Office Work Center for certain, conscientious ,objectors granted release from prison; cells were unlocked, inmates wore their
  27. Strongly supported the national war effort, but there were also a few (673), conscientious , objectors. The United Methodist Church was formed in 1968 as a result of a
  28. Different view, painting a picture of an intelligent, scholarly,well-read, and, conscientious , administrator with an eye to detail and justice. Thus, Claudius becomes an
  29. Avoided military service during the Vietnam War by registering as a religious, conscientious ,objector. Barry married his first wife, Beth Leno, in 1976, and they had one
  30. That if I don't make a good effort, I will be somehow punished. " Oga's, conscientious ,approach to My Neighbor Motor was a style that the International Herald
  31. Of military service during the Second World War, but he registered as a, conscientious ,objector. He later abandoned this position in the light of Nazi atrocities and
  32. Prior to Grimm's time, philology was nothing but a more or less laborious and, conscientious ,dilettantism, with occasional flashes of scientific inspiration. His advances
  33. Of the military complex. The reasons for refusing to serve are varied. Some, conscientious ,objectors are so for religious reasons — notably, the members of the historic
  34. The war, especially when he was called up for conscription in 1918. He claimed, conscientious ,objector status, a position recognized by the law, if somewhat despised by the
  35. Teaching was one possibility). Others used educational exemptions, became, conscientious , objectors or pretended to be conscientious objectors, although they might then
  36. Honor recipient (b. 1932) * 2006 – Desmond Doss, American soldier and first, conscientious ,objector Medal of Honor recipient (b. 1919) * 2006 – Cindy Walker, American
  37. Were reactivated from 1941 to 1947 as Civilian Public Service camps where, conscientious ,objectors performed" work of national importance" as an alternative to
  38. Months of compulsory military service; for the medically unqualified and the, conscientious ,objector, there were the Baueinheiten construction units, established in 1964
  39. Later born children are more likely than firstborns to be rebellious, less, conscientious , and more open to new experiences, which may be advantageous to them given their
  40. Sees all of these as efforts to make oneself pleasing to God in ways other than, conscientious ,adherence to the principle of moral rightness in the choice of one's actions.
  41. Which augments their conscription duties. For example, Sweden used to allow, conscientious ,objectors to choose a service in the" weapons-free" branch, such as an
  42. from 1940 to 1945,and a leading brother, Albert Mere, was imprisoned as a, conscientious ,objector and later executed. The emphasis on the restoration of truth has led
  43. In the Sam Hoosier story, the crew of Indiana workers proved to be industrious, conscientious , and efficient. The federal foreman referred to the group as" Hoosiers "
  44. Roger Baldwin and Norman Thomas the National Civil Liberties Bureau to protect, conscientious ,objectors, or in her words: To maintain something over here that will be worth
  45. Effect on China Mao Zedong's decision to involve China in the Korean War was a, conscientious ,effort to confront the most powerful country in the world, undertaken at a time
  46. Expansion of the tourist sector, encourages visits by upscale, environmentally, conscientious , tourists. Detailed controls and uncertain policies in such areas as industrial
  47. From Intelligence and resumed the job of a regular line officer. He was a, conscientious ,and effective commanding officer, popular with the men under his command — an
  48. Indiana, and at a tract on Horn Island, Mississippi. During the Cold War, US, conscientious , objectors were used as consenting test subjects for biological agents in a
  49. Also believes all software needs free documentation (in particular because, conscientious ,programmers should be able to update manuals to reflect modification that they
  50. Expansion of the tourist sector, encourages visits by upscale, environmentally, conscientious , tourists. Detailed controls and uncertain policies in areas such as industrial

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