Examples of the the word, contraception , in a Sentence Context
The word ( contraception ), is the 10373 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Gained FDA approval for sale in the United States as an effective method of, contraception ,and HIV prevention, and under laboratory conditions have been shown to be just
- Of illegal abortions or attempt to perform an abortion by themselves. Emergency, contraception ,is generally available in countries that have not restricted abortion, and is
- The marriage act" is a fundamental part of marriage. Thus, usage of any form of, contraception , in vitro fertilization, or birth control besides Natural Family Planning is a
- Off from the Catholic Church, and that individuals can in good conscience use, contraception ,as long as they have first made an honest attempt to accept the difficult
- The use of artificial contraception as an offense against chastity, seeing, contraception , as contrary to God's will and design of human sexuality. Many Anglicans
- Used as emergency contraception or long term contraception Hormonal emergency, contraception ,can be both contraceptive and contraceptive. In metaphysics (in particular
- Process; in some populations, this activity is frequently used as a means of, contraception , often in the absence of a condom. The risk of injury to the receptive partner
- Prescribed hormones are estrogens and progestins (as methods of hormonal, contraception ,and as HRT),thyroxine (as levothyroxine, for hypothyroidism) and steroids (
- Its transparencyand the presence of meaning. Most methods of hormonal, contraception ,work primarily by preventing ovulation, but their effectiveness is increased
- Care is also successful. In 2002.96 % of Costa Rican women used some form of, contraception , and antenatal care services were provided to 87 % of all pregnant women. All
- And irreparable" harm to the nation. *Reproductive rights, including access to, contraception ,and abortion. *Full civil rights for LGBT (lesbian, gay,bisexual and
- Not until the 1930 Lambert Conference that the Anglican Communion allowed for, contraception ,in limited circumstances. Mainline Protestant denominations have since removed
- And marriage. These changes led to Lambert Conference resolutions countenancing, contraception ,and the remarriage of divorced persons. They led to most provinces approving
- Violence. Reproductive rights may also be understood to include education about, contraception ,and sexually transmitted infections, and freedom from coerced sterilization and
- Rate of unsafe abortions. In addition, a lack of access to safe and effective, contraception ,contributes to unsafe abortion. It has been estimated that the incidence of
- Stimulation. Disadvantages Compared to the other common reversible methods of, contraception ,such as IUD's, hormonal contraceptives and male condoms, coitus interrupts is
- Also known as oral contraception . The most common methods of hormonal, contraception ,include the combined oral contraceptive pill and the minipill. The Intrauterine
- Comprehensive Catholic catechism, noted the lack of mention of artificial, contraception ,in the Council. " As everyone can ascertain nowadays, there are several methods
- Protestant denominations have since removed prohibitions against artificial, contraception , In a partial reaction, Pope Pius XI wrote the encyclical Cast connubial (On
- Injectable contraceptives, and hormonal contraception , also known as oral, contraception , The most common methods of hormonal contraception include the combined oral
- A nurse by training, she was an early advocate for educating women concerning, contraception , Like many contemporary feminists, she saw abortion as a tragic consequence of
- Goldman conducted a nationwide speaking tour in part to raise awareness about, contraception ,options. Although the nation's attitude toward the topic seemed to be
- Sanger founded Planned Parenthood of America to urge the legalization of, contraception ,for poor, immigrant women. In its time eugenics was touted by some as
- Proposing that he might use his authority to approve at least some form of, contraception ,for married couples. A minority number of members opposed this report and
- Could marry only if they were sterilized or chose any other form of long-term, contraception , In the Chinese province of Sichuan in 1999,a sperm bank called Notables '
- Was generally seen as a woman's responsibility, and the only well documented, contraception ,methods were female-controlled devices. Falloppio's treatise is the earliest
- Without hormones or copper can be used as emergency contraception or long term, contraception ,Hormonal emergency contraception can be both contraceptive and contraceptive.
- As some pro-life groups have advocated that certain forms of emergency, contraception ,are not contraceptives but abortifacients. Sex-selective Sonography and
- 3 % of women of childbearing age rely on withdrawal as their primary method of, contraception , Regional popularity of the method varies widely, from a low of 1 % on the
- History Origins There had been a long-standing general Christian prohibition on, contraception ,and abortion, with such Church Fathers as Clement of Alexandria and Saint
- Used by people who have objections to or do not have access to other forms of, contraception , Some men prefer it, so they can avoid possible adverse effects of hormonal
- Legacy Although polls show that many Catholics dissent from church teaching on, contraception , there has nevertheless been a resurgence of support for it in certain quarters
- The role of women, the parameters of marriage and divorce, and the practice of, contraception ,and abortion. In the late 1970s,the Continuing Anglican movement produced a
- Of paternal tolerance. Perhaps because of this restricted access to hormonal, contraception , Japan has the highest rate of condom usage in the world: in 2008.80 % of
- Such as condoms or the diaphragm, injectable contraceptives, and hormonal, contraception , also known as oral contraception . The most common methods of hormonal
- View sex within marriage as chaste, but prohibit the use of artificial, contraception ,as an offense against chastity, seeing contraception as contrary to God's will
- And championed a broad range of sexual reforms including sex education, contraception ,and women's rights. However, the gains made in Germany would soon be
- Since the 19th century, they have been one of the most popular methods of, contraception ,in the world. While widely accepted in modern times, condoms have generated
- On their partners. Some women also prefer this method over hormonal, contraception ,to avoid adverse effects such as depression, mood swings, vaginal dryness
- IUD) 'coil' with or without hormones or copper can be used as emergency, contraception ,or long term contraception Hormonal emergency contraception can be both
- Devise a national family planning program. However, Islamic reservations about, contraception ,made forthright advocacy and implementation of birth control programs
- And design of human sexuality. Many Anglican communities allow for artificial, contraception , seeing the restriction of family size as possibly not contrary to God's will.
- Is not directly intended. This includes both chemical and barrier methods of, contraception , All these are held to directly contradict the" moral order which was
- Of artificial birth control even within marriage. Cast Connubial is against, contraception ,and supportive of natural family planning. The commission of John XXIII With
- And sexually transmitted infections, and freedom from coerced sterilization and, contraception , protection from gender-based practices such as female genital cutting (FGC)
- Or intrauterine insemination. Adherents of religions that prohibit, contraception , such as Catholicism, may use collection condoms with holes pricked in them.
- From his partner's vagina in an effort to avoid insemination. This method of, contraception , widely used for at least two millennia, is still in use today. This method was
- In preventing pregnancy The effectiveness of condoms, as of most forms of, contraception , can be assessed two ways. Perfect use or method effectiveness rates only
- Of birth control. Mainly because of its prohibition of all forms of artificial, contraception , the encyclical was controversial, as it rejected the majority report on the
- By 2002,only 2.5 % were using withdrawal as their primary method of, contraception , A leading exponent of withdrawal in the mid-nineteenth century was a religious
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