Examples of the the word, reeve , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reeve ), is the 11377 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A tunnel from the Cedar vale Ravine north, under Forest Hill. Gardiner, former, reeve , of Forest Hill, admitted that the project would be harmful to the village,"
  2. Portion of that kingdom. It was the base of a senior royal official,a, reeve ,(later sheriff),and, perhaps,in the 7th century a dynasty of aldermen or
  3. Who had all administrative rights and controlled the Contain (district of a, reeve ,) and Zehnthöfe (tithe collectors) within his rule. In the command, all
  4. Then in a regional municipality, the head of a political township is called a, reeve , not a mayor. However, this distinction is changing as many rural townships are
  5. Ree, perhaps derived from a dialectical term meaning" frenzied "; a later name, reeve , which is still used for the female, is of unknown origin, but may be derived
  6. At the age of two and grew up to become a farmer and cattle breeder. He was, reeve ,of the township of West Gwillimbury from 1919 to 1923. Rowe served as a Member
  7. Then electing a mayor as in a city, the leading municipal official was the, reeve ,of the village. Prior to World War II, Forest Hill's population was
  8. In Australia (it is unknown exactly which one it is). The wife of the first, reeve ,of Richmond, Mrs. Hugh Boyd, later claimed that the city was named in honor of
  9. Was called village of Mann (Dorm DES Mann). The coats of arms is that of, reeve ,Option: an upright otter on a golden background. Manner is first mentioned
  10. And its conclusions put aside for the duration of World War II. Forest Hill, reeve ,Fred Gardiner, who was well-connected to the Conservative premier George Drew
  11. Of a single mean) at Khan Yum by appointing Nazi Mot (นายโหมด) as shire, reeve ,(as stated by the Minister for the Interior on July 11, 1901). In 1903,the
  12. And the surrounding areas, was formed in 1908 with W. H. Whitley as the first, reeve ,and H. E. Close as the first secretary-treasurer. Meetings were held throughout
  13. Bishop of Rochester),Learn (abbess of St Mildrith's),and the king's, reeve , Ælfweard were captured also, but the abbot of St Augustine's Abbey,Ælfmaer
  14. Name dome/> An interesting example is Garza which outlines the duties of a, reeve ,on a large manor estate. Name dome/> There is also a large volume of legal
  15. In England, the mayor is the later descendant of the feudal lord's bailiff or, reeve ,(see borough). The chief magistrate of London bore the title of port reeve for
  16. Provincial-wide elections, Mary Smith won the position of reeve from former, reeve ,Ron Miller by nearly 1,500 votes. Also, for deputy reeve , Andy Mitchell won
  17. Was an expert marksman with the crossbow who assassinated Kessler, a tyrannical, reeve ,of Habsburg Austria positioned in Waldorf, Uri. Along with Arnold Wineries
  18. As a township. After incorporation, Scarborough government was led by a, reeve , a deputy- reeve and three councillors, each elected annually. Initially the
  19. Run for reelection in Franceville, Ontario. The late Richard Thomas served as, reeve ,of Armour Township, Ontario from 2003 until his death in 2006. Exclusion from
  20. Of reeve from former reeve Ron Miller by nearly 1,500 votes. Also, for deputy, reeve , Andy Mitchell won after Mary Smith had the position for a number of years.
  21. Enacted that in every Hundred" the twelve leading then together with the, reeve ,shall go out and swear on the relics which are given into their hands, that
  22. Alone raised a man to the position of a ESITH, a thane, a provincial or local, reeve , a court officer or a royal chaplain, one of which titles seem to have been
  23. Meeting of the town council was held on January 21. Present at the meeting were, reeve ,William Gamble, vice- reeve W. B. Wadsworth and aldermen Moses Appleby, Thomas
  24. However, some Canadian provinces (e.g. Ontario) still use the term, reeve ,for the elected head of a small village, a township or a rural municipality
  25. Mayor, was elected in 2010. The municipal council consists of a mayor,a, reeve ,and five councillors. Schools Prior is served by five schools: three are
  26. Kingdom of Wessex, when three Norse ships arrived and killed the local kings, reeve , At the other end of the country, in the Kingdom of Northumbria, during AD 793
  27. 70 burgesses before the Norman Conquest. Henry I placed it under the rule of a, reeve , The charter of King John (1208),which gave his burgesses of Yarmouth
  28. And as præfectus (which confusingly, is also the equivalent of Garza, modern, reeve , from which sheriff or shire reeve is derived). In the Life of King Alfred by
  29. 1025 / 1030–1096). Besides Otto II, there was another son, Albert II, who was, reeve ,of MRI from 1111 to 1141 after the death of Otto II. * Otto II of Habsburg; first
  30. In the Anglo-Saxon controlled territories, a royal official known as a" shire, reeve ," or sheriff governed the shire. Large parts in the south-east of the island
  31. King Henry VI. The word viscount corresponds in the UK to the Anglo-Saxon shire, reeve ,(root of the non-nobiliary, royal-appointed office of sheriff). Thus early
  32. And in the later Anglo-Saxon period by royal official known as a" shire, reeve ," or sheriff. The shires were divided into hundreds or pentanes, although
  33. Is also the equivalent of Garza, modern reeve , from which sheriff or shire, reeve ,is derived). In the Life of King Alfred by the Welsh bishop Asset, the Latin
  34. Toronto (including the mayor),and one representative (usually a mayor or, reeve ,) from each of the surrounding municipalities. Metropolitan Toronto also had
  35. Seinfeld Abbey in 1327,and Woldenhorn became the seat of the monastery, reeve ,until the middle of the 16th century. The" ARX Augsburg ", also called
  36. In the sheriffs or shires over which a sheriff (a contraction of shire, reeve ,) exercised jurisdiction. Malcolm III appears to have introduced sheriffs as
  37. Rd. Heading east from St. Laurent Blvd. He was survived by John Inner who was, reeve ,of Gloucester Township. Isaiah Charge settled on a lot near Emily Carr School
  38. In the castle in 1295 and 1304. In 1326,Count John III of Schaumburg had his, reeve ,relocated to Tristan and abandoned the castle. Modern period After the
  39. Municipalities in place of counties refer to their head elected official as, reeve , although some such municipalities are now changing the title to mayor as well.
  40. Country to country. The word" sheriff" is a contraction of the term" shire, reeve ,". The term, from the Old English scīrgerefa, designated a royal official
  41. In 1134 the castle of Seeker was erected as a regional center from where the, reeve ,of Seeker ruled. When Schleswig-Holstein became a Prussian province in 1865
  42. The 2010 Ontario provincial-wide elections, Mary Smith won the position of, reeve ,from former reeve Ron Miller by nearly 1,500 votes. Also, for deputy reeve
  43. Of roughly uniform size and shape, which were run by officials known as" shire, reeve ," or" sheriff ". The shires tended to be somewhat autonomous and lacked
  44. And supplemented his income with such work as service as the town's hog, reeve , Distaste for pettifoggery and the sometimes absurd judgments pronounced by the
  45. Shows marked sexual dimorphism; the male is much larger than the female (the, reeve ,), and has a breeding plumage that includes brightly colored head tufts, bare
  46. Quarter days when accounts had to be settled. On manors, it was the day when a, reeve ,was elected from the peasants. Traditional meal for the day includes goose (a
  47. At Machell's Corners and became the first postmaster and later the first, reeve , As postmaster, he was influential in renaming the village Aurora. With the
  48. Scīrgerefa, designated a royal official responsible for keeping the peace (a ", reeve ,") throughout a shire or county on behalf of the king. The term was preserved
  49. A lawyerand called to the Bar of Upper Canada in 1864. Cone also served as, reeve ,of Brampton. Entering provincial politics in 1867,as a Conservative, he beat
  50. Gave Thorn hill its own political boundaries. The village was headed by a, reeve , In 1971,York Region was created, part of a wave of municipal re-organization

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