Examples of the the word, plenary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( plenary ), is the 10407 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Only by a number of limited restrictions, these government branches have, plenary ,power such as a national policing power. Otherwise, an enabling act grants only
  2. Owes its existence wholly to the United States. The Court thus seems to equate, plenary ,power to exclusive power. The U. S. government could exert over the territory
  3. Conclude that Puerto Rico continues to be a territory of U. S. under the, plenary ,powers of the U. S. Congress. The New Progressive Party (PNP) supported the
  4. FATF, which does not entitle them to vote, but permits full participation in, plenary ,sessions and working groups. FATF has developed 40 Recommendations on money
  5. 100 to 160; they are all elected by popular vote to serve four-year terms. The, plenary ,sessions of the Labor take place from January 15 to July 15,and from September
  6. And German to Maltese and Irish. Simultaneous interpreting is offered in all, plenary ,sessions, and all final texts of legislation are translated. With twenty-three
  7. Of both the South Korean and Indian space agency ISRO announced at the first, plenary ,session of the 2009 International Astronautical Congress that their nations
  8. And committee groups are formally given to Brussels along with a set number of, plenary ,sessions. Three quarters of Parliament now takes place at its Brussels
  9. Buildings. A protocol attached to the Treaty of Amsterdam requires that 12, plenary , sessions be held in Strasbourg (none in August but two in September),which
  10. Which became known as perestroika (economic restructuring). At the June 1987, plenary , session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (
  11. Genesis. On 22 October 1996,in a speech to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, plenary ,session at the Vatican, Pope John Paul II said of evolution that" this theory
  12. Government, but that will need a favorable report from the council. The, plenary , formed by the 41 city councilors, has advisory, planning,regulatory, and
  13. And ending, because the participating total of 109 delegations never met in a, plenary ,session, but dropped in between 1643 and 1646 and left between 1647 and 1649.
  14. Officials and climate change experts. After the opening ceremonies, closed, plenary , sessions were held. The meeting report states there were 322 persons in
  15. East peace initiatives, as it did those in 1983. In April 1994,Oman hosted the, plenary ,meeting of the Water Working Group of the peace process, the first Persian Gulf
  16. Have received instruction directly from God, and it is believed that he grants, plenary ,indulgence to all who confess their sins and visit his chapel on the
  17. Would meet only twice a year, with sessions lasting one or two days. Special, plenary ,sessions would be held before a major event, such as a new long-term plan or
  18. multinational coalition to mount the invasion. To this end, Powell addressed a, plenary ,session of the United Nations Security Council on February 5,2003, to argue in
  19. Of the American Federal-State system, one in which states are sovereigns with, plenary ,power that have relinquished a number of enumerated powers to the Federal
  20. The vote was conducted by acclamation, by selection (by committee),or by, plenary ,vote. Acclamation was the simplest procedure, consisting entirely of a voice
  21. Organizations. There are several major groups: * IPCC Panel: Meets in, plenary ,session about once a year and controls the organization's structure
  22. Trusts in The Bahamas. In December 2000,partly as a response to appearing the, plenary ,FATF Blacklist, the government enacted a legislative package to better regulate
  23. In 1863. *1907 – The unicameral Parliament of Finland gathers for its first, plenary ,session. *1911 – The New York Public Library is dedicated. *1915 – World War I:
  24. Modus operandi for the consideration of new and emerging issues. The closing, plenary ,convened in the afternoon to adopt recommendations on inland waters
  25. Legal purposes. Although this would not directly affect interpretation in the, plenary , it would shift the balance towards French when discussing draft legislation.
  26. Proportional to the number of councilors each political party has in the, plenary , The city council has jurisdiction in the fields of city planning
  27. A standing precedent of the other Senate; such issues will be submitted to a, plenary ,meeting of all 16 judges (the" Plenum" ). Unlike all other German courts
  28. Has been discussed by both colleagues and critics. Javelin was invited to be a, plenary ,speaker at the 2007 Quantum Mind conference in Salzburg, Austria,organized by
  29. For endorsement, and the full set of Recommendations were published after each, plenary ,assembly. However, the delays in producing texts, and translating them into
  30. A Statute of Autonomy was approved with no opposing votes. The Senate, in a, plenary ,session of December 20, 2006,ratified the referendum to be voted upon by the
  31. That Puerto Rico continues to be a territory of the United States under the, plenary ,powers of the U. S. Congress. Disfranchisement because of residence in Puerto
  32. Is an unincorporated organized territory of the United States, subject to the, plenary ,powers of the United States government. The Popular Democratic Party has
  33. Up, amend to adopt legislative proposals and reports to be presented to the, plenary , The rapporteurs for a committee are supposed to present the view of the
  34. In Launceston, Tasmania,which called for Parliament to receive" such, plenary ,powers as are necessary and desirable" to achieve the ALP's goals in domestic
  35. Was elected general secretary without a hitch. At the Central Committee, plenary ,session on 13 February 1984,four days after Andropov's death, the Chairman of
  36. Confirmed that Puerto Rico continues to be a territory of the U. S. under the, plenary ,powers of the U. S. Congress, a position shared by the remaining two-major
  37. Massachusetts at Amherst and Boston Harbor. In 1984, he was invited to give the, plenary ,lecture at the Wittgenstein Symposium in Fitchburg, Austria. He gave six major
  38. Their existence. Etymology The term hadron was introduced by LEV B. On in a, plenary ,talk at the 1962 International Conference on High Energy Physics. In this talk
  39. A mystery of the providence of God, but the result of this process is a verbal, plenary , inerrant, and authoritative record. " Most evangelical Biblical scholars
  40. Of Galatia in Asia Minor, during the 4th century. The first, an orthodox, plenary ,synod, was held in 314,and its 25 disciplinary canons constitute one of the
  41. V. Shortly after assuming office Palestine issued a papal bull granting a rare, plenary ,indulgence to all pilgrims visiting Santa Maria di Collemaggio through its holy
  42. Conclude that Puerto Rico continues to be a territory of U. S. under the, plenary ,powers of the U. S. Congress. The New Progressive Party (PNP) supported the
  43. Parliament provides translation into all languages for documents and its, plenary ,sessions. Some institutions use only a handful of languages as internal working
  44. Of Law at the University of Puerto Rico School of Law, clarified the meaning of, plenary ,powers, explaining," The government of a state derives its powers from the
  45. Act of 1933 is passed by the German Reichstag, allowing Adolf Hitler to gain, plenary ,power. *1934 – U. S. Congress passes the Tydings-McDuffie Act allowing the
  46. September 1571); and the purchase of assistance against the Turks by offers of, plenary ,pardon (March 1572). Katherine Rinse says in the book Waters of Rome Pius V
  47. EPP, is essentially the speaker of the Parliament. He or she presides over the, plenary ,when it is in session and the President's signature is required for all acts
  48. Within it the Church of Santa María la Antigua, which is presently used as the, plenary ,meeting hall of the General Assemblies of Biscay. *Park of the Peoples of
  49. And if a majority do, so it is forwarded to the President and announced to the, plenary ,before being forwarded to the other institutions and formally noted in the
  50. Historically, the Recommendations of the CCITT were presented to four-yearly, plenary ,assemblies for endorsement, and the full set of Recommendations were published

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