Examples of the the word, peck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( peck ), is the 10923 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Interested, he will stretch his neck and erect his feathers and bend over and, peck ,at the ground. He will then sidle up to the female, swaying his body and neck
  2. The Navy under Martin Van Buren; thought to be" author" of" Peter picked a, peck ,of pickled peppers ". *James" Steve" Plan, ( 1942–2011) Chief Engineer and
  3. It was a Monet, peck ing had no effect. After a while, the pigeons would only, peck ,when shown Picasso paintings. They were then able to generalize, and correctly
  4. Himself, Woody would peck his way onto the screen, say " Guess who? ", peck ,his name on either a brown or gray wood background, and flop around the screen
  5. York. Another example Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A, peck ,of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked, If Peter Piper picked a peck of
  6. In a series of short running motions, holding the body horizontal, stopping to, peck ,from time to time with a rapid bobbing motion. Diet is mostly insects and other
  7. A still life painting so convincing, that birds flew down from the sky to, peck ,at the painted grapes. He then asked his rival, Parrhasius, to pull back a pair
  8. With a perforated or punched pattern" ( possibly from German" pinker" = to, peck ,). As noted and referenced above, the word“ pink” was first used as a noun to
  9. And helps plan to kill the Giantess, using Cinderella's bird friends to, peck ,out the Giant's eyes at an area smeared with pitch, where Jack and the Baker
  10. They sometimes steal bird eggs) and domestic stock (they sometimes, peck ,at sores on cattle),and were systematically trapped or shot. Bounties of one
  11. Several months at least, sometimes riding on her back to begin with. They can, peck ,at food items on the surface and dive a little while still quite small, but the
  12. Tuba, electric piano, baritone horn, tenor saxophone," high school and, peck ,horns ", engineer Charts Album - Billboard (North America) Singles -
  13. The gill, the pint, the quart, the gallon, the minim, the barrel, the cord,the, peck , the bushel, and the hogshead. Related terms Volume and capacity are sometimes
  14. Cage peck ing at a button. The peck s deliver a hopper of grain every 20th, peck , and access to water after every 200 peck s. Superimposed schedules of
  15. The coin slide would illuminate a red lamp atop her toy piano and signal her to, peck ,out a song; when she’d hit enough keys, a sprinkling of corn would be released
  16. Lacy 1986,p. 76). Originally, the lyrics were" birds and butterflies, peck ,at his eyes" but were changed to" birds and butterflies, flutter 'round his
  17. The others and can peck anyone else without being peck ed. A second chicken can, peck ,all the others but the first, and so on. The chicken in the higher levels can
  18. Is not listed in the relevant statute, which jumps from the dry quart to the, peck , Belize, Burma (Myanmar),Cayman Islands, Grenada,Guyana and Sierra Leone.
  19. To as an Alto Sax horn. In the US, the alto horn is colloquially known as the ", peck ,horn ", supposedly because these instruments were employed in band music to "
  20. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked, If Peter Piper picked a, peck ,of pickled peppers. How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
  21. Screen and Woody peck ing a hole in the screen to introduce himself, Woody would, peck ,his way onto the screen, say " Guess who? ", peck his name on either a brown or
  22. Depending on race) and back. The bill is yellow with a red spot which young, peck ,at, inducing feeding (see fixed action pattern). The head is rear in winter
  23. Been observed preying on live whales, landing on the whale as it surfaces to, peck ,out pieces of flesh. Taxonomy The taxonomy of gulls is confused by their
  24. In the case of barley, oats and malt). A fir lot was equal to 4 peck s and the, peck ,was equal to 4 hippies or forgets. Conversions Jamie Lynn Marie Spears (born
  25. Amount of time. In each of these groups, a chicken dominates the others and can, peck ,anyone else without being peck ed. A second chicken can peck all the others but
  26. Joe thought. " All that fat boy had done was run like a thief-hit me with a, peck ,and backpedal like crazy. " Joe would remark. Towards the end of the training
  27. Kea are attracted by the prospect of food scraps. Their curiosity leads them to, peck ,and carry away unguarded items of clothing or to pry apart rubber parts of
  28. In front of a person and lurching up and landing on the victim's chest and, peck ,at the face and eyes. Magpie attacks can cause injuries, typically wounds to
  29. Assumed the dominant position in the social hierarchy and immediately began to, peck ,others. According to Lorenz, the most significant factor of social behavior
  30. Pecking responses can be made on either, and food reinforcement might follow a, peck ,on either. The schedules of reinforcement arranged for peck s on the two keys
  31. Are unfamiliar with their work. Filmography Feature Films Short Films A, peck ,is an imperial and U. S. customary unit of dry volume, equivalent to 2 gallons
  32. Picar, which has two meanings: 1) to mince or chop, and 2) to bite, sting or, peck , The rooster, gallo in Spanish, is a common metaphor for the hypermasculine (
  33. Award, winner Adrien Brody ran on stage and, instead of giving her the standard, peck ,on the cheek, planted a long kiss on Berry. 2002 – present As Bond girl
  34. An image of what was in front of the missile onto a screen. The pigeons would, peck ,toward the object, thereby directing the missile. Skinner complained" our
  35. Right thing for his children should be a natural course of action;" Doves will, peck ,in safeguard of their brood" ( 2.2.18). During the debate about the rightful
  36. With a perforated or punched pattern" ( maybe from German" pinker" = to, peck ,). Source: Collins Dictionary. This verb sense is also used in the name of
  37. Water and eating by themselves they are allowed to wander out of the loft and, peck ,around in the garden, while doing this they are constantly observing their
  38. Of imperial units as a result of the Weights and Measures Act of 1104. The, peck ,was equal to about 49 liters (in the case of certain crops, such as wheat
  39. Tin ingots were a trading currency unique to Malacca. Cast in the shape of a, peck , each block weighs just over one pound. Ten blocks made up one unit called a
  40. Horn ", supposedly because these instruments were employed in band music to ", peck ,away at" the upbeats. This name is mentioned in The Music Man. Repertoire The
  41. A particular quality. A common example is the pelican which was thought to, peck ,its breast to feed its young on the blood, thus representing the love of Christ
  42. Toy boat. Unique New York. Another example Peter Piper picked a, peck ,of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked,
  43. Will swoop in from behind or the side and audibly" snap" their beaks or even, peck ,or bite at the face, neck,ears or eyes. More rarely, a bird may dive-bomb and
  44. Who Kills With His Eyes. If he sees you he will paralyze you with his eyes and, peck ,you to pieces. " Changing Woman cried," Now the monsters know about you, and
  45. Female duck, even when she's of a different species, and proceed to chase and, peck ,at her until she weakens, at which point each male will take turns copulating
  46. Make a kenning (obsolete),and four peck s make a bushel. In Scotland,the, peck ,was used as a dry measure until the introduction of imperial units as a result
  47. Then one instance of the behavior. For example, a pigeon may be required to, peck ,a button switch ten times before food appears. This is a" ratio schedule. "
  48. Whilst this had the advantage of being usable by untrained users via 'hunt and, peck ,' typing and requiring one less key switch than a conventional 12 button keypads
  49. Clifford replies" So cowards fight when they can fly no further, /So doves, peck ,the falcon's piercing talons" ( 1.4.40–41). After the news of York's death
  50. Least 1996 off the coast of Patagonia. The kelp gull uses its powerful beak to, peck ,down centimeters into the skin and blubber, often leaving the whales with large

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