Examples of the the word, boolean , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boolean ), is the 10925 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The first pillar of Boolean logic in electronic computation. For an input of 2, boolean , variables,there are 16 possible boolean algebraic functions. These 16
  2. Value of A" this statement is false" could hopefully be obtained. In the, boolean ,domain" A false" is equivalent to" not A" and therefore the equation is not
  3. Values of the variables can be practically anything; real or integer numbers, boolean ,values or strings, for example. The variables represent some properties of the
  4. Although in most languages the type of logical disjunction expression is, boolean ,and thus can only have the value true or false, in some (such as Python and
  5. S environment or feature of the system, and will result in a pass or fail, or, boolean , outcome. There is generally no degree of success or failure. The test
  6. Floating-point numbers, characters,and enumerated types (ENIM). C99 added a, boolean ,datatype. There are also derived types including arrays, pointers,records (
  7. An immediate argument. Like Pascal, the p-code is strongly typed, supporting, boolean , ( b),character (c),integer (i),real (r),set (s),and pointer (a)
  8. To three data sources in memory, called A, B and C, performs a programmable, boolean ,function on the data sources and writes the result to a destination area’D.
  9. A: array 1. 8 of boolean ; b: array 2. 16 of boolean ; c: array -7. 7 of, boolean ,; x: array 1. 8 of integer; procedure try (i: integer; var q: boolean ); var j
  10. Exact numerical representation and several rounding modes. Python allows, boolean ,expressions with multiple equality relations in a manner that is consistent
  11. Route of some length that goes through all the nodes in a certain network **The, boolean ,falsifiability problem, where we want to know whether a certain formula
  12. 7 of boolean ; x: array 1. 8 of integer; procedure try (i: integer; var q:, boolean ,); var j: integer; begin j: = 0; repeat j: j + 1; q: false; if a j and b i + j
  13. Simplyfying the boolean equations. ** Petrick's method: Another algorithm for, boolean ,simplification. ** Espresso heuristic logic minimizer: Fast algorithm for
  14. Type. The predefined types are: The range of values allowed for each (except, boolean ,) is implementation defined. Functions are provided for some data conversions.
  15. It to be displayed by calling the method inherited from the super class with the, boolean ,parameter true. Once the frame is displayed, exiting the main method does not
  16. AND TRUE FALSE is equivalent to FALSE. A predicate is a function that returns a, boolean ,value. The most fundamental predicate is ZERO, which returns TRUE if its
  17. Object state,e.g. item ... feature -- Status report -- ... Declarations of, boolean ,queries on the object state,e.g. is_empty ... feature -- Element change --
  18. As in the sort example above. CL also differs from Scheme in its handling of, boolean ,values. Scheme uses the special values #t and #f to represent truth and falsity
  19. Quantum mechanical effects (though quantum computing usually diverges from, boolean ,design). It is also possible to make photonic logic gates using non-linear
  20. Are based on the" success" or" failure" of expressions, rather than on, boolean ,logic, as in most other programming languages. Under this model, simple
  21. Program eightqueen1 (output); var i: integer; q: boolean ; a: array 1. 8 of, boolean ,; b: array 2. 16 of boolean ; c: array -7. 7 of boolean ; x: array 1. 8 of
  22. Computation. For an input of 2 boolean variables, there are 16 possible, boolean ,algebraic functions. These 16 functions are enumerated below, together with
  23. Cardinalities. *There exists a model of AFC in which there is a free complete, boolean ,algebra on countably many generators. For proofs, see Thomas Tech, The Axiom of
  24. Zero, skip the next instruction; and in any case, replace those bits by their, boolean ,complement. Some smaller instruction classes include the shift/rotate
  25. Instance). The author also criticized the unpredictable order of evaluation of, boolean ,expressions, poor library support, lack of static variables and a number of
  26. The NC Hierarchy NCI is the class of decision problems decidable by uniform, boolean ,circuits with a polynomial number of gates and depth O (login),or the class
  27. Also called as Q-M algorithm, programmable method for simplifying the, boolean ,equations. ** Petrick's method: Another algorithm for boolean simplification.
  28. Value' () which is equivalent to NIL in Common Lisp evaluates to true in a, boolean ,expression. Lastly, the Scheme standards documents require tail-call
  29. Since the position of the radix point is implied. Chen-Ho encoding provides a, boolean ,transformation for converting groups of three BCD-encoded digits to and from
  30. Simplification. ** Espresso heuristic logic minimizer: Fast algorithm for, boolean ,function minimization. Machine learning and statistical classification *
  31. Paper-tape input and was capable of being configured to perform a variety of, boolean ,logical operations on its data, but it was not Turing-complete. Nine Mk II
  32. The following two definitions (known as Church Boolean) are used for the, boolean ,values TRUE and FALSE:: TRUE: = OXY. X: FALSE: = OXY. Y:: (Note that FALSE is
  33. Problems, such as the knapsack problem, the travelling salesman problem and the, boolean ,falsifiability problem, that can solve to optimally many real-world instances
  34. Elements of the original data structure for which a given predicate returns the, boolean ,value true ** Filter (software),a computer program to process a data stream
  35. Technique called constructive solid geometry defines objects by conducting, boolean ,operations on regular shapes, and has the advantage that animations may be
  36. Had the \ (Backslash) character added to it in order to support ALGOL's, boolean ,operators /\ and \/. 1962: ALCOA - This character set included the unusual" ᛭
  37. XXX+. ≠' '; The following function" life ", written in Dialog APL, takes a, boolean ,matrix and calculates the new generation according to Conway's Game of Life.
  38. Var i: integer; q: boolean ; a: array 1. 8 of boolean ; b: array 2. 16 of, boolean ,; c: array -7. 7 of boolean ; x: array 1. 8 of integer; procedure try (i:
  39. Satisfaction ** Chaff algorithm: an algorithm for solving instances of the, boolean ,falsifiability problem ** Davis–Putnam algorithm: check the validity of a
  40. The second and third make it false. In languages, like Pascal, where standard, boolean ,operations are not short-circuited, condition coverage does not necessarily
  41. As the generation and storage of data realized through advanced bitwise and, boolean ,operations used in gaming, software security, data management, and cryptography
  42. As both discrete examples and continuous examples. Discrete algebras include:, boolean ,algebra used in logic gates and programming; relational algebra used in
  43. The exception to the primitive data types (integers, floating-point numbers, boolean ,values, and characters),which are not classes for performance reasons. Unlike
  44. Makes them impractical for lists of small data items such as characters or, boolean ,values, because the storage overhead for the links may exceed by a factor of
  45. Be chained, for example a < b ← c. *Python uses the words and, or,not for its, boolean ,operators rather than the symbolic &&, | |, Used in C. *Python has a type of
  46. ALT specifies a list of guarded commands. The guards are a combination of a, boolean ,condition and an input expression (both optional). Each guard for which the
  47. As well as not met? * Condition coverage (or predicate coverage) - Has each, boolean ,sub-expression evaluated both to true and false? This does not necessarily
  48. some inputs and ignores the rest of the inputs. Out of the 256 ternary, boolean ,operators cited above, \bin om\dot 16 - \bin om\dot 4 + \bin om\dot 2 of them
  49. Program eightqueen1 (output); var i: integer; q:, boolean ,; a: array 1. 8 of boolean ; b: array 2. 16 of boolean ; c: array -7. 7 of
  50. We want to know whether a certain formula in propositional logic with, boolean ,variables is true for some value of the variables Why some NP problems are hard

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