Examples of the the word, karma , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Recruits for doing the same. Vedanta Data Vedanta differs from the view that, karma ,is a law of cause and effect but instead additionally hold that karma is
  2. Or the biblical Great Flood. Other faiths are even more subtle: the doctrine of, karma ,shared by Buddhism and Hinduism is a divine law similar to divine retribution
  3. Hold that karma is mediated by the will of a personal supreme god. This view of, karma ,is in contradiction to Buddhism, Jainism and other Indian religions that do
  4. So gen Horn, Translating the Zen Phrase Book Karma (; Origins A concept of, karma ,(along with samsara and Marsha) may originate in the shaman tradition of
  5. And short-lived, and ceases to exist as soon as a deed is executed. Hence, karma ,cannot bestow the fruits of actions at a future date according to one's merit.
  6. View that karma is a law of cause and effect but instead additionally hold that, karma ,is mediated by the will of a personal supreme god. This view of karma is in
  7. And dispassion as well as a possible reduction of or elimination of negative, karma , When a person is aware of approaching death, and feels that s/he has completed
  8. A Jain may fast at any time, especially if he/she feels some mistake (negative, karma ,generally known as pap or 'papa' ) has been committed. Variations in fasts
  9. To be the sole doer and enjoyed of his karma and their 'fruits '. Laws of, karma ,are codified in some books. In the Indian religions Hinduism Many Hindus see
  10. By the belief in reincarnation (samsara),determined by the law of, karma , and the idea that salvation is freedom from this cycle of repeated birth and
  11. Thus disagree with the Buddhist and Jain views and other Hindu views that, karma ,is merely a law of cause and effect but rather is also dependent on the will of
  12. Fluctuating causes and conditions and is significant because it is the cause of, karma ,and hence suffering. Platonism and Neoplatonism Plato's theory of forms or "
  13. To spiritual insights. At this time, the concepts of reincarnation, samsara, karma , and Marsha began to be accepted in ancient India within the sphere of the
  14. Plays some kind of role, for example, as the dispenser of the 'fruits' of, karma ,or as exercising the option to change one's karma in rare instances. In
  15. With intents of attachments and aversions, give rise to the accumulation of, karma , These influxes of karma in turn contribute to determine our future
  16. In contradiction to Buddhism, Jainism and other Indian religions that do view, karma ,as a law of cause and effect. Swami Savanna, an Data scholar, reiterates
  17. Teachings of enlightened humans, those who have reached liberation from their, karma , during the third and fourth Aras. Traditionally, in our universe and in this
  18. Moksha (liberation or freedom). The schools of Vedanta and Nyasa states that, karma ,itself proves the existence of God. Nyasa being the school of logic, makes the
  19. Practising external and internal austerities to shed the previously accumulated, karma , This assists in development of right discipline as a matter of routine habit.
  20. Beings who rediscovered the dharma, became fully liberated from the bandages of, karma ,by conquering attachments and aversions, and taught the spiritual path to
  21. And the beings who reside there will reappear in other realms based on their, karma , The Tibetan word Bard means literally" intermediate state ". In Sanskrit the
  22. Learning the philosophies of non-violence and doing good always. Concept of, karma ,Karma in Jainism conveys a totally different meaning than commonly understood
  23. Of the 'fruits' of karma or as exercising the option to change one's, karma ,in rare instances. In general, followers of the Buddhism and many followers of
  24. Are in filling it with belief systems such as eternal reward, reincarnation, karma , etc. Spiritual Deists are likely to label themselves“ Spiritual But Not
  25. In conformity with the world "; omniscience, and the ability to" suppress, karma ,". Nevertheless, some of the more ordinary details of his life have been
  26. Religions of the region, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, also believe in, karma , outside the scope of Hinduism. Despite its complexity, Hinduism is not only
  27. Consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of, karma , Followers of Vedanta consider Ishtar, a personal supreme God, as playing a
  28. Deep meditation (such as in Raja yoga) must embody the core principles of, karma ,yoga, jnana yoga and Shakti yoga, whether directly or indirectly. Practices
  29. And rebirth is a continuum called samsara. The notion of reincarnation and, karma ,is a strong premise in Hindu thought. The Bhagavad Gita states: Samsara
  30. Text. In his commentary on Chapter 3 of the Brahma Surreys, Sivananda notes that, karma ,is insentient and short-lived, and ceases to exist as soon as a deed is
  31. Of the body Tirthankaras The purpose of life is to undo the negative effects of, karma ,through mental and physical purification. This process leads to liberation
  32. On the will of a personal supreme God. A good summary of this theistic view of, karma ,is expressed by the following:" God does not make one suffer for no reason nor
  33. Their stay in the heaven is not eternal—eventually they will use up their good, karma ,and will undergo a different rebirth into another realm, as humans, animals or
  34. Moksha are called Buddhas, while those attached to the world through their, karma ,are called Xamarin. Every soul has to follow the path, as explained by the
  35. In this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of, karma ,lies in intelligent action and dispassionate response. One of the first and
  36. At a future date according to one's merit. Furthermore, one cannot argue that, karma ,generates aura or puny, which gives fruit. Since aura is non-sentient, it
  37. Spectrum of laws and prescriptions of" daily morality" based on the notion of, karma , dharma, and societal norms. Hinduism grants a great degree of freedom of
  38. Have Hindu, Buddhist or Jain versions. All four traditions have notions of, karma , dharma, samsara,Marsha and various forms of Yoga. Of course, these terms may
  39. One central point of divergence is Steiner's views on reincarnation and, karma , * Steiner differentiated three contemporary paths by which he believed it
  40. Certain conditions, like a medical pill has many effects. The effects of, karma ,in Jainism is therefore a system of natural laws rather than moral laws. When
  41. And aversions, give rise to the accumulation of karma . These influxes of, karma ,in turn contribute to determine our future circumstances that are both
  42. That a Sad guru, acting on a god's behalf, can mitigate or work out some, karma ,of the disciple. And according to the Jainism perspective, neither a god nor a
  43. The individual. Thus, the concept of a universal, neutral,and never-failing, karma ,intrinsically relates to reincarnation as well as to one's personality
  44. Consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of, karma , Another view holds that a Sad guru, acting on a god's behalf, can mitigate or
  45. Sight and hearing) with attachment, aversion or ignorance, it attracts new, karma , Practicing this reflection, reminds the soul to be more careful. #Stoppage of
  46. Evidences have shown that philosophical concepts considered typically Indian –, karma , AHIMA, moksa, reincarnation and the like – either originate in the shaman
  47. Are derivable from a Sanskrit prototype by phonological rules (e.g. Sanskrit, karma ," deed" becomes Pale gamma, and eventually Hindi km," work" ). *The people
  48. Consider Ishtar, a personal supreme God, as playing a role in the delivery of, karma , Theistic schools of Hinduism such as Vedanta thus disagree with the Buddhist
  49. No intermediary between mankind and the divine; distant gods are subjected to, karma ,themselves in decaying heavens; and the Buddha is only a guide and teacher for
  50. It is also not possible for the soul to know beforehand when and which, karma ,will start to produce results. Therefore, a person should practice equanimity

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