Examples of the the word, bale , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bale ), is the 11763 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tannins have been shown to have positive effects on silage quality in the round, bale ,silage, in particular reducing NPNS (non-protein nitrogen) in the lowest
  2. Less hay is lost to rot and moisture. Haulage For animals that eat silage,a, bale ,wrapper may be used to seal a round bale completely and trigger the
  3. Land in Joshua Tree, California,where they designed and built a straw, bale ,house. He died in Lafayette, Indiana,from a heart attack while on his way to a
  4. Herbivores, such as horses, and when this occurs, the entire contaminated, bale ,generally is thrown out, another reason some livestock owners continue to
  5. Scottsboro led the world in sales of long-staple Sea Island Cotton. For each, bale ,of cotton sold in Savannah, ten bale s were sold in Scottsboro. After the boll
  6. Where Bonsai causes a little surprise when he parachutes into a farmer's, bale ,of hay in his Hitler costume and makeup. The actors are soon revealed as heroes
  7. Ottawa was also established in 1958. Ottawa is also home to the first straw, bale ,library in the United States. December 3,2009,the City of Ottawa became a
  8. Properly, the natural fermentation process prevents mold and rot. Round, bale ,silage is also sometimes called" haulage ", and is seen more commonly in
  9. For Art and Architecture – Storybook houses – Straw- bale construction – Straw, bale ,– Structural Building Components – Structural Building Components – Structural
  10. Use equipment manufactured over 50 years ago, kept in good repair. The small, bale ,remains part of overall ranch lore and tradition with" hay bucking "
  11. At the bank that remind her of the Ellis County prize of $100 for the first, bale ,of cotton brought in to the gin. Edna shares her new bailout plan, but her “
  12. That were accidentally killed by baling equipment and swept up into the, bale , which can produce toxins such as botulism. Both can be deadly to nonruminant
  13. Balle the word coincided graphically with the French ball" ball" and ", bale ," which has hence been erroneously assumed to be its source. French ball (but
  14. Presser, places the wool into approved wool packs in a wool press to produce a, bale ,of wool that must meet regulations concerning its fastenings, length,weight
  15. Sold for a seasonal record of 269,000 cents per kilo during June 2008. This, bale ,was produced by the Hillcrest Pine hill Partnership and measured 11.6 microns
  16. Trophy. Since 2000,Lord Piano has awarded a cup for the world’s finest, bale ,of wool that produces just enough fabric for 50 tailor-made suits. The prize is
  17. To an Australian or New Zealand wool grower who produces the year's finest, bale , The New England Merino Field days which display local studs, wool,and sheep
  18. Straw is an abundant agricultural waste product, and requires little energy to, bale ,and transport for construction. For these reasons, straw bale construction is
  19. As a rodent or snake, is killed by the baling equipment, then rots inside the, bale , causing a toxin to form. Some animals are sensitive to particular fungi or
  20. In which competitors complete a 2.5-mile course around the village carrying a, bale ,of straw and stopping at each pub on the route for a pint of beer. Many
  21. Bales, roughly the same proportions as the small squares, but much larger. The, bale ,size was set, so stacks would fit perfectly on a large flatbed truck. These are
  22. 72.1 % yield and had 43 Newtons per piloted strength measurement. The, bale ,realized $247,480 and was exported to India. During 2007 a new wool suit was
  23. Bale of cotton might be worth US$50 or $60 in Charleston, South Carolina, but a, bale ,pulled from a flooded hold would be saturated with water, and weigh as much as
  24. In China as Hangzhou, hangtou or Anglo, in the West African Yoruba region as, bale ,or baba Elbe and in the Nape region as Dakota, muku or NATO, depending on the
  25. Per piloted strength. The result was $AUD279,000 for the bale . The finest, bale ,of wool ever auctioned sold for a seasonal record of 269,000 cents per kilo
  26. Open box called a bucket, but other common attachments are a pallet fork and a, bale ,grapple. Other modifications to the original bulldozer include making the
  27. Over synthetic materials, while retaining its shape. In December 2004,a, bale ,of the world's the finest wool, averaging 11.8 micron, sold for $3,000 per
  28. And had 40 newtons per piloted strength. The result was $AUD279,000 for the, bale , The finest bale of wool ever auctioned sold for a seasonal record of 269,000
  29. The kids. Edna tells him that he was the one who brought the farm and the first, bale ,of cotton together and that he should never forget this. Viola and her husband
  30. Varied tremendously. Cotton was perhaps the most valuable bulk cargo. A, bale ,of cotton might be worth US$50 or $60 in Charleston, South Carolina, but a bale
  31. Two to four tons of dry matter per acre annually. It is also difficult to, bale ,due to its mining growth and its slowness in shedding water. This makes it
  32. Bright fire" ( where the element *below- might be cognate with the English word, bale ,as in ' bale -fire' meaning 'white' or 'shining '; compare Anglo-Saxon BAEL
  33. Sun for several days before combining them using a pickup header. Finally, they, bale , the straw. Oats can also be left standing until completely ripe and then
  34. Bales, commonly named by the strands of string used to wrap it. Other, bale ,sizes are three-string, and so on up to half-ton (six-string) " square "
  35. Hire extra pickers, but can pay them only if they win the prize for the first, bale , This is a decision to risk all. Will takes over the kitchen duties as all
  36. Called" Tossing the Sheaf" where local men compete to see who can toss a, bale ,of straw the highest over a raised bar. Together with neighboring Stanley
  37. Was witnessed by two other pilots who saw a Bf 109 crash and the German pilot, bale ,out. On 25 June 1941 Baker shot down two more Bf 109Fs. The first was shot down
  38. Or structure and separated so that they can cool off. If the temperature of a, bale ,exceeds more than, it can combust. Due to its weight, hay can cause a number of
  39. That relate to environmental sustainability such as solar power and straw, bale ,construction as well as booths offering food and local products. Food and local
  40. Requiring more powerful tractors. Mobile bale rs, machines which gather and, bale ,hay in one process, were first developed around 1940. The first bale rs produced
  41. He appears on some merchandise and flyers, and there is usually a round hay, bale ,caricature of him beside a sign that says" Welcome To Batesville. " The name
  42. Sale by Sample is a method in which a mechanical claw takes a sample from each, bale ,in a line or lot of wool. These grab samples are bulked, objectively measured
  43. Regions of western Minnesota, to see the harvested flax straw (square), bale , stacks start appearing every July, the size of some stacks being estimated at
  44. Millard County is working hard to make it easier to build Earth ships, straw, bale , homes,and other ecological and sustainable housing. Japanese internment camp
  45. To 1998,74 farmworkers in the United States were killed in large round hay, bale ,accidents, usually when bale s were being moved from one location to another
  46. It can be used, alone or in a post-and-beam construction, to build straw, bale ,houses. When bale s are used to build or insulate buildings, the straw bale s are
  47. Bales left outside. The wrap repels moisture, but leaves the ends of the, bale ,exposed so that the hay itself can" breathe" and does not begin to ferment.
  48. Haulage For animals that eat silage, a bale wrapper may be used to seal a round, bale ,completely and trigger the fermentation process. It is a technique used as a
  49. Seasickness, and food supplies began to run low. At some points they had to, bale ,water caused by a leak, and at another a man fell overboard, delaying their
  50. Combustion problems typically occur within five days to seven days of baling. A, bale ,cooler than is in little danger, bale s between need to be removed from a barn

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