Examples of the the word, globalisation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( globalisation ), is the 9758 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Music. Certain filmmakers see plagiarism in Bollywood as an integral part of, globalisation , where American and western cultures are firmly embedding themselves into Indian
- After the emission of Presidential office, he lent his support to alternative, globalisation , movements like the World Social Forum. After he had left the Presidency, and
- Speculation, ATTAC now devotes itself to a wide range of issues related to, globalisation , monitoring the decisions of the World Trade Organization (WTO),the
- Album include transport, technology,insanity, death,modern life in the UK, globalisation , and political objection to capitalism. Radiohead have stated that although the
- Termed" economic liberalism ". The Economist generally supports free markets, globalisation , and free immigration, has been described as neoliberal although occasionally
- Humanitarian aid and developmental efforts. Technical Central aspect of, globalisation , has been the development of a Global Information System, and greater
- On nationalistic grounds. The Global Justice Movement does not oppose, globalisation , per se, on the contrary, it supports some forms of internationalism. Its main
- English-speaking colony in North America in 1607 was a major step towards the, globalisation , of the language. British English was only partially standardized when the
- In the world's the poorest nations, often those that have not been as involved in, globalisation , Members of the anti-globalization movement respond that the pro-globalization
- Relief and foreign investment, and ensure the poorest of the poor benefit from, globalisation , On the ground, UNDP sponsors developmental pilot projects, promotes the role
- In National Semiconductor was evident in its failure to compete during the, globalisation , of Japanese semiconductor companies in the 1980s,followed by the Taiwanese and
- Of wealth in outer space. Wealth today, he argues, is created everywhere (, globalisation , ),nowhere (cyberspace),and out there (outer space). Global positioning
- Ostia; supporting the Constitution Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty; debating, globalisation , relations with China, and Taiwan; backing plans to outlaw Holocaust denial;
- Our progress. " It takes an editorial stance which is supportive of free trade, globalisation , government health and education spending, as well as other, more limited forms
- But it criticizes the neoliberal ideology that it sees as dominating economic, globalisation , It supports globalization policies that they characterize as sustainable and
- By investment, by developing legitimate businesses and purchasing property; *, globalisation , of communications and commerce - technology has made rapid transfer of funds
- Preference for the spelling -size,e.g. realize vs realize and globalization vs, globalisation , The rationale is partly etymological, that the English suffix mainly derives
- And firms that need to pay a higher price for these goods and services. The, globalisation , process has reinforced the concept of comparative advantage as regions of
- Christmas (known in Dutch as de Eastman) is often cited as an example of, globalisation , and Americanization. On the Frisian islands (Waddeneilanden),the Interlays
- In the rich world, business process outsourcing has, like most other arms of, globalisation , been a double-edged sword; it enables cheaper services but displaces some
- Of an alternative to the neoliberal society that is currently required of, globalisation , ATTAC aspires to be a movement of popular education. Communism and ATTAC At
- Years adopted by some of the most determined enemies of trade liberalization, globalisation , and the open society. " Booster added," The proposal to use the Robin tax as a
- Promotion of worldwide cultural and linguistic diversity in the era of economic, globalisation , In this regard, countries that are members of the Francophone have
- Virgin Islands * International Chamber of Commerce, supporting global trade and, globalisation , * International Code Council, building safety and fire prevention membership
- Challenges facing member states, especially the inequalities manifested by, globalisation , and the implications of neoliberal policies. The Non-Aligned Movement has
- Temples and genealogies. Moreover, the influx of Western culture and forces of, globalisation , have also contributed to erode the previous sociological uses of the Chinese
- And events such as the Gulf War in Kuwait were beginning to shepherd issues of, globalisation , and transnational trade on to national government agendas. Virtually alone on
- Rather associated with New Year's Day) are also used in Serbia as a result of, globalisation , Serbs also celebrate the Old New Year (currently on January 14 of the
- As being seen by some as a symbol for France's independence and defiance of, globalisation , Despite this, Asterix has made several promotional appearances for fast food
- Employees to be trained in this area before seeking employment. The process of, globalisation , has contributed to structural changes in labor, some domestic industries such
- Which were just coming to an end in 1997,as well as about factory farming and, globalisation , However, Yorke expressed little hope things would change under the
- Sanitation of Australia. " The party also denounced economic rationalism and, globalisation , reflecting working-class dissatisfaction with the neoliberal economic
- Area that felt the consequences of poor governance and was less responsive to, globalisation , has seen an increase in poverty while all other areas of the world have seen
- Argued that Hanson's views were better understood as an angry response to, globalisation , By August 1998 perceptions in Asia of Hanson's popularity being related to
- Cuisine of the first decade of the 21st century shows the influence of, globalisation , Organic and biodynamic, kosher and halal foods have become widely available
- American president Woodrow Wilson, also in English - a major milestone in the, globalisation , of English. The English-speaking regions of Canada and the Caribbean are caught
- Conservative and dominated by centuries-old regional tribal customs. Increasing, globalisation , has resulted in ranking 46th on the A. T. Kearney/FP Globalisation Index. The
- Ideology that it sees as dominating economic globalization. It supports, globalisation , policies that they characterize as sustainable and socially just. One of ATTAC
- Asia Task Force, a committee of UK businesses, informing the UK response to, globalisation , * Atlantic Theatre Festival, a professional theater company located in
- With the education and skills required to take advantage of new technology and, globalisation , However, Paul Krugman in The New York Times dismissed this" 80-20 fallacy "
- On subjects ranging from politics to the Pacific. His most recent book on, globalisation , 'A World Without Walls ', has also been published in Chinese and Turkish. He
- Support for free trade is high – in a 2007 poll 76 % responded that, globalisation , is a good thing. 70 % of trade flows are inside the European Union. Denmark has
- Runs parallel to Saramago's latter-day crusade against empire in the shape of, globalisation , " When speaking to The Observer in 2006 he said" The painter paints, the
- Became an important cultural center of Europe and was notably influenced by, globalisation , In 2000 anti- globalisation protests in Prague (some 15,000 protesters)
- Remain relatively progressive (considering the environmental challenges of, globalisation , with respect to terrestrial environments),with fewer advances in marine and
- Life 'outside' of Coronation Street, and in some ways predicts the growth of, globalisation , and the decline of similar communities. In a 1961 episode, Barlow declares: "
- Often definite. The same can be true for cultural diversity. For example with, globalisation , advancing quickly the number of indigenous languages is dropping at alarming
- Collective bargaining. The national debt shall be reduced. The party supports, globalisation , In the tax policy a simple tax code is called for. The party supports a
- Law has increased enormously in the present age of internationalism, economic,globalization, and democratization. History The birth of modern comparative law is generally
- And comforts. During the twentieth century, then,the Alps were involved in the, globalisation , of tourism, a process that caused the multiplication of its destinations.
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