Examples of the the word, elk , in a Sentence Context
The word ( elk ), is the 11103 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Charter forming the Hudson's Bay Company, the company was required to give two, elk ,skins and two black beaver pelts to the English King, then Charles II, or his
- Is presumably the same animal, are described thus::" ... there is, also,the, elk , which strongly resembles our steers, except that it is distinguished by the
- Brown bears also occasionally prey on large mammals, such as deer (including, elk , moose and caribou),bighorn sheep, mountain goats, bison and muskoxen. When
- Has a free" open" zoo that includes seals, penguins,horses, pigs,deer, elk , goats and many birds. Hosts the Way Out West Festival. *Änggårdsbergens
- Lewis and Clark reached the edge of the Great Plains, a place abounding with, elk , deer, bison,and beavers. The Lewis and Clark Expedition established relations
- Bear or spirit bear—only found in British Columbia) live here, as do deer, elk , moose, caribou,big-horn sheep, mountain goats, marmots,beavers, muskrat
- Of Biology. " In §166,I instanced the enormous horns of the extinct Irish, elk , and contended that in this and in kindred cases, where for the efficient use
- S suicide. While working on the story, Thompson symbolically stole a pair of, elk ,antlers hanging above the front door of Hemingway's cabin. Thompson and the
- Identified as Odin, then Germ and Free are shown taking part in hunting an, elk ,or moose. Theories Free is also a name applied to the monstrous wolf Henri in
- Wewúkiye ‘ the elk arrived ’; wewúkiyene peen minim ‘ the old man saw an, elk ,’. Adapting has an negative noun case (with suffix -Nam) that is limited to
- Elk liver and kidneys, with the result that consumption of these organs from, elk ,more than one year old is prohibited in Finland. Cadmium intake has been found
- Western Europe. Presumably early European explorers in North America called it, elk ,because of its size and presumably because, as men coming from the British
- El-, meaning " red" or" brown ", which is also a root for the English words, elk ,and another tree: elm, a tree distantly related to the alders. Description With
- While loss of habitat has affected native animals such as the pine marten, elk , woodland caribou, and bison, others like whitetail deer and bobcat thrive. The
- Capita number of deer and turkey in the United States, the largest free-ranging, elk ,herd east of Montana, and the nation's the most productive coalfield. Kentucky is
- Fats (rather than saturated fats). Cadmium levels are high in Finnish, elk ,liver and kidneys, with the result that consumption of these organs from elk
- In book 8,chapter 16 of Pliny the Elder's Natural History from 77 AD the, elk ,and an animal called Chris, which is presumably the same animal, are described
- Yitzhak ha-Sangari. The first Jewish Khazar king was named Bulman which means ", elk ,", though some sources give him the Hebrew name Gabriel. A later king, Obadiah
- Älg in Swedish, Elch in German and Los in Polish. Confusingly, the word, elk ,is used in North America to refer to a different animal, Cervus condenses
- In North American moose (A. a. Americans) than in the typical Scandinavian, elk , The male will drop its antlers after the mating season and conserve energy for
- Member of the pack. Packs of coyotes can bring down prey as large as adult, elk , which usually weigh over 250 kg (550 lbs). The average distance covered in a
- By the Doctors without Borders name. The moose (North America) or Eurasian, elk ,(Europe) (Alces) is the largest extant species in the deer family.
- While reuniting, one of Clark's hunters, Pierre Create, mistook Lewis for an, elk ,and fired, injuring Lewis in the thigh. Once reunited, the Corps was able to
- Britain as the elk , and in North America as the moose. The British English word, elk ,has cognates in other Indo-European languages, for example leg in Norwegian
- Primitive setup, with many larger animals having their digits reduced to two (, elk , cow, sheep ) or one (horse). The metatarsal bones of feet and paws are
- They would have had steep sides lined with planks, making it impossible for the, elk ,to escape once it fell in. The pits are normally found in large groups
- In Finland are the brown bear (the national animal),gray wolf, wolverine, elk , ( moose) and reindeer. Three of the more striking birds are the Whooper Swan
- 1997,the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources began to re-stock, elk ,in the state's eastern counties, which had been extinct from the area for over
- Minnesota's climate. Recipes using local wild game such as bison, deer,or, elk ,are also common. Other popular dishes statewide include glorified rice, Jell-O
- The past the state enjoyed a variety of mammals such as Plains Bison, Eastern, elk , bear, and deer, only the White-tailed deer remains abundant. Still fairly
- Black-tailed Deer, black bears, gray foxes, cougars,bobcats, and Roosevelt, elk , Reptiles such as the garter snakes and rattlesnakes inhabit the zone. In
- Snags on the free border. There is, however,a Scandinavian breed of the common, elk ,in which the antlers are simpler, and recall those of the East Siberian animals
- Age. Excavations in Alby, Sweden,adjacent to the Story Alvarez have yielded, elk ,antlers in wooden hut remains from 6000 BC, indicating some of the earliest elk
- Dolphins, elephants,giraffes, hippopotamuses,larger deer (such as moose, elk ,(wapiti) and red deer),rhinoceroses, whales and larger seals. Claude Elwood
- Animals as well as wild ruminants (for example, blesbuck, white-tailed deer, elk , pronghorn antelope, and so on. ). The disease was first described in the late
- Example of these trapping devices has been dated to around 3,700 BC. Trapping, elk ,in pits is an extremely effective hunting method, and as early as the 16th
- Was in use until the 19th century. The earliest recorded description of the, elk ,is in Julius Caesar's Commentary de Bello Gallic, where it is described thus
- Country he had seen in the American West" and hunting that included deer, elk , and grizzly bear. His third son, Gregory Hancock Hemingway, was born on
- The animal bearing the scientific name Alces is known in Britain as the, elk , and in North America as the moose. The British English word elk has cognates
- Main fork divides into three tines, with no distinct flattening. In the common, elk ,(A. a. aces) this branch usually expands into a broad palpation, with one
- Known as mad cow disease) in cattle, chronic wasting disease (CWD) in, elk ,and deer, and scrapie in sheep. Alters' syndrome in infants is also thought to
- Finland. Cadmium intake has been found to be elevated amongst all consumers of, elk ,meat, though the elk meat was found to contribute only slightly to the daily
- Although we have had descriptions of it from many persons; it is not unlike the, elk , but has no joints in the hind leg. Hence, it never lies down, but reclines
- Scandinavia one can still find remains of trapping pits used for hunting, elk , These pits, which can be up to 4 × 7 m wide and 2 m deep, would have been
- Will be in the defense of young or over a carcass, which is commonly an, elk ,killed by wolves. The grizzly bear uses its keen sense of smell to locate the
- Subjects: Hinayana Quinn ‘ the old man arrived ’; Hinayana woodlice ‘ the, elk ,arrived ’; wewúkiyene peen minim ‘ the old man saw an elk ’. Adapting has
- Has protein levels similar to other comparable red meats (e.g. beef, deer and, elk ,) it has a low fat content and the fat that is found is made up of a higher
- Or divided into two or three tines, with some flattening. In the North Siberian, elk ,(A. a. Bedford),the posterior division of the main fork divides into
- Elk antlers in wooden hut remains from 6000 BC, indicating some of the earliest, elk ,hunting in Northern Europe. In northern Scandinavia one can still find remains
- Once it fell in. The pits are normally found in large groups, crossing the, elk ,'s regular paths and stretching over several kilometers. Remains of wooden
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