Examples of the the word, unconditional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unconditional ), is the 11109 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Computer-like functions. However, the only branch instruction was an implied, unconditional ,branch (GOT) at the end of the operation stack, returning the program to its
  2. Amnesty for Confederates One of Johnson's last significant acts was granting, unconditional ,amnesty to all Confederates on Christmas Day, December 25, 1868,after the
  3. Algerians were killed. But it was on May 8,when France celebrated Germany's, unconditional ,surrender, that more deaths provoked a violent uprising by the Algerian
  4. By Seminole Native Americans. *1868 – U. S. President Andrew Johnson grants, unconditional ,pardon to all Civil War Confederate soldiers. *1914 – World War I: Known as the
  5. And as bills of exchange for trade transactions. Technically, a Hindi is an, unconditional ,order in writing made by a person directing another to pay a certain sum of
  6. The Kingdom of Serbia, which Austria-Hungary blamed for the assassination. This, unconditional ,support for Austria-Hungary was called a blank check by historians, including
  7. Of World War II Military Governor and Chief of Staff Following the German, unconditional ,surrender on May 8,1945,Eisenhower was appointed Military Governor of the U.
  8. Led by Dr. Henríquez from exile in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba,which demanded, unconditional ,withdrawal. They formed alliances with frustrated nationalists in Puerto Rico
  9. Ordering an investigation. Negotiations in Alexandria eventually secured the, unconditional ,release and recognition of innocence of the nine prisoners still remaining
  10. Turing completeness requires only four instruction types—conditional GOT, unconditional ,GOT, assignment,HALT. Cement and Kurtz observe that while" undisciplined "
  11. And the Maritime Union of Australia (MA). But these affiliations are seldom, unconditional ,or permanent. The AWU and the NEW, for example, are bitter rivals and the NEW
  12. They believe that water baptism is an outward symbol that a person has made an, unconditional ,dedication through Jesus Christ to do the will of God. They consider baptism to
  13. Turing complete with only four general types of instructions: conditional GOT, unconditional ,GOT, assignment/replacement/substitution, and HALT. Simulation of an algorithm
  14. Strait of Gibraltar. He requested help from Mussolini, who responded with an, unconditional ,offer of arms and planes; Wilhelm Canaries, the head of the Abner military
  15. He will bring to faith in Christ, thereby preserving the Calvinist doctrine of, unconditional ,election. This doctrine was most thoroughly systematized by the French Reformed
  16. In 1710. Over the next forty-five years the Acadians refused to sign an, unconditional ,oath of allegiance to Britain. During this time period Acadians participated in
  17. Violence. On July 26, 1945,the Allies issued the Potsdam Declaration demanding, unconditional ,surrender. The Japanese government council, the Big Six, considered that option
  18. Lindbergh. *1945 – World War II: The siege of Budapest concludes with the, unconditional ,surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army. * 1945 – World War II
  19. During the 2007 championship season, was resigned to the club following his, unconditional ,release from the Houston Astros. The Rockies have placed Mathew in the Triple-A
  20. Set Control instructions The control instructions consist of conditional and, unconditional ,branches, and jumps. The conditional and unconditional branch instructions use
  21. To execute Euclid's algorithm—some logical tests (conditional GOT), unconditional , GOTO, assignment (replacement),and subtraction. * A location is symbolized
  22. Single character: (Alternatively, the command may instead be translated as an, unconditional ,jump to the corresponding command, or vice versa; programs will behave the same
  23. 1900 – Second Boer War: In South Africa, British military leaders receive an, unconditional ,notice of surrender from Boer General Paid Crone at the Battle of Hardenberg.
  24. Applies to all, but only, rational agents. A categorical imperative is an, unconditional ,obligation; that is, it has the force of an obligation regardless of our will
  25. True gentile prophets' ). Finally, he argues that God's choice is not, unconditional , Recalling the numerous times God threatened the complete destruction of the
  26. Loss due to bad early data. Ufologists continue to present Singer as an, unconditional ,supporter of Shklovsky's artificial Phobos hypothesis. Time magazine wrote in
  27. Time the Emperor was heard on the radio by the Japanese people) signifying the, unconditional ,surrender of Japan's military forces (known as Gyokuon-hōsō). Objecting to
  28. Salvation has the condition of faith attached. The Calvinist doctrine of, unconditional ,election states that salvation cannot be earned or achieved and is therefore
  29. Of conditional and unconditional branches, and jumps. The conditional and, unconditional ,branch instructions use the branch instruction format, while the jump
  30. States Department Spokesman Philip Seeker calls for the" swift, safe and, unconditional ,release of all the hostages. " An Olympus camera and an ATM card of one the
  31. Jewish interpretation of the Bible,Israel's character as the chosen people is, unconditional ,as it says in," For you are a holy people to YHWH your God, and God has chosen
  32. Ciphertext (conditioned on the key) can ensure proper transmission, while the, unconditional ,mutual information between the plaintext and ciphertext remains zero, resulting
  33. Branches. They also save the address of the instruction following the, unconditional ,branch to a register. There are two such instructions, and they differ only in
  34. Organismic valuing process. Additionally, Rogers is known for practicing ", unconditional ,positive regard," which is defined as accepting a person" without negative
  35. It is difficult to locate an explicit reference in Anglicanism to the, unconditional ,acceptance of all Seven Ecumenical Councils. There is little evidence of
  36. In the Vietnam War was a major issue. Caldwell called for an" immediate and, unconditional ,withdrawal" of Australian troops from Vietnam. Whitley, however,said that
  37. Owen Sheehy-Skeffington and Hubert Butler. CND's declared policies were the, unconditional ,renunciation of the use, production of or dependence upon nuclear weapons by
  38. Or modified by the British parliament in the early 21st century, including the, unconditional ,right to trial by jury, the right to silence without prejudicial inference
  39. And unconditional positive regard as key. Those raised in an environment of, unconditional ,positive regard to have the opportunity to fully actualize themselves. Those
  40. Degradation of gladiators in the minus highlighted their Stoic virtues – their, unconditional ,obedience to their master and to fate, and equanimity in the face of death.
  41. Communist forces gain control of Saigon. The Vietnam War formally ends with the, unconditional ,surrender of South Vietnamese president Dong Van Mind. *1980 – Accession of
  42. Assignment, HALT. Cement and Kurtz observe that while" undisciplined" use of, unconditional ,Goths and conditional IF-THEN Goths can result in" spaghetti code" a
  43. Differentiated. In the development of the self concept, he saw conditional and, unconditional ,positive regard as key. Those raised in an environment of unconditional
  44. Navy, began a new siege (the eleventh siege of the town). They demanded its, unconditional ,surrender and an oath of loyalty to the Habsburg pretender to the Spanish
  45. Rule from divine approval. However, while the divine right of kings granted, unconditional ,legitimacy, the Mandate of Heaven was conditional on the just behavior of the
  46. At the same time, Wesley attacked the determinism that he claimed characterized, unconditional ,election and maintained a belief in the ability to lose salvation. Wesley also
  47. Ethnocentrism," which does not go hand in hand with otherness, that is, with, unconditional , respect of otherness ". Some people have claimed that Judaism's chosen people
  48. King George of Powerade as king on condition that he would promise an, unconditional ,harmony with the Roman Church. This he refused, but his successor, King
  49. Of Napoleon Bonaparte * August 15, 1945,Emperor Hirohito declares Japan's, unconditional ,surrender officially ending the Second World War. * August 15, 1945,Korea
  50. On how one counts) instructions unless either a conditional IF–THEN GOT or an, unconditional ,GOT changes program flow out of sequence. Besides HALT,Minsky's machine

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