Examples of the the word, dough , in a Sentence Context
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- Into round cookies before baking. * Molded cookies are also made from a stiffer, dough ,that is molded into balls or cookie shapes by hand before baking.
- Concept being 22. Hip-hop duo Multitude based their 1999 single" Not for the, dough ," on a sample from the movie's soundtrack and featured excerpts from the movie
- In proportion to the length of kneading. An increased moisture content in the, dough ,enhances gluten development, and very wet dough left to rise for a long time
- To and fro, : And muttered fumblingly and low, : As if his mouth were full of, dough ,: Who snorted like a buffalo--: That summer evening long ago, : A-sitting on a
- Gluten Gluten, when dried and milled to a powder and added to ordinary flour, dough , improves a dough 's ability to rise and increases the bread's structural
- Cherries. German dough nuts (which have no hole) are usually balls of yeast, dough ,with jam or other fillings, and are known as Berliner, Pfannkuchen (only in
- Which contributes viscosity (thickness) and extensibility to the mix. If this, dough ,is leavened with sugar, fermentation produces carbon dioxide bubbles, which
- Stay with the gluten. In home or play dough cooking, a ball of wheat flour, dough ,is kneaded underwater until the starch disperses out. In industrial production
- Used to happen to some children in Europe, whose blood was mixed in with the, dough ,of the Jewish holy bread. " * In 2008,a Polish team of anthropologists and
- Layout of courts in Scotland) hence the expression" in the dock" *To pierce, dough ,during its handling to prevent the formation of large air pockets, such as with
- Benin cuisine, the most common ingredient is corn, often used to prepare, dough ,which is mainly served with peanut- or tomato-based sauces. Name "
- Mushrooms and sausages, with or without tomato. *Calzone - folded over, dough ,usually filled with ricotta and other ingredients Pasta varieties - (over 650
- Are made from a stiff dough that is refrigerated to become even stiffer. The, dough ,is typically shaped into cylinders which are sliced into round cookies before
- children's blood to bake bread. " We have never allowed ourselves to knead the, dough ,for the bread that breaks the fast in the holy month of Ramadan with children
- When dried and milled to a powder and added to ordinary flour dough , improves a, dough ,'s ability to rise and increases the bread's structural stability and
- Countable nouns from uncountable nouns (Tag" dough " → Tagline" piece of, dough ,"),or personal nouns from abstract nouns (Were" teaching ", Strafe "
- By kneading the flour, agglomerating the gluten into an elastic network,a, dough , and then washing out the starch. Starch granules disperse in cold water, and
- Astragalomancy called Mo. The Dalai Lama is reported as using the mo, balls of, dough ,in which have been placed pieces of paper with possible" choices" written on
- children's blood to bake bread. " We have never allowed ourselves to knead the, dough ,for the bread that breaks the fast in the holy month of Ramadan with children
- Aires, Rosario and Córdoba also serve it with fauna, which is a chick pea-flour, dough ,placed over the piece of pizza. In fact, people say that what makes the
- Baking yeast strains are more aggressive, in order to carbonate, dough ,in the shortest amount of time; brewing yeast strains act slower, but tend to
- Used as a supplement for animal feed, fertilizer,in commercial production for, dough ,and yeast products, in the manufacture of glass, and in dental products.
- Favored solvent because the impurities stay with the gluten. In home or play, dough ,cooking, a ball of wheat flour dough is kneaded underwater until the starch
- Wontons, especially in takeout restaurants, are often made with thicker, dough ,than the authentic version. *Beijing beef — This dish exists in native Chinese
- Similar to small crusty donuts, loukoumades are essentially fried balls of, dough ,drenched in honey and sprinkled with cinnamon. * Lockout is a confection made
- At least these categories: * Drop cookies are made from a relatively soft, dough ,that is dropped by spoonfuls onto the baking sheet. During baking, the mounds
- A traditional sort of biscuit are Lebkuchen or UCLA (sort of sweet fried, dough ,). Fireman is a set of utilities written by George Stimson in the late 1970s and
- But also pastries (the latter resembling a sort of roll pastry) whose main, dough ,ingredient may be either butter or fat, and which may be simple or stuffed with
- Marrow * Panettone – a Milanese Christmas traditional bread made with a yeast, dough ,along with candied citrus peel, raisins and candied fruits * Throne – a candy
- Carbon dioxide bubbles, which,trapped by the gluten network, cause the, dough ,to rise. Baking coagulates the gluten, which,along with starch, stabilizes the
- Dating back about 1800 years, suggests a cure for gum ailments containing ", dough ,water" and olive oil. Anton van Leeuwenhoek, the famous 17th century
- 麵 (man) means noodle. The hand-making process involves taking a lump of, dough ,and repeatedly stretching it to produce a single very long noodle. Chuan
- Where the first off has the sound as in cuff and the second rhymes either with, dough ,or thorough – the latter being more common among locals. Spelling patterns
- long, can be used to make countable nouns from uncountable nouns (Tag ", dough ," → Tagline" piece of dough " ), or personal nouns from abstract nouns (
- Tofu, and pickled radish. * Son Pan Thai (算盘子) or Abacus Beads: Made of, dough ,formed of tapioca and yam, cut into abacus-bead shapes, which when cooked, are
- Corn tortilla (made of mass de main or mass de arrow, a maize or rice flour, dough ,used in Latin American cuisine) stuffed with one or more of the following:
- Hominy can be ground coarsely to make hominy grits, or into a fine mash (, dough ,) to make mass, a dough used regularly in Latin American cuisine. Many islands
- Name "/NP"> Benin"/> Grinders are used to prepare corn flour, which is made into a, dough ,and served with sauces. Name "/NP"> Benin"/>" Chicken on the spit" is a
- Pigeons were captured in nets and bred on farms, where they were force-fed with, dough ,to fatten them. The Nile provided a plentiful source of fish. Bees were also
- Dipoles, a Christmas and wedding delicacy, made of paper-thin, sheet-like, dough , which is cut in large squares and dipped in a swirling fashion in a pot of hot
- The Deer Huntress where she was offered cakes shaped like stags, made from, dough , honey and sesame-seeds. *Day 6 of 16 of Munition (tenth month) a
- And increases the bread's structural stability and chewiness. Gluten-added, dough ,must be worked vigorously to induce it to rise to its full capacity; an
- Coarsely to make hominy grits, or into a fine mash ( dough ) to make mass,a, dough ,used regularly in Latin American cuisine. Many islands in the West Indies, most
- Are examples of molded cookies. * Rolled cookies are made from a stiffer, dough ,that is rolled out and cut into shapes with a cookie cutter. Gingerbread men
- Riveted joints were often kept tight by using various mixtures, for instance a, dough ,made of rye flour. These alembics often featured a cooling system around the
- Refrigerator cookies (also known as icebox cookies) are made from a stiff, dough ,that is refrigerated to become even stiffer. The dough is typically shaped into
- Is dropped by spoonfuls onto the baking sheet. During baking, the mounds of, dough ,spread and flatten. Chocolate chip cookies (Toll House cookies),oatmeal (or
- Cutter. Gingerbread men are an example. * Pressed cookies are made from a soft, dough ,that is extruded from a cookie press into various decorative shapes before
- Used to happen to some children in Europe, whose blood was mixed in with the, dough ,of the Jewish holy bread. " In 1997,Arab parliamentarian Ahmad Tibia declared
- In a swirling fashion in a pot of hot olive oil for a few seconds. As the, dough ,fries, it stiffens into a helical tube; it is then removed immediately and
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