Examples of the the word, amplifier , in a Sentence Context
The word ( amplifier ), is the 10380 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The result is a compression effect, which (if the amplifier is an audio, amplifier ,) sounds much less unpleasant to the ear. For these amplifier s, the compression
- Between the different gates. Each gate consisted of one inverting vacuum tube, amplifier , preceded by a resistor divider input network that defined the logical function
- Control Grid Modulation. The operating bias and gain of the final RF, amplifier ,can be controlled by varying the voltage of the control grid. This method
- Electric guitar),the device they are intended to drive (such as a headphone, amplifier ,), the frequency range of the signals (Audio, IF,RF, and VHF amplifier s, for
- To achieve efficiencies of up to 60 %, by modulating the supply voltage to the, amplifier ,in line with the envelope of the signal. Linearity An ideal amplifier would be
- Used as amplifier s in telephone repeaters for long distance service. Magnetic, amplifier ,A magnetic amplifier is a transformer-like device that makes use of the
- To about 20 kHz (the range of normal human hearing). In ultra-high fidelity, amplifier ,design, the amp's frequency response should extend considerably beyond this (
- And instrumentation amplifier s will be more often specified (since the, amplifier ,'s input impedance will often be much higher than the source impedance, and the
- Is modulation of the primary radiation and the use of a selective, amplifier ,that is tuned to the same modulation frequency, as already postulated by Alan
- Systems. Ringing refers to an output variation that cycles above and below an, amplifier ,'s final value and leads to a delay in reaching a stable output. Ringing is the
- The output also increases until a point is reached where some part of the, amplifier ,becomes saturated and cannot produce any more output; this is called clipping
- But real amplifier s are only linear within limits. When the signal drive to the, amplifier ,is increased, the output also increases until a point is reached where some
- Which specify a condition that must be met for the absolute stability of an, amplifier ,in terms of its two-port parameters. Electronic amplifier s There are many types
- Were identical). If two equivalent amplifier s are being compared,the, amplifier ,with higher gain settings would be more sensitive as it would take less input
- 50 % of the RF carrier power. * Having (Constant-Current) Modulation. The RF, amplifier ,plate voltage is fed through a“ choke” ( high value inductor). The AM
- Which sometimes limits the full power bandwidth to frequencies well below the, amplifier ,'s small-signal frequency response. Rise time The rise time, tr,of an
- Graffiti representation of him exists in the center of Belgrade. Generally,an, amplifier ,or simply amp, is a device for increasing the power of a signal. In popular use
- The bandwidth of an amplifier is the range of frequencies for which the, amplifier ,gives" satisfactory performance ". The definition of" satisfactory
- Input signal to produce a given amount of power. Bandwidth The bandwidth of an, amplifier ,is the range of frequencies for which the amplifier gives" satisfactory
- Much higher than the source impedance, and the load impedance higher than the, amplifier ,'s output impedance). * Example: an audio amplifier with a gain given as 20 dB
- Magnetic materials to produce amplification. It is a non-electronic electrical, amplifier ,with no moving parts. The bandwidth of magnetic amplifier s extends to the
- Based on this definition, the drain efficiency cannot exceed 25 % for a class A, amplifier ,that is supplied drain bias current through resistors (because RF signal has
- With a CRT display sync pulses are fed to horizontal and vertical time base, amplifier ,circuits. These generate modified Sawtooth and parabola current waveforms to
- The same inductor, so that the modulator tube diverts current from the RF, amplifier , The choke acts as a constant current source in the audio range. This system
- Telecommunications; analog telephones in fact work without the use of any other, amplifier , Before the invention of electronic amplifier s, mechanically coupled carbon
- Limit analog computers. Some of these limits include the operational, amplifier ,offset, finite gain, and frequency response, noise floor, non-linearities
- An equalizer. The output of the pre amplifier then goes to a separate, amplifier ,system similar to that for an electric guitar. Several manufacturers produce
- For MF broadcasting) are based on high efficiency class-D and class-E power, amplifier ,stages modulated by varying the supply voltage. Older designs for broadcast and
- Amplifiers extends to the hundreds of kilohertz. Rotating electrical machinery, amplifier ,A Ward Leonard control is a rotating machine like an electrical generator that
- Is a measure of how much of the power source is usefully applied to the, amplifier ,'s output. Class A amplifier s are very inefficient, in the range of 10–20 %
- Criterion, which can be used to predict the stability of negative feedback, amplifier ,and negative feedback control systems. Thus, Cauchy's work has a strong impact
- To the input (source) they are designed to amplify (such as a guitar, amplifier , to perform with an electric guitar),the device they are intended to drive (
- AM radio also generated AM by controlling the gain of a transmitter’s final, amplifier , which was generally a class-C type for good efficiency. The following types
- Characterized by a number of specifications, listed below. Gain The gain of an, amplifier ,is the ratio of output to input power or amplitude, and is usually measured in
- Impedance higher than the amplifier 's output impedance). * Example: an audio, amplifier ,with a gain given as 20 dB will have a voltage gain of ten (but a power gain
- Output filtering to sharply limit frequency response beyond; too much of the, amplifier ,'s potential output power would otherwise be wasted on infrasonic and
- And frequency-shifts it to a fixed intermediate frequency (IF). The signal, amplifier ,(from the microvolt range to fractions of a volt) performs amplification to
- Components include active devices, such as vacuum tubes or transistors. Other, amplifier ,types Carbon microphone One of the first devices used to amplify signals was
- The power of a signal. In popular use, the term usually describes an electronic, amplifier , in which the input" signal" is usually a voltage or a current. In audio
- In telephone repeaters for long distance service. Magnetic amplifier A magnetic, amplifier ,is a transformer-like device that makes use of the saturation of magnetic
- S small-signal frequency response. Rise time The rise time, tr,of an, amplifier ,is the time taken for the output to change from 10 % to 90 % of its final level
- Stability is a major concern in RF and microwave amplifier s. The degree of an, amplifier ,'s stability can be quantified by a so-called stability factor. There are
- Efficiency. Doherty designs, which use a second output stage as a" peak ", amplifier , can lift efficiency from the typical 15 % up to 30-35 % in a narrow bandwidth.
- Is limited most often by distortion. The ratio of these two is quoted as the, amplifier ,dynamic range. More precisely, if S maximal allowed signal power and N noise
- Plate Modulation. In plate modulation, the plate voltage of the RF, amplifier ,is modulated with the audio signal. The audio power requirement is 50 % of the
- People usually can detect). The gain of a good quality full-range audio, amplifier ,will be essentially flat between 20 Hz to about 20 kHz (the range of normal
- Before hard clipping occurs; the result is a compression effect, which (if the, amplifier ,is an audio amplifier ) sounds much less unpleasant to the ear. For these
- They perform mathematical operations. Op amps are a particular type of feedback, amplifier ,with very high gain and stable input (low and stable offset). They are always
- However, none of these amplify power. Figures of merit The quality of an, amplifier ,can be characterized by a number of specifications, listed below. Gain The gain
- To the amplifier in line with the envelope of the signal. Linearity An ideal, amplifier ,would be a totally linear device, but real amplifier s are only linear within
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