Examples of the the word, conjecture , in a Sentence Context

The word ( conjecture ), is the 11565 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A conjecture , no matter how large, is insufficient for establishing the, conjecture ,'s veracity, since a single counterexample would immediately bring down the
  2. His attitude towards conjecture s was that one should not dignify a guess as a, conjecture ,lightly, and in the Panama case, the evidence was only there after extensive
  3. Slang term for powdered amphetamines, especially methamphetamine Other * Crank, conjecture , a term coined by Freeman Dyson to explain congruence patterns in integer
  4. Mathematician who also studied law. He is remembered today for Goldbach's, conjecture , Biography Born in the Duchy of Prussia's capital Königsberg, part of
  5. Extended a given search farther than previously done. For instance, the Collate, conjecture , which concerns whether certain sequences of integers terminate, has
  6. S veracity, since a single counterexample would immediately bring down the, conjecture , Conjectures disproven through counterexample are sometimes referred to a' (
  7. The" faith of knowledge," which is so much higher than the mere" faith of, conjecture ," or simple reception of a truth on authority, philosophy is permanently
  8. For p. Because many outstanding problems in number theory, such as Goldbach's, conjecture ,are equivalent to solving the halting problem for special programs (which
  9. Thirty-seventh" year, has become less popular, as it is based entirely on, conjecture , Persian documents Seven purported Persian decrees of kings or letters to and
  10. The methods of Warsaw theory. He further worked with Barry Major on the main, conjecture ,of Warsaw theory over the rational numbers, and soon afterward, he generalized
  11. Different version, sometimes based on science and fact, but often based on, conjecture , The exploration of how the world would look today if various changes occurred
  12. For Cardinal Scipione. What happened next is the subject of much confusion and, conjecture , The bare facts are that on 28 July an anonymous advisor (private newsletter)
  13. Of southern continent geological formations had led Roberto Montovano to, conjecture ,in 1889 and 1909 that all the continents had once been joined into a
  14. Truth or falsity of conjecture s of this type. Undecidable conjecture s Not every, conjecture ,ends up being proven true or false. The continuum hypothesis, which tries to
  15. Have the Devil's luck. ' I cannot find, or at this moment learn, beyond vague, conjecture ,where the French Fleet are gone to. All my ill fortune, hitherto,has proceeded
  16. Be true and has not been disproven. Karl Popper pioneered the use of the term ", conjecture ," in scientific philosophy. Conjecture is contrasted by hypothesis (hence
  17. To have and do have deep arithmetical properties. For example, the Ago–Gauge, conjecture ,postulates that p is a prime number if and only if pBp−1 is congruent to −1
  18. Although Tiberius was 77 and on his deathbed, some ancient historians still, conjecture ,that he was murdered. Backed by Macro, Caligula had Tiberius' will nullify
  19. Disproven through counterexample are sometimes referred to a' ( cf. Poly, conjecture ,). Mathematical journals sometimes publish the minor results of research teams
  20. Uses water as electron donor, producing molecular oxygen). Researchers, conjecture ,that, over the course of history, these photosynthesizing organisms produced
  21. From Serge Lang (resp. Of Serve) became known as the Panama–Chimera, conjecture ,(resp. Taniyama-Weil conjecture ) based on a roughly formulated question of
  22. Could be replicated reliably even if they had not been predicted by established, conjecture , Cold fusion was proposing the counterintuitive idea that a nuclear reaction
  23. The two, Candide is unambiguous as to which is its subject. Some critics, conjecture ,that Voltaire meant to spare Pope this ridicule out of respect, although
  24. Proceeded to develop further proofs which are contingent on the truth of this, conjecture , These are called conditional proofs: the conjecture s assumed appear in the
  25. Same class of problems that can be computed in polynomial time. Assuming the, conjecture ,that probabilistic polynomial time (BPP) equals deterministic polynomial time
  26. To formal mathematics. Use of conjecture s in conditional proofs Sometimes a, conjecture ,is called a hypothesis when it is used frequently and repeatedly as an
  27. Also known as the Church–Turing conjecture ,Church's thesis,Church's, conjecture , and Turing's thesis) is a combined hypothesis (" thesis" ) about the
  28. Early anticipation of later ideas such as module spaces of bundles. The Was, conjecture ,on Yamagata numbers proved resistant for many years. Eventually the Adélie
  29. Serve) became known as the Panama–Chimera conjecture (resp. Taniyama-Weil, conjecture ,) based on a roughly formulated question of Panama at the 1955 Nikki
  30. Types of views on the afterlife *The first type is based on observations and, conjecture ,made by humans or instruments (for example a radio or a voice recorder, which
  31. It Barbados. The word Barbados means" bearded ones ", but it is a matter of, conjecture ,whether" bearded" refers to the long, hanging roots of the bearded fig-tree (
  32. Before he became a bishop; the assignment of his birth to the year 315 rests on, conjecture , St. Cyril was ordained a deacon by Bishop St. Marius of Jerusalem in about
  33. In operator K-theory and index theory, which culminated in the Baum-Connes, conjecture , He also introduced cyclic cohomology in the early 1980s as a first step in the
  34. Basic in automorphic representation theory. He picked up another credited Was, conjecture , around 1967,which later under pressure from Serge Lang (resp. Of Serve)
  35. Is based on provable truth. In mathematics, any number of cases supporting a, conjecture , no matter how large, is insufficient for establishing the conjecture 's
  36. Was his prediction of the existence of secondary and tertiary alcohols,a, conjecture ,that was soon confirmed by the synthesis of these substances. He worked on the
  37. Of entropy over several cycles. Mister made the (ultimately incorrect), conjecture , that the Mix master mechanism, which made the universe more chaotic, could lead
  38. Theory, the Church–Turing thesis (also known as the Church–Turing, conjecture , Church's thesis,Church's conjecture , and Turing's thesis) is a combined
  39. Assumption in proofs of other results. For example, the Riemann hypothesis is a, conjecture ,from number theory that (amongst other things) makes predictions about the
  40. A Boolean algebra? This question (which came to be known as the Robbins, conjecture ,) remained open for decades, and became a favorite question of Alfred Tarsi
  41. The first report that carbon monoxide is a normal neurotransmitter in 1993,A, conjecture ,is a proposition that is unproven but is thought to be true and has not been
  42. Morse code and telegraphy, ticker tape machines, and teletypewriters we might, conjecture ,that all were influences. Turing—his model of computation is now called a
  43. The moment we neglect this principle we drift out upon a sea of uncertainty and, conjecture , " Technically speaking, the grammatical-historical method of interpretation is
  44. Exist linking several otherwise unproven conjecture s, so that a proof of one, conjecture ,may immediately imply the validity of several others. It can be much easier to
  45. Number generators are conjecture d by most experts of the field. This, conjecture ,implies that randomness does not give additional computational power to
  46. Which is a testable statement based on accepted grounds. In mathematics,a, conjecture ,is an unproven proposition or theorem that appears correct. Famous conjecture s
  47. A mercenary free company in 14th century Europe In mathematics: *Catalan's, conjecture , a theorem conjecture d in 1844 and proven in 2002 In politics: Other uses:
  48. It was something to prove that we can work together. There’s a lot of talk and, conjecture ,both internally and externally. All I can say at the moment is I think it would
  49. BP − 3 modulo p, where p is a prime; for example to test whether Vandiver's, conjecture ,holds for p, or even just to determine whether p is an irregular prime. It is
  50. Established a link between Fermat's Last Theorem and the Taniyama-Shimura, conjecture , Wiles earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics in 1974 after his study at

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