Examples of the the word, coercion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coercion ), is the 10949 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Towards children. In this article, however,attention will focus on thought, coercion , i.e. the attempt to use coercion to affect the basic values of grown-up
  2. Here it is necessary to point out that, whatever its effectiveness, thought, coercion , has in fact been used very extensively throughout history. Ideological
  3. Think, with particular regard to their basic attitudes and values. Pedagogic, coercion ,may be applied within a strictly educational context, and it is then mostly
  4. Rites" ( LI) and people's natural morality, rather than by using bribery and, coercion , He explained that this is one of the most important Analects:" If the people
  5. Of the person being coerced. Torture is one of the most extreme examples of, coercion ,i.e. severe pain is inflicted until the victim provides the desired
  6. And promoted the growth of cotton for export. The cotton policy – based on, coercion ,– failed, and revenue stagnated. The colony was later dismantled on 5 September
  7. Have considered coercion as the polar opposite to freedom. Various forms of, coercion ,are distinguished: first on the basis of the kind of injury threatened, second
  8. Of mathematics, and many theories of artificial intelligence, persuasion and, coercion , It has made its presence firmly known in the philosophy of language and
  9. Anything in Section 504. Additionally, Title V includes an anti retaliation or, coercion ,provision. The Technical Assistance Manual for the ADA explains it: "
  10. Depend. Physical coercion is the most commonly considered form of, coercion , where the content of the conditional threat is the use of force against a
  11. And that maintaining the class structure of a capitalist society requires, coercion , which is incompatible with an anarchist society. On the other hand
  12. Could be ended through the use of a safe word, neither coercion nor sexual, coercion ,may be charged. Similar principles apply for charges of sexual abuse of people
  13. Taxation). The initiation of force is usually referred to as aggression or, coercion , The difference between anarcho-capitalists and other libertarians is largely
  14. Target weaknesses in the actual cryptography, such as bribery, physical, coercion , burglary, keystroke logging, and social engineering, although these types of
  15. Rights, are protected from retaliation. The prohibition against retaliation or, coercion ,applies broadly to any individual or entity that seeks to prevent an individual
  16. Its legal, social,and ethical implications mostly depend. Physical, coercion ,is the most commonly considered form of coercion , where the content of the
  17. With the mutual consent of the partners involved. To fulfill the charge of, coercion ,the use of violence, or the threat of a" severe mistreatment" must involve an
  18. And pertinaciously pursued ", they would" dissolve the union or produce, coercion ,". The influence of Jefferson's doctrine of states' rights reverberated right
  19. These are so common that they are also used as metaphors for other forms of, coercion , Armed forces in many countries use firing squads to maintain discipline and
  20. Induce an adversary to behave differently than it otherwise would. " However, coercion ,does not necessarily amount to destruction. Psychological In psychological
  21. Submission or silent compliance. However, there also are nonphysical forms of, coercion , where the threatened injury does not immediately imply the use of force. Lyman
  22. Him or her for having exercised those rights... Any form of retaliation or, coercion , including threats, intimidation,or interference, is prohibited if it is
  23. Those of the victim. For this reason, many social philosophers have considered, coercion ,as the polar opposite to freedom. Various forms of coercion are distinguished:
  24. A population. Skinner supported the use of positive reinforcement as a means of, coercion , citing Jean-Jacques Rousseau's novel as an example of freedom literature that
  25. Some people include deception in their definition of (psychological), coercion , Yet deception does not generally involve any threat at all, as it works by
  26. Under this polity only through voluntary cooperation, never by any sort of, coercion , Furthermore, this Baptist polity calls for freedom from governmental control.
  27. His or her own choice among the alternatives of any feasible set. Thought, coercion ,is thus generally meant to be only temporary. Once the desired change in values
  28. Government policy opposes forced sterilization or abortion, but allegations of, coercion ,continue as local officials, who are faced with penalties for failing to curb
  29. Affect the basic values of grown-up people in general. In all forms of thought, coercion ,the immediate objective is to force other people to act as if their basic
  30. Assistance Manual for the ADA explains it:" III-3.6000 Retaliation or, coercion , Individuals who exercise their rights under the ADA, or assist others in
  31. Supreme truth ”. Clifton (1961) p. 545. Usage Some people speak of cultural, coercion ,when the fear of falling out with the group may force people into wearing a
  32. Made possible by the banking monopoly, which was in turn maintained through, coercion ,and invasion. Any such interest and profit, Tucker called" usury" and he saw
  33. Number of treasonous incidents is getting lower” as an example of the sort of, coercion ,that the Special Detachments (later to be renamed SME RSH) subjected the Red
  34. And thought At the other extreme of the spectrum one finds attempts to use, coercion ,altruistically, as a pedagogical device to improve – in some supposedly
  35. Charges against a suspect in return for full cooperation. Psychological, coercion ,– along with the other varieties - was extensively and systematically used by
  36. Question, and it will be considered in the section devoted to the effects of, coercion , Here it is necessary to point out that, whatever its effectiveness, thought
  37. Rewards, or intimidation or some other form of pressure or force. In law, coercion ,is codified as the duress crime. Such actions are used as leverage, to force
  38. Of“ outward” behavior is but a first step. The true and final aim of thought, coercion ,is to induce a change in the victim’s objective function itself,i.e. the
  39. No operator to concatenate strings,they're just placed adjacently. ) With the, coercion ,the program prints 0 on an empty input, without it an empty line is printed.
  40. Deception as separate phenomenon. Aims Predatory The purely selfish kinds of, coercion ,are a form of predatory behavior by the coercing party, whose aim is too narrow
  41. Does not necessarily amount to destruction. Psychological In psychological, coercion , the threatened injury regards the victim’s relationships with other people.
  42. Of the treatment could be ended through the use of a safe word, neither, coercion , nor sexual coercion may be charged. Similar principles apply for charges of
  43. And a collusive partnership between business and government that uses, coercion ,to subvert the free market. " Capitalism," as anarcho-capitalists employ the
  44. Framework adopted here, all such things amount to (psychological), coercion , if and only if the fear of falling out with the group is the result of
  45. Until the victim provides the desired information. Overview The purpose of, coercion ,is to substitute one’s aims to those of the victim. For this reason, many
  46. And Moniker claimed to be" the victims of a sinister campaign of fraud and, coercion ,that has cheated them out of continuing involvement in the production of Batman
  47. Does not immediately imply the use of force. Lyman and Waxman (2000) define, coercion ,as" the use of threatened force, including the limited use of actual force to
  48. The victim is expected to conform spontaneously, without any need for further, coercion , Whether and under what conditions this final aim can in fact be stably
  49. However, attention will focus on thought coercion ,i.e. the attempt to use, coercion ,to affect the basic values of grown-up people in general. In all forms of
  50. To resist a policy of restrictive legislation, having for its object social, coercion , that party is the Liberal party. (Cheers. ) But liberty does not consist in

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