Examples of the the word, uniformity , in a Sentence Context

The word ( uniformity ), is the 11777 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Case have uniform thickness so that the bullet will be released with the most, uniformity ,*Clean primer pocket (optional; primer pockets will have deposits from
  2. By a principle that has become the holy grail of color spaces: perceptual, uniformity ,(chromaticity distance should be commensurate with perceptual difference). By
  3. Maintaining rhythmic unison, are allowed their own solos. The combination of, uniformity ,and individual freedom of expression is what give Takashi its strength. Styles
  4. Opposition, even from the Levelers. Religious sects The breakdown of religious, uniformity ,and incomplete Presbyterian Settlement of 1646 enabled independent churches to
  5. Fully sound doctrine. A traditionalist response to the redefinition Broad, uniformity ,among the ancient churches An apologist for the traditional ecclesiastic form
  6. Though not the whole civilization, has been inferred from the revealed cultural, uniformity ,; however, it remains uncertain whether authority lay with a commercial
  7. Rejected the label feudalism as an anachronism that imparts a false sense of, uniformity ,to the concept. Having noted the current use of many, often contradictory
  8. Avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame. If they be led by virtue, and, uniformity , sought to be given them by the rules of propriety, they will have the sense of
  9. Dynamic hash functions that execute in constant time but relax the property of, uniformity ,to achieve the minimal movement property. Extendible hashing uses a dynamic
  10. Papyrus, clay,wax, etc. Common alphabets were introduced and allowed for the, uniformity ,of language across large distances. A leap in technology occurred when the
  11. This is one of the most important Analects:" If the people be led by laws, and, uniformity , sought to be given them by punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment
  12. Is a plurality of alien cultures, however,this theory may break down under the, uniformity ,of motive flaw: all it takes is a single culture or civilization to decide to
  13. Ethnologists. Taylor advocated strongly for unilateralism and a form of ", uniformity ,of mankind ". Taylor in particular laid the groundwork for theories of cultural
  14. Names, out of the very large set of all possible names. In these cases,the, uniformity ,criterion should hold for almost all typical subsets of entries that may be
  15. And (2) probable reasoning. With regard to (1),Hume argues that the, uniformity ,principle cannot be demonstrated, as it is" consistent and conceivable" that
  16. Which would allow it to address variation directly .... This assumption of, uniformity ,is a reasonable idealization; it does no more damage to the understanding of
  17. Empire as founded by Charlemagne, and committed to linguistic, and cultural, uniformity , They insisted on the use of the Latin liturgy, and they regarded Moravia and
  18. Of the parts to some design; (2) variety in as many ways as possible; (3), uniformity , regularity or symmetry, which is only beautiful when it helps to preserve the
  19. Right to determine if there is a carry to the current location. This lack of, uniformity ,is one reason that the contemporary definition of computable numbers uses
  20. The previous keys that have been inserted. Several algorithms that preserve the, uniformity ,property but require time proportional to n to compute the value of H (z, n )
  21. Would ideally seek as close to 2- (n-1) as possible to achieve differential, uniformity , When this happens, the differential attack requires as much work to determine
  22. Of Spitzer and his chosen committee members. One goal was to improve the, uniformity ,and validity of psychiatric diagnosis in the wake of a number of critiques
  23. Functions Some cryptographic hash functions, such as SHA-1,have even stronger, uniformity ,guarantees than checksums or fingerprints, and thus can provide very good
  24. For adoption by cities. Both were widely influential, promoting greater, uniformity ,between jurisdictions and tending to promote the automobile's priority in city
  25. 4th century. These two rules, independence of the Jewish calendar and worldwide, uniformity , were the only rules for Easter explicitly laid down by the Council. No details
  26. Must stand next to each other in a systematic order .... The assumption of, uniformity ,in a protolanguage, implicit in the comparative method, is problematic. Even
  27. The final response to those with unorthodox practices or beliefs. The relative, uniformity ,of organization and practice is undoubtedly due to the influence of a booklet
  28. Into many subdomains that get" mixed" into the output range to improve the, uniformity ,of the key distribution. Donald Knuth notes that Hans Peter Kuhn of IBM appears
  29. He saw evidence of design in the system of the world:" Such a wonderful, uniformity ,in the planetary system must be allowed the effect of choice ". But Newton
  30. Larger than m -- see the birthday paradox). When testing a hash function,the, uniformity ,of the distribution of hash values can be evaluated by the chi-squared test.
  31. They can be used in some applications, they can lack in the high degree of, uniformity ,necessary to satisfy the many needs of both research and industry. Recent
  32. Sophistication in the production of metal and ceramic artifacts, as well as of, uniformity ,over a vast area. Although this culture has conventionally been identified with
  33. Of Desert to the school system, stating " It will be the means of introducing, uniformity ,in our orthography, and the years that are now required to learn to read and
  34. There is something fundamentally misconceived about trying to explain the, uniformity ,of the early universe as resulting from a thermalization process. … For, if the
  35. Hindi Directorate of the Ministry of Education and Culture to bring about, uniformity ,in writing, to improve the shape of some Devanagari characters, and introducing
  36. Were not. The Court suggested it was Congress's responsibility to legislate, uniformity ,across all of professional sports. The House Judiciary subcommittee met in July
  37. China's foreign policy is also driven by the concept of" harmony without, uniformity ,", which encourages diplomatic relations between states despite ideological
  38. Little is used predominantly. Nevertheless, there is a meaningful degree of, uniformity ,in written English within the United Kingdom, and this could be described by
  39. Were generally well received, but some users criticized them for their initial, uniformity ,and writing style (for example, see http://en.wikipedia.org/w/wiki.phtml?
  40. Reduced pressures tend to reduce unwanted gas-phase reactions and improve film, uniformity ,across the wafer. Most modern CVD processes are either LPCVD or UHCD.
  41. Into the combustion chamber without forming droplets, which would impair the, uniformity ,of the combustion. Branched-chain alkanes are preferred as they are much less
  42. And began a series of unpopular reforms such as attempting to ensure religious, uniformity ,by dismissing non-conformist clergymen, and closing Puritan organizations. His
  43. Paul (1:11; 16:17). Paul then wrote this letter to the Corinthians, urging, uniformity , of belief (" that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions
  44. To popular belief, the bell does not amplify the sound; rather, it improves the, uniformity ,of the instrument's tone for the lowest notes in each register. For the other
  45. Of acquired traits (pan genesis). Blending inheritance would lead to, uniformity ,across populations in only a few generations and thus would remove variation
  46. Function Under the authority of the Metric Convention, the BIPM helps to ensure, uniformity ,of SI weights and measures around the world. It does so through a series of
  47. Yet such coherence among the ancient churches is not exact; the broad, uniformity ,exists notwithstanding their well-articulated differences. Further, among those
  48. The concepts of" necessity" and" liberty" as follows: Necessity:" the, uniformity , observable in the operations of nature; where similar objects are constantly
  49. While in government work, he helped develop the metric system to secure, uniformity ,of weights and measures throughout France. Final days, execution,and aftermath
  50. However, in the English-speaking world, there tends to be a great deal of, uniformity ,in order of service and hymned. Christadelphian hymned makes considerable use

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