Examples of the the word, cooling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cooling ), is the 10617 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Potentially warm air) from neighboring rooms is pulled into the room with the, cooling ,unit to compensate. Dual hosed units Dual hosed units are typically used in
  2. Falls and internal energy decreases. Rising magma also undergoes adiabatic, cooling ,before eruption. Such temperature changes can be quantified using the ideal gas
  3. To a home with an undersized central a/c e.g. " A hot upstairs bedroom ", cooling ,a room that never had a/c before but is now being used for living or work space
  4. Of a substance is decreased as it does work on its surroundings. Adiabatic, cooling ,does not have to involve a fluid. One technique used to reach very low
  5. Velocity air, as well as the lack of hard corners. Passive ground source-based, cooling ,If underground conditions are suitable, then by far the most energy-efficient
  6. Portable air conditioner can cool a room that is or smaller and has at most a, cooling ,power of 12,000 BTU's/h (3.5 kW). However, single hosed units cool a room less
  7. Easier to transport them as liquids: This requires both compression and, cooling ,of the gas. Propane and butane can be liquefied at fairly low pressures, and
  8. Of foil, and finally capturing them in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The overall, cooling ,process is workable, but highly inefficient; approximately 25 million
  9. Remains constant by heat exchange with the outside. Adiabatic heating and, cooling ,Adiabatic changes in temperature occur due to changes in pressure of a gas
  10. The Andes has been generated by hydrothermal fluids (mostly water) during the, cooling ,of photons or volcanic systems. The porphyry mineralization further benefited
  11. Tons of refrigeration ". A ton of refrigeration is approximately equal to the, cooling ,power of one short ton (2000 pounds or 907 kilograms) of ice melting in a
  12. R-12,R-22,R-134A). The blend most used in direct-expansion home and building, cooling ,is an HCFC known as R-22. It is to be phased out for use in new equipment by
  13. The crystal defects, but not as many can be hardened by controlled heating and, cooling , Many alloys of aluminum, copper,magnesium, titanium,and nickel can be
  14. Field on a magnetic material is used to provide adiabatic cooling . Adiabatic, cooling ,occurs in the Earth's atmosphere with geographic lifting and lee waves, and
  15. Simulated annealing" alludes to the metallurgic term meaning the heating and, cooling ,of metal to achieve freedom from defects. The purpose of the random variance is
  16. By the Los Angeles, California Archdiocese. The cathedral incorporates special, cooling ,to prevent the panes from overheating and turning opaque. Calcite alabaster is
  17. Is located halfway between the ski slopes and the beach. It enjoys a natural, cooling ,from geophysical factors. The urban areas of Canberra are organized into a
  18. Many Apple III's experienced heating issues, allegedly caused by insufficient, cooling ,and inability to dissipate the heat efficiently. To address the heat problem
  19. Applied in molten form (in the 65-180 °C range) which solidify on, cooling ,to form strong bonds between a wide range of materials. Ethylene-vinyl acetate
  20. Portable air conditioner units are also able to provide heat by reversing the, cooling ,process so that cool air is collected from a room and warm air is released.
  21. Of water in air, to provide a cooling effect, is now known as evaporative, cooling , The first air conditioners and refrigerators employed toxic or flammable gases
  22. By many researchers with causing the glaciation of Antarctica and global, cooling ,in the Eocene epoch. Oceanic models have shown that the opening of these two
  23. A heat pumps. While room air conditioning provides maximum flexibility, when, cooling , many rooms it is generally more expensive than central air conditioning. The
  24. Lowering its relative humidity. Some air conditioning units dry the air without, cooling ,it. These work like a normal air conditioner, except that a heat exchanger is
  25. Which is thermoplastic and when layered on objects, became quite hard upon, cooling , This was used to cover objects that needed waterproofing, Approximately 40 A.
  26. A portion of the load from the compressor so that it can run better when full, cooling ,is not needed. Unloaders can be electrical or mechanical. Humidity Air
  27. Rural areas, that has detrimental effects on energy usage, expenditure for, cooling , and health. On the other hand specific meteorological stations such as the
  28. The current world record was set in 1999 at 100 picokelvins (pk) by, cooling ,the nuclear spins in a piece of rhodium metal. * In November 2000,nuclear spin
  29. Systems to bring the building to the set temperature. Typically, the heating and, cooling ,systems have separate control systems (even though they may share a thermostat
  30. Warming potential of 1. It must use higher compression to produce an equivalent, cooling ,effect. Reverse-cycle Types of air conditioner equipment Window and
  31. Unable to hold the city given the poor condition of its fortifications,the, cooling ,of Hindu population support and insubordination among his ranks following a
  32. Along the Colorado River),and Lake Walter E. Long that is partly used for, cooling ,water for the Decker Power Plant. Additionally, the foot of Lake Travis
  33. Thereby could produce localized climate cooling (ignoring the lost evaporative, cooling ,effect of trees). Cloud feedbacks further complicate the issue. In seasonally
  34. Also reported. IRIS 8 had looks of early IBM PCs – separate central unit with, cooling ,system and two 5.25-inch disks, monitor and keyboard. Compatibility with
  35. The opening of these two passages limited polar heat convergence and caused a, cooling ,of sea surface temperatures by several degrees; other models have shown that
  36. By silver-zinc batteries, so electrical power and water (used for equipment, cooling ,as well as drinking) were critical consumables. To keep the LM life support
  37. System, or mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area. The, cooling ,is done using a simple refrigeration cycle. In construction, a complete system
  38. Change in magnetic field on a magnetic material is used to provide adiabatic, cooling , Adiabatic cooling occurs in the Earth's atmosphere with geographic lifting
  39. The need to drain water from the indoor unit periodically when running in, cooling ,mode. A drawback of split portable units compared with mono-portables is that
  40. 1,394 °C; face centered cubic (FCC) crystal structure * delta - forms from, cooling ,down molten iron below 1,538 °C; has a body-centred cubic (BCC) crystal
  41. Thermostats control the operation of HVAC systems, turning on the heating or, cooling ,systems to bring the building to the set temperature. Typically, the heating and
  42. Same purposes and in much the same ways as traditional" window a/c" units (, cooling ,an overly hot room, cooling rooms in older homes without central a/c, providing
  43. Wet cooler pads. If the entering air is dry enough, the results can be quite, cooling ,; evaporative coolers tend to feel as if they are not working during times of
  44. It into the name of his company. This evaporation of water in air, to provide a, cooling ,effect, is now known as evaporative cooling . The first air conditioners and
  45. Would tend to increase albedo and thereby could produce localized climate, cooling ,(ignoring the lost evaporative cooling effect of trees). Cloud feedbacks
  46. Reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers. The use of laser, cooling ,has produced temperatures less than a billionth of a kelvin. At very low
  47. The same ways as traditional" window a/c" units ( cooling an overly hot room, cooling ,rooms in older homes without central a/c, providing a general" boost" in
  48. And its temperature increases, thus increasing the internal energy. Adiabatic, cooling ,occurs when the pressure of a substance is decreased as it does work on its
  49. Surface. Almonds form the base of various drinks which are supposed to have, cooling ,properties. Almond sherbet or 'Sherbet-e-Badaam' in Urdu, is a popular summer
  50. An expanding universe (to first order) can be described as an adiabatically, cooling ,fluid. When the pressure applied on a parcel of air decreases, the air in the

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