Information on [British English Pronunciation Correction Program]


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Discovering Sounds!

English accents vary from country to country, including British English, American English, and Australian English.
Each English has a unique pronunciation that cannot be combined with the same "English". Among them, British English is very distinctive, and it is completely different from the American English that we Japanese learned in our school days. It may even seem like a different thing. ..

I want to correct my English pronunciation! There are many people who want to receive pronunciation correction specialized in "British English".
Discovering Sounds offers a "British English Pronunciation Correction Program" specializing in British English for those who want to master British English pronunciation.

In this article, we will introduce the features of the British English Pronunciation Correction Program for those who want to master British English in the future!

The British English Pronunciation Correction Program has 7 levels of curriculum!

The American English pronunciation correction program has 11 levels, but British English has less sounds than American English, so there are 7 levels.
Starting from the 7th grade, the lessons are conducted step by step from the basics to the application, so it is a curriculum that anyone can start without difficulty.

In British English, learning the basics of consonants and vowels is of course important, but "vocalization" becomes even more important.

The amount of air that is exhaled is incomparably large compared to Japanese, and the same vocalization as in Japanese cannot be transmitted natively as correct pronunciation.
By learning how to use breath and how to make voices suitable for British English pronunciation at the basic stage, and by theoretically learning how to make accents and intonations, even if you speak unique British English, which is different from American English, anyone can become a native speaker. You can aim for a comparable pronunciation.

British English Pronunciation Correction Program Three Features

Even those who cannot understand the difference between American English and British English pronunciation can gradually acquire British English pronunciation by practicing according to the curriculum.

Discovering Sounds' British English Pronunciation Correction Program has three key characteristics to improve.

(1) British English version "Native Muscle Exercise"

Discovering Sounds uses original text to correct pronunciation through a muscle training around the mouth called "Native Muscle Exercise".

The original text looks like this ↓

Beginner lessons start with the sound "L ・ R ・ TH". While applying native muscle exercises, the flow of learning and learning the sounds peculiar to British English one by one.

From there, we will cover all the consonant and vowel pronunciation methods.

(2) "How to make voice and intonation" specialized in British English

You cannot master British English pronunciation just by learning how to pronounce all sounds.
To learn how to pronounce British English, you need to learn how to make British English-specific voices and intonations.

It is impossible to improve the vocalization method beyond the level of "speaking like British English" just by imitating the English spoken by British people.

In the British English Pronunciation Correction Program, by theoretically learning how to make the voice and intonation necessary for British English pronunciation, instead of "trying to imitate somehow", "I see, does this sound like this?" It will fall into your voice.
This feeling of "falling in the air" is very important.

In the British English Pronunciation Correction Program, you will practice and learn how to make your voice and intonation into British English specifications after understanding it with your head.

(3) "Practical lessons" that can be used immediately for actual conversation

One of the features of the British English Pronunciation Correction Program is that the lessons are easy to apply to real conversation scenes.
When actually speaking in British English, we have prepared a curriculum with many English words and phrases that will be often used, so it will be a situation that "I learned but I rarely use it". not.
It is very useful in practice because you can learn the peculiar phrases and slang that are often used in British English.


British English pronunciation is not something you can master overnight.

Even if you have improved your pronunciation in American English, British English has another difficulty.

But that doesn't mean that Japanese can't master British English pronunciation.
It is possible to achieve native pronunciation by learning how to make and inflection sounds peculiar to British English one by one.

Discovering Sounds' British English Pronunciation Correction Program is taught by a Japanese teacher living in the UK.
(Therefore, there are no face-to-face lessons, only online lessons.)
I really want to correct my English pronunciation! For such people, we recommend that you first take a trial lesson.

Please come and experience how to correct your English pronunciation!