Examples of the the word, browsing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( browsing ), is the 10896 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cameras failed to capture photographs, evidence was seen of bedding spots, browsing ,and antler marks. Populations Russia: In 2008,there were approximately 730,000
  2. Stinging ants (Pseudomyrmex ferruginea) that defend the tree against insects, browsing ,mammals, and epiphysis vines. Isotopic labelling studies suggest that plants
  3. Run Mellon from a USB flash drive or portable hard drive, leaving no trace of, browsing ,on the host computer. Douglas's work on portable Mellon for Windows has
  4. By the major data vendors. Alternatively, Microsoft Query provides ODBC-based, browsing ,within Microsoft Excel. Quirks A major complaint is finding relevant assistance
  5. To bend far upwards, and that sauropods like Apatosaurus were adapted to low, browsing ,or ground feeding. However, subsequent studies demonstrated that all tetrapods
  6. Of malware has emerged in spyware -- programs designed to monitor users' web, browsing , display unsolicited advertisements, or redirect affiliate marketing revenues
  7. Hooved animal capable of running at great speed. Equip teeth also evolved from, browsing ,on soft, tropical plants to adapt to browsing of drier plant material, then to
  8. P2P file-sharing traffic due to the high-bandwidth usage. Compared to Web, browsing , e-mail or many other uses of the internet, where data is only transferred in
  9. Content-centric applications like Replayed also use Internet Explorer's web, browsing ,module for viewing web pages within the applications. OS compatibility IE
  10. And acquired a Macintosh computer, he used it only for e-mail and for, browsing ,the World Wide Web. Awards and honors Among Dijkstra's awards and honors are:
  11. Carnivorous Muslims and coats migrated from the north. Grazing glyptodonts, browsing ,giant ground sloths and smaller allomorph rodents, pampatheres, and armadillos
  12. Only certain types of links or displaying them differently. It may also allow, browsing ,software to do things like pre-fetching documents it expects the user to browse
  13. Made up of two or more infants and/or juveniles and their mothers moving or, browsing ,together. Sleep The giraffe has one of the shortest sleep requirements of any
  14. Exclusively through Verizon Wireless, features a 3 megapixel camera, web, browsing , voice commands and weighs around. Plant movements Nokia opened its Tomato
  15. Equip teeth also evolved from browsing on soft, tropical plants to adapt to, browsing ,of drier plant material, then to grazing of tougher plains grasses. Thus
  16. Of content, significant improvements to the Proxy web interface used for, browsing ,free sites, and many smaller bug fixes, performance enhancements
  17. It was renamed with the expansion of the scope of the protocol beyond directory, browsing ,and searching, to include directory update functions. It was given its
  18. Acacias, and most of the native grasses) which are unsuitable habitat for most, browsing ,animals. Either way, the trend is toward the modern Australian environment of
  19. P2p" file sharing" interfaces. While Freenet provides an HTTP interface for, browsing ,free sites, it is not a proxy for the World Wide Web; Freenet can only be used
  20. Network for paid" gold" files. * The Best Offers (adware): Tracks your, browsing ,habits and internet usage to display advertisements similar to your interests.
  21. Most existing iPhone apps. It also includes a mobile version of Safari for web, browsing , as well as access to the App Store, iTunes Library, iBooks Store, contacts
  22. Can only feed up to about 2 m (7 ft). There is also research suggesting that, browsing ,competition below 2 m is intense, and giraffes feed more efficiently (gaining
  23. Material itself according to some library classification to simplify subject, browsing , Some classification systems are more suitable for aiding subject access
  24. A file sharing application which is primarily a download manager and tool for, browsing ,and creating file indexes. File indexes can link to one another and thus form a
  25. Campus information as part of a Campus-Wide Information Server and for, browsing ,the Gopher space. In 1993 Monthly added an Internet interface and released a
  26. Browsers, cookie support can be disabled in Lynx. Similarly, Lynx also supports, browsing ,histories and page caching, both of which can raise privacy concerns.
  27. That they have purged all tracking data from their computers when in fact Flash, browsing ,history remains. Adobe's own Flash
  28. To allow people who prefer the older Mellon 0.9 interface to update their, browsing ,to current security standards. Mellon saw another big development step with
  29. Reading, such as reading books, magazines,comics, or newspapers, along with, browsing ,the internet is a common hobby and one that can trace its origins back many
  30. In the address bar, or by selecting items in the file browser window. It allows, browsing ,in different views, which differ in their usage of icons and layout. Files can
  31. Browser switched from Conqueror to Mekong. File manager Conqueror also allows, browsing ,the local directory hierarchy—either by entering locations in the address bar
  32. Overbite FF extends Gopher, browsing ,and supports Firefox 4. It includes support for accessing Gopher servers not on
  33. Level the playing field" among operating systems by providing a consistent web, browsing ,experience across them. The Netscape web browser interface was identical on any
  34. And shoots rather than grasses),the reverse could also be true: removing the, browsing ,animals (by eating them, or by any other means) within a few years produces a
  35. Speeds over regular phone lines ", although such speeds are limited to only web, browsing , not downloads of files. Another drawback of this approach is a loss in quality
  36. Mostly of infected Flash coding); these and the main application logged, browsing ,details and sent them to various third parties. Prevention and detection
  37. Access their favorite sites along with a new Cover Flow view for the user's, browsing ,history. Safari 4 is now also more crash resistant, being able to isolate
  38. Woodlands and grasslands, none of which are suitable for large, slow-moving, browsing , animals—and either way, the changed microclimate produces substantially less
  39. GSM uses General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) for data transmissions like, browsing ,the web. The most commonly deployed GPRS and EDGE ciphers were publicly broken
  40. Wireless internet access as well as seat-back access to e-mail and cached web, browsing , Certain elements would also be retrofitted into existing Boeing 747-400s. The
  41. A boost in JavaScript and HTML performance, which results in faster web, browsing , The majority of this performance boost is enabled by the new Squirrels
  42. With the text or dialog usually placed underneath. During the 1990s,graphical, browsing ,and variable-width fonts became increasingly popular, leading to a decline in
  43. The presentation tier displays information related to such services as, browsing ,merchandise, purchasing,and shopping cart contents. It communicates with other
  44. Which provides users with an option for searching through files instead of, browsing ,through folders. GUIs built on the X Window System In the early days of X
  45. Method of displaying files and directory structures. Three-dimensional file, browsing ,has not yet become popular; the exact implementation tends to differ between
  46. Full title. When many programs are open, or during a" tab explosion" in web, browsing , the tabs may be reduced in size so much that no characters from the actual
  47. i.e. a move from Windows to another operating system would yield a similar, browsing ,experience thus reducing barriers to change. It is alleged that several
  48. Part enables Conqueror to show embedded video on web pages. RIO In addition to, browsing ,files and websites, Konqueror utilizes RIO plugins to extend its capabilities
  49. Dated 27 May 1641,was found by the Dutch philosopher Erik-Jan BOS when, browsing ,through Google. BOS found the letter mentioned in a summary of autographs kept
  50. Fresh, low-level green vegetation. Such habitats may be promoted by heavy, browsing ,by elephants, fires,flooding, tree-felling (natural or by logging) and

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