Minimal Pair List Consonants /j/ versus /ʤ/, 54 pairs

The /j/ sound is spelled with <y>, <ew> in ewe and is heard in the letter name U . The /ʤ/ sound is spelled with <j> or <g>. Notice how the homograph use makes pairs with Jews and juice .
This is a contrast between a palatal semivowel and an alveolar affricate, both voiced. It only ocurs initially. It is a known problem for Swedish speakers, perhaps partly influenced by the spelling.
The mean density value is 1.5%. The lists make 27 semantic distinctions, a loading of 50%.
ewe Jew ewes Jews Ewell jewel U Jew U's Jews use Jews use juice uses juices yacht jot yachted jotted yachting jotting yachts jots yak jack yaks jacks yam jam yams jams yam jamb yams jambs yard jarred yarrow Jarrow yaw jaw yawed jawed yawing jawing yaws jaws ye G yea J yeas J's year jeer years jeers yell gel yelled gelled yelling gelling yells gels yen gen yenned genned yenning genning yens gens yes Jess yet jet yeti jetty yetis jetties yob job yobs jobs yoke joke yoked joked yokes jokes yoking joking yon John yore jaw you Jew your jaw yours jaws yowl jowl yowls jowls