Minimal Pair List Consonant /r/ versus null, 937 pairs

The /r/ sound is spelled with <r> or <wr>.
The /r/ sound occurs initially and medially though not finally. It enters consonant clusters fairly freely. In some case changes of stress make the pairs not quite minimal. This is certainly true when one removes a syllabic /r/ as in archery/Archie or sufferer/suffer , and these items have been listed separately at the end. Another special case is the pair overate/overrate . Here we have lost one /r/ but a linking /r/ remains. For many speakers this would be a homophone pair, though in careful speech one might make and perceive a difference.
Taboo word pairs include crap/cap and croon/coon .The density value is 4.4%.
abroad aboard aggro ago Agra Aga attract attacked Austria Ostia bistro bestow bistros bestows bra bar bras bars braced baste bract backed brad bad braes baize braes bays brag bag brags bags bragged bagged bragging bagging braid bayed braille bale brain bane brains banes braise baize braise bays brake bake brakes bakes braking baking braked baked bran ban brand band brands bands branding banding branded banded brandy bandy brandies bandies brash bash brasher basher brat bat brats bats brawl bawl brawls bawls brawling bawling brawled bawled brawn born brawn borne bray bay brays bays braying baying brayed bayed breach beach breaches beaches breached beached breaching beaching breach beech breaches beeches bread bed breads beds break bake breaks bakes breaking baking breaker baker breakers bakers bream beam breams beams breast best breasts bests breasting besting breasted bested breath Beth bred bed breech beach breeches beaches breech beech breeches beeches breed bead breeds beads breeding beading breeze B's breeze bees Bren Ben Brent bent Brentwood bentwood Brest best breves beeves brew boo brews boos brewing booing brewed booed brews booze briar buyer briars buyers bride bide brides bides brief beef briefs beefs briefing beefing briefed beefed brig big bright bight bright bite brighter biter brill bill brine bine brisk bisque Brit bit Britain bitten Briton bitten broad board broads boards broad bored broadly boredly broader boarder broader border broil boil broils boils broiling boiling broiled boiled brood booed brook book brooks books brooking booking brooked booked broom boom brooms booms brought bought brow bow brows bows browned bound browse bows bruise boos bruise booze bruised boozed bruising boozing brusies boozes bruiser boozer bruisers boozers brunch bunch brunches bunches brutal Bootle brute boot brutes boots cartridge cartage cattery catty celebrate celibate Chris kiss chrome comb chronic conic chronicle conical cockerel cockle cockerels cockles comfrey comfy contract contact contracts contacts contracting contacting contracted contacted copra copper crab cab crabs cabs crackle cackle crackles cackles crackling cackling crackled cackled crake cake crakes cakes cram cam crams cams cramp camp cramps camps cramping camping cramped camped crane cane cranes canes craning caning craned caned cranny canny crap cap craps caps crapping capping crapped capped crash cash crashes cashes crashing cashing crashed cashed crate Kate crater cater craters caters crave cave craves caves craving caving craved caved crawl call crawls calls crawling calling crawled called craze K's creed keyed creel keel creels keels creep keep creeps keeps creeping keeping crept kept creeper keepre creepers keepers crepe cape crepes capes crew coo crews coos crewing cooing crewed cooed crick kick cricks kicks cricked kicked cricking kicking croak coke crooaks cokes croaking coking croaked coked crock cock crocks cocks croft coughed crony coney cronies coneys crook cook crooks cooks croon coon croons coons crop cop crops cops cropped copped cropping copping cropper copper croppers coppers croquette coquette croquettes coquettes crore caw crores caws crore core crores cores crozier cosier cross cos crouch couch crouches couches crouching couching crouched couched croup coupe crowd cowed crude cooed cruise coos crumb come crumbs comes crupper cupper cruppers cuppers crust cussed cry chi desecrate dessicate desecrates dessicates desecrating dessicating desecrated dessicated desecration dessication detrain detail detrains detains detraining detaining detrained detained drab dab drabs dabs drabber dabber draft daft drain deign drains deigns draining deigning drained deigned drain Dane drains Danes dram dam drams dams dram damn drams damns drank dank draught daft draw daw draws daws draw door draws doors drawer daw drawers daws drawewr door drawers doors drawn dawn dray day drays days drays daze dread dead dream deem dreams deems dreaming deeming dreamed deemed drear dear drear deer dreary dearie drew do dribble dibble dribbles dibbles dribbling dibbling dribbled dibbled drill dill drip dip drips dips dripping dipping dripped dipped dripper dipper drippers dippers drive dive drives dives driving diving driver diver drivers divers droll dole dross doss drought doubt droughts doubts drover Dover drown down drowns downs drowning downing drowned downed drowse dowse drowses dowses drowsing dowsing drowsed dowsed drub dub drubs dubs drubbing dubbing drubbed dubbed drug dug drugs dugs drum dumb drums dumbs drumming dumbing drummed dumbed drummer dumber drunk dunk drunks dunks dry die dries dies drying dying dried died dry dye dries dyes drying dyeing dried dyed dryer dyer dryers dyers entrails entails fraction faction fractions factions fractional factional frail fail frame fame frames fames framing faming framed famed Fran fan fraud ford frauds fords fraught fought fray fey frayed fade Fred fed Freda feeder free fee frees fees freed feed freeze fees freight fate freights fates freighted fated friction fiction frictions fictions friend fend friends fends frieze fees fright fight frights fights frill fill frills fills frilly filly fritter fitter fritters fitters frizz fizz frizzes fizzes frizzing fizzing frizzed fizzed frizzle fizzle frizzles fizzles frizzling fizzling frizzled fizzled frizzy fizzy fro foe frocks fox frog fog frogs fogs frond fond froze foes fry fie fryer fire fryers fires grab gab grabs gabs grabbing gabbing grabbed gabbed grail gale grails gales grain gain grains gains grained gained grander gander grape gape grapes gapes grasp gasp grasps gasps grasping gasping grasped gasped grate gate grates gates grating gating grated gated grater gaiter graters gaiters grave gave gravel gavel gravels gavels gray gay grayer gayer grayest gayest grays gays grays gaze graze gaze grazes gazes grazing gazing grazed gazed grease geese great gate greats gates greater gaiter Greece geese Greek geek Greeks geeks grew goo grill gill grills gills grit git groat goat groats goats grot got ground gowned grow go grows goes growing going imprudent impudent imprudence impudence keyring keying muskrat Muscat okra ochre outgrowing outgoing overrate overate pantry panty pantries panties phrase phase phrases phases pottery potty praise pays pram Pam prate pate prates pates prawn pawn prawns pawns pray pay prays pays praying paying prayed paid prayer pair prayers pairs pre pee preach peach preaches peaches present peasant presents peasants pressed pest pretty pity pretties pities prettying pitying prettied pitied prey pay preys pays preying paying preyed paid prick pick pricks picks pricking picking pricked picked prickle pickle prickles pickles pride pied priest piste prig pig prigs pigs priggish piggish primp pimp primps pimps prince rinse princes rinses prink pink prinks pinks prinking pinking prise pies prize pies prod pod prods pods prole pole proles poles prom pom proms poms prong pong prongs pongs proof poof proofs poofs prop pop props pops propping popping propped popped proper popper pros pose prose pose prosy posy prouder powder proxy poxy Pru pooh pry pie pries pies Rabbie abbey race ace races aces racks axe raft aft rafter after rafters afters rage age rages ages raging aging raged aged raid aid raids aids raiding aiding raided aided rail ail rails ails railing ailing railed ailed raise A's rake ache rakes aches raking aching raked ached ram am ramble amble rambles ambles rambling ambling rambled ambled ramp amp ramps amps ran an rand and randy Andy rank anch ranks anchs rankle ankle rankles ankles rape ape rapes apes raping aping raped aped rapt apt rare air rarest aorist raring airing rase A's rash ash rashes ashes rat at rate ate raw awe raw or raw ore ray A rays A's reach each ready eddy readies eddies real eel reel eel reels eels reeling eeling reeled eeled realm elm realms elms rear ear rears ears reek eke reeks ekes reeking eking reeked eked regret egret regrets egrets reject eject rejects ejects rejecting ejecting rejected ejected relapse elapse relapses elapses relapsing elapsing relapsed elapsed related elated remit emit remits emits remitting emitting remitted emitted remote emote rend end rends ends rending ending retch etch retches etches retching etching retched etched revaluation evaluation revaluations evaluations revoke evoke revokes evokes revoking evoking revoked evoked revocation evocation revocations evocations revolution evolution revolutions evolutions revolve evolve revolves evolves revolving evolving revolved evolved rhea ear rheas ears rice ice rich itch riches itches riddle idyll riddles idylls rider Eider rides Ides riff if rile aisle riles aisles rile isle riles isles rill ill rills ills rink ink rinks inks riot eyot riots eyots rise eyes Rita eater road ode roads odes road owed roam ohn roams ohms roan own roans owns roar oar roars oars roar or roar ore roars ores roast oast rocks ox rocky oche rod odd rods odds rode ode rode owed roe O roes O's roe Oh roe owe roes owes rose O's rose owes rote oat rotter otter rotters otters rout out routs outs routing outing routed outed rover over rovers overs row Oh row owe rows owes rowing owing rowed owed rowed ode rusk Usk Ryde eyed rye eye scram scam scrape scape scream scheme screams schemes scree ski screes skis screed skied scrip skip scrips skips script skipped scrolled scold scruff scuff scruffs scuffs scrum scum shrank shank shred shed shreds sheds shredding shedding shrew shoe shrews shoes shriek chic shrift shift shrill shill shrine shine shrines shines sprain Spain sprat spat sprats spats spray spay sprays spays spraying spaying sprayed spayed spread sped sprit spit sprits spits sprite spite sprites spites sprout spout sprouts spouts sprouting spouting sprouted spouted spry spy strafe staff strafes staffs strafing staffing strafed staffed straight state strait state straits states strain stain strains stains straining staining strained stained strand stand strands stands stranding standing strata starter straw store straws stores strawed stored stray stay strays stays straying staying strayed stayed strayed staid stream steam streams steams streaming steaming streamed steamed streamer steamer streamers steamers string sting strings stings stringing stinging strung stung stripling stippling strode stowed stroke stoke strokes stokes stroking stoking stroked stoked strop stop strops stops stropping stopping stropped stopped strove stove struck stuck sundry Sunday throng thong throngs thongs traced taste track tack tracks tacks tracking tacking tracked tacked tracks tax tracked tact trad tad trail tail trails tails trailing tailing trailed tailed trailer tailor trailers tailors traipse tapes trait Tate tramp tamp tramps tamps tramping tamping tramped tamped trap tap traps taps trapping tapping trapped tapped trapper tapper trappers tappers trawl tall trawler taller tray Tay tread Ted treat teet treats teets tree T trees T's tree tea trees teas tree tee trees tees trench tench trend tend trends tends tress Tess trews twos trial tile trials tiles trick tick tricks ticks tricking ticking tricked ticked trickle tickle trickles tickles trickling tickling trickled tickled trigger Tigger trill till trills tills trilling tilling trilled tilled trim Tim trip tip trips tips tripping tipping tripped tipped triple tipple triples tipples tripling tippling tripled tippled tripper tipper trippers tippers trite tight tritely tightly troll toll trolls tolls trolled tolled trolled told trope tope tropes topes tropic topic tropics topics tropical topical trot tot trots tots trotting totting trotted totted trotter totter trotters totters trough toff troughs toffs trout tout trouts touts trowel towel trowels towels truck tuck trucks tucks trucking tucking trucked tucked true too true two truth tooth try tie tries ties trying tying tried tied untrue unto unwrapped unapt wrapped apt wreak eke wreaks ekes wreaking eking wrecks ex wretch etch wretches etches writ it wrote oat wrought ought wry eye
Syllabic /r/ versus null:
archery Archie Barbara barber battery batty cannery canny cattery catty chancery chancy cookery cookie flattery flattie gallery galley mystery misty offering offing pottery potty psaltery salty rockery rocky slippery slippy sufferer suffer