Minimal Pair List Consonants /r/ versus /ʤ/, 171 pairs

The /r/ sound is spelled with <r>, <rr> or <wr> in wrist . The /ʤ/ sound is spelled with <j>, <ge> or <dge>. Notice how the homographs ragged and jagged are listed twice, once for each of their pronunciations.
This is a contrast between a retroflex continuant and an affricate, both voiced and both in the alveolar region of the mouth. It only ocurs initially or medially. Some of the medial pairs, such as barring/barging , only arise because of a linking -r introduced by the -ing inflection. In spite of the similarity, it is not a problem.
Interesting pairs include:
herring hedging
veritable vegetable
The mean density value is 1.4%. The lists make 86 semantic distinctions, a loading of 50%.
barring barging carries cadges charring charging direct deject directed dejected directing dejecting directs dejects direction dejection erect eject erected ejected erecting ejecting erects ejects erection ejection erections ejections erring urging goring gorging harry Hadji harries Hadjis herring hedging lorries lodges purring purging rack jack racked jacked racking jacking racks jacks racket jacket rackets jackets rag jag ragged jagged ragging jagging rags jags ragged jagged raid jade raided jaded raids jades rail gaol railed gaoled railing gaoling rails gaols rain Jane rein Jane reign Jane rainy Janie raise J's raise jays rake Jake rakes jakes ram jam rammed jammed ramming jamming rams jams ram jamb rams jambs ran Jan rape jape rapes japes raw jaw ray J rays J's ray jay rays jays re G reap jeep reaps jeeps rear jeer reared jeered rearing jeering rears jeers ref Geoff rend genned render gender renders genders Rennes gen rent gent rents gents rental gentle rest jest rested jested resting jesting rests jests ret jet retted jetted retting jetting Rhyl Gill rib jib ribbed jibbed ribbing jibbing ribs jibs rig jig rigged jigged rigging jigging rigs jigs rigger jigger riggers jiggers riles Giles rim gym rims gyms rim Jim rink jink rinks jinks rive jive rived jived rives jives riving jiving roan Joan roar jaw roared jawed roars jaws rob job robs jobs robbed jobbed robbing jobbing robber jobber robbers jobbers robbery jobbery robe Job robes Jobs rocky jockey roe Jo Ron John Ronnie Johnny roo Jew roos Jews root jute rot jot rots jots rotted jotted rotting jotting rotter jotter rotters jotters rove Jove row Joe Roy Joy rudder judder rudders judders Rudy Judy rue Jew rues Jews rug jug rugs jugs rule jewel rules jewels rule joule rules joules rumble jumble rumbled jumbled rumbles jumbles rumbling jumbling rump jump rumps jumps rune June runes Junes ruse Jews rut jut ruts juts rutted jutted rutting jutting veritable vegetable wherries wedges wrangle jangle wrangled jangled wrangles jangles wrangling jangling wren gen wrens gens wriggle jiggle wriggled jiggled wriggles jiggles wriggling jiggling wrist gist wrists gists