Learn to pronounce in English: 100-word challenge

Hello student! Would you know how to pronounce these 100 words in English that we have selected for you? We wanted to compile our famous series of ten words that you pronounce badly in English. If you want to improve your pronunciation and start sounding like a native, stay on the couch.

Even if you have been improving your pronunciation of English Friends for some time, we want you to show us that you can pronounce these words as if you were a BBC presenter.

Can you pronounce these 100 English words like a native speaker?

List of words that are often mispronounced in English

We have created this complete list of the 100 words that are often mispronounced in English. As you will see, they all come with phonetic transcription and examples.

We recommend that you read the list aloud, along with the examples, and review again with the flashcards and audio that we have left you in the free course of this series. You can find the access link at the end of the post.

Break a leg! Good luck!

1. ache / eɪk /

My feet are beginning to ache.

2. almond / ɑːmənd /

What a beautiful almond tree.

3. although / ɔːlðəʊ /

Although the sun was shining, it was cold.

4. anchor / aŋkə /

Let's meet at the pub called 'The Anchor.'

5. architecture / ɑːkɪtɛktʃə /

I've never seen architecture like that.

6. archive / ɑːkʌɪv /

The documents will be stored in an archive.

7. Asia / eɪʒə /

Have you ever been to Asia?

8. audio / ɔːdiəʊ /

I'm listening to an exciting audiobook.

9. author / ɔːθə /

Who's your favorite author?

10. autumn / ɔːtəm /

My favorite season is autumn.

11. ballet / bæleɪ /

I was never very good at ballet.

12. beach / biːtʃ /

The beach is too crowded in the summer.

13. bear / beə /

Is that a bear behind you?

14. beer / biːtʃ /

Shall we go for a beer after work?

15. behavior / bɪheɪvjə /

Your behavior is unacceptable.

16. biscuit / bɪskɪt /

Would you like another biscuit?

17. busy / bɪzi /

Could you come back later when I'm not busy?

18. butter / bʌtə /

Please, don't put butter on my toast.

19. castle / kɑːsəl /

Do you want to visit the castle?

20. cemetery / semətri /

I live next to a cemetery.

21. chaos / keɪɒs /

The storm caused a lot of chaos in my village.

22. chef / ʃef /

I want to speak to the chef.

23. chocolate / tʃɒklət /

I think you've had enough chocolate today.

24. choir / kwaɪə /

My uncle sings in a famous choir.

25. church / tʃɜːtʃ /

Do you go to church?

26. clothes / kləʊðz /

I think you should buy some new clothes.

27. colleague / kɒliːɡ /

Do you like your new colleague?

28. comfortable / kʌmftəbəl /

Make yourself comfortable.

29. cousin / kʌzən /

My cousin isn't comfortable.

30. culture / kʌltʃə /

I'm studying British history and culture.

31. debt /det/

It's time to pay your debt.

32. devil / devəl /

Speak of the devil! There she is now!

33. doubt / daʊt /

I doubt there will be a second referendum.

34. drawer / drɔː /

Can you put the scissors back in the drawer?

35. drought / draʊt /

The drought is causing a lot of chaos!

36. Edinburgh / edɪnbrə /

Have you ever been to Edinburgh?

37. February / February /

Isabel's birthday is in February.

38. flood / flʌd /

Did your house survive the flood?

39. focus / fəʊkəs /

Quiet, please! I need to focus!

40. fragile / frædʒaɪl /

This package is very fragile.

41. fruit / fruːt /

Can you buy some fruit on your way home?

42. genre / ʒɒnrə /

What's your favorite genre of film?

43. half / hɑːf /

Let's meet at half-past six.

44. heart / hɑːt /

She broke my heart!

45. hierarchy / haɪərɑːki /

I'm at the bottom of the office hierarchy.

46. ​​honey / hʌni /

Can you put some honey in my tea?

47. hurt / hɜːt /

I've hurt my back, honey.

48. iron / aɪən /

Where did you put the iron?

49. island / aɪlənd /

I'm visiting a friend who's from the Canary Islands.

50. jewelry / dʒuːəlri /

Please don't steal my jewelry!

51. ketchup / ketʃʌp /

Have you got any ketchup?

52. laugh / lɑːf /

Are you laughing at my pronunciation?

53. laundry / lɔːndri /

I hate doing the laundry!

54. law / lɔː /

I'm studying law at university.

55. leisure / leʒə /

What do you do in your leisure time?

56. leopard / lepəd /

I'm wearing leopard print underwear.

57. lettuce / letɪs /

You have a piece of lettuce stuck in your teeth.

57. lingerie / lɒnʒəri /

I got my girlfriend some lingerie sexy

58. literature / lɪtrətʃə /

She's studying French literature.

59. major / meə /

This city needs an honest major.

60. minute / mɪnɪt /

I'll be there in five minutes.

61. mirror / mɪrə /

Stop looking at yourself in the mirror.

62. money / mʌni /

Can you lend me some money, honey?

63. month / mʌnθ /

There's a big event taking place next month.

64. parents / peərənts /

He still lives with his parents.

65. picture / pɪktʃə /

Can you send me the pictures?

66. plumber / plʌmə /

The plumber charged £ 300 to fix my toilet.

67. poor / pɔː /

I'm just a poor boy from a poor family.

68. purple / pɜːpəl /

Are you ok? Your face has turned purple!

69. purpose / pɜːpəs /

I didn't do it on purpose!

It was an accident!

70. question / kwestʃən /

What was the question?

71. raw / rɔː /

Not sushi for me. I don't eat raw fish!

72. receipt / rɪsiːt /

Would you like a receipt?

73. recipe / resɪpi /

Could you send me the recipe?

74. republic / rɪpʌblɪk /

The Dominican Republic is awesome.

75. salmon / sæmən /

Do you like smoked Salmon?

76. schedule / ʃedʒuːl /

I have a very hectic schedule this week.

77. since / sɪns /

I've been studying English since I was eight.

78. soap / səʊp /

Please don't buy me soap for Christmas again.

79. Spain / speɪn /

I'm from Spain, but I live in Sweden.

80. steak / steɪk /

I think I'll order the steak and chips.

81. sugar / ʃʊɡə /

I think I put too much sugar in your tea.

82. suit / suːt /

I have to buy a suit for my cousin's wedding.

83. sword / sɔːd /

Do you know how to use a sword?

84. talk / tɔːk /

Please don't talk during the exam.

85. temperature / temprətʃə /

What's the temperature today?

86. texture / tekstʃə /

I'm not too fond of the texture of your sofa.

87. theater / θɪətə /

Let's go to the theater while we're in London.

88. these / ðiːz /

You should wear this dress and these shoes.

89. tomato / təmɑːtəʊ /

The tomato soup / suːp / is out of this world.

90. tongue / tʌŋ /

You can kiss me but no tongues!

91. tough / tʌf /

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

92. tour / tɔː /

Let's do the free walking tour tomorrow.

93. vegetable / vedʒtəbəl /

You should eat more vegetables.

94. very / very /

It was a very violent film.

95. village / vɪlɪdʒ /

I come from a small village near Barcelona.

96. water / wɔːtə /

Would you like a glass of sparkling water?

97. women / wɪmɪn /

My English class is full of beautiful women.

98. work / wɜːk /

If you work hard, it'll pay off.

99. world / wɜːld /

She's the highest-paid actress in the world

100. yacht / jɒt /

If they can afford a yacht, they must be very wealthy.

Congrats! You made it!

If getting here has been like driving through the Great Dakar, it is totally normal, do not despair. Nobody sounds like a native overnight.

Remember that English has many sounds that do not exist in your native language, and we must become familiar with them and continue to practice and soak up the language.