7 tips to stay motivated to learn English


Have you lost your motivation to learn English? The worst, never found it? Don't panic. I will give you my '7 gold tips' so that learning English may not be torture, martyrdom, in other words, a real pain.

1. Why are you doing it?

Are you like a hamster that turns on its wheel without a clear destination? Go to the English class every week, review the lessons in your grammar book, do the exercises, but when you are asked:

What's your primary motivation for learning English?

From the answers of the type:

Well, I guess it will help me find a better job.

My uncle lives in London, and I go to visit once a year.

These students are destined to fail!

My advice nº1 is: find your motivation. Why are you learning English? What will help you to achieve? How are you going to change your life? Does it have a reason that's important enough?

Find what you love in the language and obsess a little too much.

Instead, find your motivation and whatever it is, stick it on your desk!

2. Set realistic & amp; specific goals

Student 1: I want to get the C1 and the year that comes.

Her current level of English is A2.

Student 2: This year I pongo en serio con el inglés.

It's already September, and he hasn't even started!

We know that having the motivation and a goal is essential, but we must remember that big projects take time, like learning a language.

Fix realistic and specific goals, small slices that move you little by little to your final destination. Then, plan every step you take to achieve it and make it part of your routine.

And please, please, please, remember to enjoy the process!

3. Push yourself

Imagine that you work hard in the job that will move you to the UK in 6 months. What do you need to make a presentation in English for some customers the month of coming?

Do things that give you a bit of fear in English, go solo to a meet-up, join a theater group in English, book a class with an English teacher online, open a podcast, travel solo abroad.

4. Don't do it on your own

With a bit of help from your friends! Language is all about communication! So find someone to practice, a teacher, a study buddy, and a group in your city who share some affection for what they want to learn.

5. Don't make it boring!

Life's too short for boring lessons. If you love police novels, do not commit to reading the complete work by Jane Austen, as much as you have been recommended by your teacher and exchange student by Agata Christie. What are your hobbies? Who do you wonder?

Find materials that hook you and make you want to know more.

If you have a terrible time and are about to take your towel off, look for a bit of inspiration.

Find those people who have achieved what you want and ask how they have done, what their study methodology has been, how they have maintained their motivation, how they have overcome this problem, etc.

Today there are thousands of blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels to inspire you.

6. Stop beating yourself up!

Yes, I am bad for languages, I will never learn, I make one mistake after another, I have a terrible level of English, I have a fatal pronouncement, I have a very marked accent, the can go on. Enough! Stop it!

What if you change all this negativity for positive messages and celebrate your little achievements?

7. Get real!

It is most vital for me to keep interested in the language. You lived the language daily, communicating with people who do not speak your mother tongue, imbued with the culture. A language must be lived, and there is nothing to feel. There is nothing like having some emotional connection with that language to continue being motivated to learn it.

If you can spend a few weeks in a country in the English language or look for a native in your city with whom you can practice, you will learn more about the culture and create that kind of emotional bond. This will keep you much more motivated that you only have contact with the language within the four walls of your English academy.