The most effective tips to learn English


In today's world, English communication skills are more critical than ever. English is the language of travel, science, and work. If you want to improve your job opportunities and have the freedom to travel wherever you go, you need to learn English.

A satisfactory level of English spoken is one of the qualities that employers are looking for, so here are some suggestions that you must:

For many, learning English seems to be such a multifaceted subject that it is not always clear which side to contact on this issue.

Should I teach myself or with a teacher? What tutorials will help? Is it possible to learn a language quickly without boring grammar?

It is only the end of the iceberg of questions that arise in a reading person or wants to start learning English. To make immersion more comfortable in English, we have prepared some simple tips for you: a certain amount of perseverance and inspiration, you can start applying in life from now on.

So, here is a list of tips to learn English:

1. Become a system

Simply put, it is better to dedicate at least 15 minutes to English. One day (though, undoubtedly, the better it will be!) By not doing it all week and sitting on the textbook for 2 hours on Sundays. Our brain is designed in such a way that routine, divided tasks accumulate better in long-term memory. The body better absorbs new phonetics, which is different from your native language.

For example, make it a rule to run your eyes on a notebook with new English words every night before going to bed or during your lunch break. It is personal for everyone. It is more convenient for someone to exercise in the morning, for someone in the evening - the main thing is that learning English is every day of your life. Gradually you will get used to it, and the results will not make you wait as your language level improves.

Easy to say, of course. Everyday work, daily running, work problems - all this to integrate you into your daily life to learn English as much as possible Will try to stop it. Therefore, for the first 2-3 weeks, you should focus consciously and not remember these 15 minutes of English. Every day it will become a habit increasingly.

2. Bring more English into your life

Often, many people consider English to be something far away, which is difficult to achieve. It is as if it is a language spoken by unknown people of other planets and dimensions. But, in practice, English has long become the world language of international communication and culture.

Understand that learning English is not just about working with textbooks, vocabulary, and workbooks. English is a living matter you can touch right now. And more often and more comprehensive than it seems at first sight.

Here are some ways to include English in your life:

- Movies and TV series in English.

Try to watch movies in the English language from time to time, at least. This will improve your understanding of the language, making your ears used to the sound of unfamiliar speech. If it is difficult to see immediately in the original, try turning on the subtitles (preferably in English ), if it is difficult, with the original English soundtrack.

Turn on the subtitle from your native language.

Of course, the effect of such viewing is, if you see entirely in the original, then more minor, but at least this is the way you get who you are. In addition, you will understand its essence and be able to "hold" some familiar words and expressions from the context ( which is incredibly good in itself ).

- Games, videos, entertainment content in English.

If you play video games, a valuable tool to maintain and develop your English level, install them in English ( luckily, almost any modern game was created in English.

- News, magazines. Surround yourself with the English-speaking world in at least some areas. Do you like to watch the news? Close the first channel and turn on BBC News.

In terms of news feed shows the same thing (if we are talking about significant events), even from central channels. Watch the video, start watching videos on topics you are interested in, only in English. You will wonder how wide the English content is compared to other languages.

- Books in English. At least start reading books in English that you have already read in your native language. It is better to start with simple people (semi-childish tasks like The Hobby or Vine the Pooh are ideal. There are less complex terminology and fewer book words that are rarely used in speech.

3. At least try to learn a few unfamiliar words every day

Every big journey begins with the first small step. It is essential to keep this philosophical idea in mind when it comes to learning English. Suppose you have at least 1000 words to be fluent in English at least one intermediate level.

The question arises: How do you learn all these words? Of course, it is well known that 1000 words are not learned in a day or a week. But, of course, the part of the vocabulary will gradually fill up during the learning process.

But, moreover, we would recommend that you create a personal mobile dictionary (smaller in size, which you can always carry with you). And, again, practice writing at least 2-3 new English words every day. And then repeat them from time to time.

When such a dictionary is in hand, repeat novel words while you wait for your turn during transportation, in the supermarket, or before going to bed in the evening.

Only 2-3 unfamiliar words a day, and in six months, you will already learn them under 500. So the main thing here is to work carefully, systematically. Take your time but remember to write and repeat new words every day.

4. Learn the more effective language with someone

Of course, we are dedicated supporters of teaching English as an online language school or doing personal work with teachers, after English Phonetics is an EdTech. However, if you do not have the opportunity to go to an English language school for some reason, such as financial, you should not be disappointed.

Find like-minded people and start working together on learning English. They can be classmates or work partners, friends or relatives of your university. If none of your inner circle supports such an idea, you try to find such a person through the internet. Because modern, accessible communication means you can communicate for free at a short distance without leaving your home.

Set yourself up to tasks together.

For example - Learn 100 new words by the end of the month or pass the language level exam in six months. And move towards these goals together. It is advisable to find someone who burns the idea of learning English as much as you do. For example, people who speak English can be found in clubs that we will talk about below.

5. Visit English Conversation Clubs

Do not be afraid to go to clubs interacting with other students. Do not be scared to look stupid or make mistakes. Be more comfortable. Remember, mistakes are the foundation of your progress in learning English.

A conversation club is the best opportunity for actual language practice available to you without traveling abroad. First, the conversation club is usually run by a native speaker, meaning you can not only practice speaking English. You can also listen to the actual English speech from the person for whom English is a native. This is particularly important and will help you develop the right listening skills.

Secondly, English-speaking clubs are usually a good company of like-minded people and people who focus on learning English. They rarely come to such companies by accident. Usually, the audience is engaging in events, and you can make new friends with whom you will learn English together.

6. Don't know where to start your education? Contact a language school

Despite the advertising component of this advice, we recommend contacting the English Phonetics Platform, and this recommendation is the best way to start learning.

Within the school structure, you sit in front of the monitor with others who learn as much in the English wand. They will be able to take a dip in it. In addition, you will have a teacher who can always tell you what you are doing right or wrong.

We hope these are some straightforward tips that can help you improve your English.