How to learn English at home


In the last year, our house became an academy, an office, and, of course, a classroom. Video calls became part of the daily routine, and many people discovered a fantastic universe of possibilities and new learning entirely online.

So if you're looking for tips to learn English at home,! You came to the right place.

The first step towards fluency

First, the key to achieving fluency faster is to make the most of English in your daily life. This means that you need to be aware: read a word in English? Try to remember what it means. Did you hear a podcast? Pay attention and try to understand what topic he is talking about and so on. Now, let's go to our super tips on how to learn English at home:

Enroll in an online English course

It seems obvious, but a person fluent in the language does not live only from Google Translator. Of course, online translators are a great tool to answer specific questions, but the best tip for those who want to learn English at home is to take an online course. The Open English Phonetics course, for example, offers live classes 24 hours a day, allowing you to study at any time and place.

Watch movies and series in English with English subtitles (or without subtitles)

How many movies and series have you binge-watching? Make it a habit to put the subtitles in English, and over time your ear will get used to hearing the same thing your eyes are reading. Thus, your brain starts to process the subtitle information and the audio information, turning English into something more familiar. And if you're already comfortable, you can take the caption off and rock your listening!

Translate your favorite songs and sing along

Singing that song in English, you love the most and translating it is a highly dynamic way of studying. You train vocabulary and how English sentences are structured and learn slang and everyday expressions. So this is a precious tip (and with a high potential for fun).

Read in English about a subject that interests you


What subject makes your eyes sparkle? Sports, arts, literature, games, music. Whatever your answer, you can be sure there is a lot of English content about it on the internet. Like everything else in life, doing what you like is much more pleasurable, and with the challenge of reading in another language, it would be no different. And if there is any doubt about one word or another.

Use and abuse online dictionaries

We already mentioned in the first topic that they are not teachers, but they are great allies for those who want to know how to learn English by themselves at home. The big tip here is: when in doubt about the meaning of something, don't just "kick" it and see what it is!

Optimize your free time

How to learn English with the busy life we ​​all lead? Everyone has the same 24 hours, and it's up to everyone to decide how to use the time when we're not busy with obligations. That little hour you miss stalking people on social networks could be used to take a live training with our pronunciation app, for example. Besides, you are not hostage to the fixed hours of the face-to-face English schools, gaining the freedom to study at any time, until dawn.

Discover at least one new word a day

Look around you, mentally translate what you see, and search for the translation of at least one word you don't know how to speak in English. For example: have you seen a landscape full of trees and realized that you don't know how to say "trunk"?

Record yourself speaking in English (and listen again to review)

The main goal of everyone who starts studying English is to speak as fluently as they do in their native language. Being able to do self-criticism at your level is critical to improving your learning. Use your cell phone recorder (or send audios to a trusted friend!) speaking in English and listen again to analyze your pronunciation and fluidity.

Focus on the four essential skills: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. A simple tip that helps many those who want to learn English at home is to understand that learning is a system, not magic.

The four basic skills of English are speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Find out where your strengths and weaknesses are considering these 4 pillars, and train more in what is less intuitive.

To discover these strengths and weaknesses, you can use the tips we gave earlier (English subtitles, music translation, etc.).

Lose the fear of making mistakes!

No one was born knowing English, not even native English speakers. Everyone needs to learn, and the time for you is here and now. Making mistakes makes one learn, and it is much more efficient for you to say "wrong" but get your message across than to lock your tongue and not be able to say anything. If you're starting, worry less about difficult pronunciations (like -th) and more about being able to form English sentences that convey a complete idea.

Follow famous English speakers

If you don't miss a gossip or the birth of a meme, you'll love this tip: you can train your English by following profiles that create content in that language, whether on Twitter, Instagram, or any other social network!

Change your cell phone's language to English

This is one of the most basic tips for learning English at home, but it works very well. After all, we are all the time with the cell phone in hand. Why not take the opportunity to learn a new word?

Learn vocabulary focused on your area of ​​expertise

For example, if you're a technology professional, you can search for the most used words and expressions in your work environment. !

Now that you've figured out how to learn English at home, it's vital to reinforce: keep going! Keep learning constant, set up a study schedule, and focus. And if you want to be fluent even faster, start the English Phonetics and Pronunciation online course today and earn the bilingual title! 🏆

Common questions

Can you learn to speak English by yourself?

Yes! To learn English at home by yourself, you need to be very focused, put together a study plan, and consume a lot of content in English. However, if you want to learn faster, it is ideal to also look for an English course with a proven methodology, such as English Phonetics.

How to learn English alone and for free?

On the internet, there is no lack of content! The main tips for learning English at home are to insert the language as much as possible into your routine, constantly practice and not give up on the ultimate goal of becoming fluent.