Minimal Pair List Consonants /l/ versus /ʧ/, 215 pairs

The /l/ sound is spelled with <l> or <ll>. The /ʧ/ sound is spelled with <ch> or <tch>. Notice how the homograph lied makes pairs with chide and cheat .
This is a contrast between a voiced alveolar lateral continuant and a voiceless alveolar affricate. It is not a problem.
Interesting pairs include:
livid chivied
pillar pitcher
signaller signature
taller torture
The mean density value is 1.5%. The lists make 126 semantic distinctions, a loading of 59%.
ail H ale H ball bortsch billies bitches billing bitching Billy bitchy bitched built bull butch churl church coal coach coaling coaching coaled coached coalman coachman coalmen coachmen colt coached cowl couch cowling couching cowled couched dill ditch dull Dutch eel each feeler feature feelers features fell fetch felling fetching felled fetched felt fetched growl grouch growling grouching Hal hatch hill hitch hilt hitched hull hutch ill itch kill kitsch L etch lace chase laced chased laces chases lacing chasing lad Chad lain chain lair chair lairs chairs laird chaired lama charmer lamas charmers lamp champ lamps champs lance chance lanced chanced lances chances Lancing chancing lancer chancer lancers chancers lane chain lanes chains lap chap lapped chapped lapping chapping laps chaps lard Chard large charge larger charger lariat chariot lariats chariots lat chat latter chatter laud chawed laugh chaff laughed chaffed laughing chaffing laughs chaffs law chaw laws chaws law chore laws chores leaf chief leafs chiefs leak cheek leaked cheeked leaks cheeks leaking cheeking leaky cheeky leakier cheekier leakiest cheekiest learn churn learned churned learning churning learns churns leas cheese leek cheek leeks cheeks leer cheer leered cheered leering cheering leers cheers Leicester Chester less chess lest chest lick chick licks chicks lied chide lied cheat lieu chew Lilian Chilean lily Chile lily chilli lily chilly lime chime limed chimed limes chimes liming chiming limp chimp limps chimps line chine lines chines link chink linked chinked linking chinking links chinks Linz chintz litre cheetah litres cheetahs live chive lives chives livid chivied lock chock locks chocks locked chocked locking chocking loo chew loos chews lop chop lopped chopped lopping chopping lops chops lord chawed lose choose loses chooses losing choosing louder chowder lows chose luck chuck lug chug lugged chugged lugging chugging lugs chugs lumme chummy lump chump lumps chumps lurch church lurches churches luxe chucks Lynn chin mallet matchet mallets matchets marl March mull much nil niche overlarge overcharge owl ouch pal patch palling patching palled patched pall porch pally patchy pallier patchier palliest patchiest parleys parches Paul porch peal peach pealing peaching pearl perch pearling perching pill pitch pillar pitcher pillars pitchers polar poacher pole poach poling poaching poled poached poll poach polling poaching polled poached pull putsch pulleys putsches rôle roach roll roach rallies ratches reel reach reeling reaching reeled reached rill rich signaller signature signallers signatures starling starching still stitch stilling stitching stilled stitched stilt stitched swill switch swilling switching swilled switched tall torch taller torture teal teach telly tetchy twill twitch wallah watcher wallahs watchers will which will witch willing witching willies witches